一年一度,小朋友快乐的日子,邻居家的小孩儿竟然兴奋的四,五,六点就陆续起床了。。。晚上参加了一个party,不外乎trick or treat, 吉米的妈妈问:开心吗?吉米回答的很有逻辑:Mum, big house has fewer neighborhood, ,small house has more neighborhood, more neighborhood will be more crowded, then more crowed I can get more candies...他妈回头问他:那你想住大房子还是小房子呢?Of course I want big house...but on Halloween day, I do want more candies, if you were I , don't you wanna more candies??? 他妈妈。。。。。。no words....and then change the topics immediately : how many candies did you guys eat tonight?4! 吉米很诚实。em..Mum, I forgot how many candies I ate ....他弟弟迅速忘记了今晚到底吃了几块糖。。。。是真忘了吗?呵呵呵呵呵呵。。。。元芳,你怎么看???

