

为bridal shower 做的蛋糕

(2013-04-16 21:39:58) 下一个

忙了一周为bridal shower 做了个蛋糕,很有春天的气息。都打包了才想起来应留下倩影存念,又匆匆打开拍照,手机拍的效果不那么好看个大概吧。


一 先说蛋糕,我们东方人喜欢的戚风,海棉是不行啦,太松软,太轻柔,承收不了层层叠加,和装饰品的相压(翻糖很重地说)。不甘心,到处搜寻希望能找到一例戚风配翻糖的组合,没找到。看来戚风还是配鲜奶油,或奶油最好了。只好另找配方了,当然首先想到的是请教我的糕点偶像爱厨MM啦,找到她做结婚蛋糕的篇章仔细读,很是喜欢用水果干做的蛋糕。后来考虑到组装蛋糕要刷一道朗姆酒,而有的老美不让孩子沾那怕是半滴酒,即便是糕点里用的也很介意。我很是想不通,他们烹菜的很多SAUCE里都会用到酒,如意大利菜,难道不吃菜了?小时吃饭时坐父亲旁,每次他喝酒就用筷子沾一滴让我尝,现在我是有点量但从不多喝。回国时见有的家长要孩子尝尝这酒那酒的,那孩子们也没见就成酒鬼的。当然这都是牢骚话,还是少给自己找事,另打主意好啦。


Makes two layers each 8 or 9 inch round cakes

Preheat oven to 350 degrees


  • 1 cup unsalted butter (2 sticks at room temperature)
  • 2 cups granulated sugar
  • 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour
  • 4 eggs (separated)
  • 1 cup milk (orange juice if making the orange cake)
  • 1 Tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • For lemon cake add-zest of 2 lemons
  • For the orange version add zest of 2 oranges

Sift together flour, baking powder, and salt. Set aside

In the large bowl of an electric mixer beat the butter until soft and smooth. Add the sugar and beat until light and smooth. Add egg yolks, one at a time, beating after each addition. Stop the mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl and the beaters several times.
With the mixer on low speed, alternately add the flour mixture and milk, beginning and ending with flour. Stir in the vanilla. At this point you may add flavoring touches if desired. (orange zest, lemon zest, almond extract))
In another bowl, with a clean beater, beat the egg whites until stiff but not dry. (pictured) Stir about 1/2 cup of whites into the batter to lighten it, then fold in remaining whites in several additions.
Divide the batter evenly between the pans. Smooth the batter level, then spread it slightly from the center to the edges.
Bake in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes, or just until the tops are springy or a cake tester comes out clean.
Cool the cakes in their pans on a rack for 10 minutes. Invert the cakes onto racks.

二 夹馅, 也是为了讨好大众口味选用了经典的 pastry cream

A Luscious Pastry Cream Recipe

you will need a 2 1/2 quart heavy bottomed pan, a whisk, sieve and a small mixing bowl and plastic wrap.

Pastry cream can be made ahead and refrigerated, covered for a week.


  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons cornstarch
  • 2 tablespoons all purpose flour
  • pinch of salt
  • 4 large egg yolks or 2 whole eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • 1 vanilla bean or 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract
  • 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter


On a piece of plastic wrap , or in a small bowl, combine the sugar, cornstarch, flour and salt. In a saucepan combine and whisk together the egg yolks and milk, or whole eggs if you are using them.

Gather the corners of the plastic wrap, or the bowl and pick up the starch mixture, pour it on top of the eggs and milk and whisk well to be sure that all of the cornstarch and flour are dissolved.
Add the vanilla bean. (if using the extract add it at the end of the recipe.

Set the pan over moderate heat and cook the custard for about 12 minutes, until thickened and brought to a boil. To do this stir on and off for the first 5 minutes, then stir constantly for 7 minutes longer until the cream really thickens and reaches a boil.

Remove pan from the heat. The cream is done when smooth and thick enough to leave a clearly defined line when you draw your finger through the cream coating the back of the spoon.

Remove the vanilla bean, rinse it, and set it aside to re-use. If you are using extract instead of the bean add it now. Add the butter and whisk until melted and blended in.

Pour the cream through a sieve into a bowl. Stir in any additional flavoring if using it. To prevent a film from forming on top of the cream, press a piece of plastic wrap onto the surface. Cool cover and refrigerate until ready to use.

三 ICING 就是在装饰前通体摸一道,打底的一层我用的是FRANCH BUTTER CREAM ICING

1)  Unsalted Butter:250g   (at room temperature)        
2)  Granulated Sugar: 100g
3)  Milk:30g
4)  Whipping Cream:70g
5)  Egg Yolk:3个
6)  Food Flavoring: Vanilla Extract 1 tsp

1) beat the butter until soft and smooth.
2) combine and whisk 2,3,4,5 in a pan 
3) Set the pan over low heat and cook and stir constantly   until the really thickens or reaches  80 degree
3) Remove the pan from the heat ,and put the pan over another pan of cold water waitting for cooling
4) pour 3 into 1 and whisk
5) add food flavor and whisk

四 装饰 这到是我自行设计,自行施工来的结果还算满意

8)将等量的FONDANT,和GUM PAST揉匀,再加适量颜色揉匀成可用的翻糖






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