
主啊!让我看到我周遭的人,赐我以你的眼光把他们看待, 让我把智慧和力量付诸于行,使人看到你海洋般宽深的爱!
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《基督是我们生命的诀要》第二十四日 复兴

(2010-05-31 16:12:12) 下一个








“Turn us again, O Lord God of Hosts. Cause Thy face to shine, and we shall be saved.” –PSALM lxxx.19.

   Israel was in sore need. Their enemies scoffed at them as if God had forsaken them. Three times the Psalmist uses the words of our texts to reinforce his prayer, “Stir up Thy might, and come and save us.”

    In our day the enemy rejoices that in spite of our many churches, Christianity is so powerless in overcoming the sins of drunkenness, immorality, worldlymindedness, and love of money. God’s children are asking: “Can nothing be done? Is there no hope of Revival?” Is God not willing to lead His people into a fuller, deeper life of victory over sin and all that opposes Christ in Christian and heathen lands? Has not God in His great love promised to give us His Spirit in answer to prayer? Is God not waiting for our prayers to begin the work of revival? A revival is much needed, and it is possible. God is longing for us to claim His promise and exercise our right as members of the Royal Priesthood (1 Pet. ii. 9).

   Where must the Revival begin? With God’s children, who may offer themselves to God as instruments to be used by the Holy Spirit, separating themselves from sin, and devoting themselves to the work of saving souls. Christians must realize and prove that the object of their life is God’s service, and the saving of those for whom Christ shed His blood.

    Revival has already begun wherever God’s children offer up everything to live and work and suffer as Christ did.

    Dear child of God, it avails little to desire a deeper or more abundant life unless this is the chief object: to be a witness for Jesus and to win others to His service, and to intercede for them as a labour of love.


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