
主啊!让我看到我周遭的人,赐我以你的眼光把他们看待, 让我把智慧和力量付诸于行,使人看到你海洋般宽深的爱!
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《基督是我们生命的诀要》第二十日 離了我不能作什麼

(2010-05-17 20:33:14) 下一个








“He that abideth in Me, and I in him, the same beareth much fruit, for apart from Me ye can do nothing.” –JOHN xv. 5.

 The Lord Jesus follows up His great promise that those who abide in Him will bear much fruit with the words, “apart from Me, ye can do nothing.”

    What a cause for humiliation! Because the nature we inherit from Adam is so corrupt that in us – that is, in our flesh – dwelleth no good thing. Nay, more, our flesh is at enmity against God. We are under the power of sin to such an extent that we are unable to do anything well-pleasing to God.

    What a call to repentance! How often we as Christians have thought that we were able to do that which is good. How often we thought we were making ourselves better. Let us remember Christ’s words, “apart from Me, ye can do nothing.” And henceforth rely only upon Him.

    What cause for thanksgiving! Christ has united us to Himself, and so dwells within us. He may work in and through us each day and all day. This is the secret of the spiritual life: the Lord Jesus working in us, enabling us to do His work.

    What cause for joy and encouragement! All that in the Christian life has appeared too high and unattainable for me, all that, Christ will work in me. I have to care for one thing only, that I remain utterly dependent upon Him to care for me and work through me all the day. Whenever I remember, “apart from Me, ye can do nothing.” I remember too, “He that abideth in Me beareth much fruit.”

    He Himself will see to it that He abides in me and I in Him. This praise God, is the great work of which the Eternal Spirit will make me capable. Thank God for the life of Christ in me. I in Him, He in me, is the work of the Holy Spirit in each soul that humbly and believingly yields itself for such communion with God.


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