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回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 :菲儿好,谢谢。
回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿周末快乐,这个是叫做河...
回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿你好,谢谢
回复 'bohe' 的评论 : 谢谢。确实如此,冬天在露天温泉...
居士抛砖引玉,休日里在油管上看了几首很棒的原创歌曲。周三的这首歌,浓厚的滇音,小人物对生活的无奈,表现的淋漓尽致。而且我觉得只有他唱,才会让人感动。三嫂真是很幸福。 Touching! 民间真是藏龙卧虎的地方。 《一个歌手的情书》词曲 周三 For the past twenty years, 这二十多年来 I have been singing. 我一直在唱歌 I sing for my lover. 唱歌给我的心上人听啊 My dearest, 这个心上人 I don't know where she is. 还不知道在哪里 I have been finding her. 我一直在寻觅着她 For the other ten years, 又过了十年 I have been finding her. 我一直在寻找 I can't find her. 没有找到心上人 Everywhere have high buildings. 到处都是高楼大厦 Everywhere have aeroplanes and cars. 到处都是飞机汽车 They pressure me so much that I can't bleed 压得我喘不过气 What can I do? 现在该如何是好 The world changes too far 这世界变化太快了 I don't have money to pay the flat 我没有存款也没有洋房 I live with just limited money. 生活我过得紧张 My dearest girl, please don't reject me. 心爱的姑娘你不要拒绝我 Everyday, I will sing to you. 每天都会把歌给你唱 My dearest girl, please wait for me. 心爱的姑娘你一定等着我 I drive you around the world 我骑车带你去环游世界 My dearest girl, please stand behind me. 心爱的姑娘你快来我身旁 You can rest on my shoulder. 我的肩膀就是你的依靠 My dearest girl, although I don't have car or flat, 心爱的姑娘虽然我没有车房 I will give my everythings to you. 我会把我的一切都给你 What can I do now? 现在该如何是好 The world changes too far 这世界变化太快了 I don't have any savings nor flat. 我没有存款也没有洋房 I live with limited money. 生活我过得紧张 My dearest girl, please don't reject me. 心爱的姑娘你不要拒绝我 I will sing to you. 每天都会把歌给你唱 My dearest girl, I will wait for you. 心爱的姑娘你一定等着我 I drive you around the world 我骑车带你去环游世界 My dearest girl, please stand behind me. 心爱的姑娘你快来我身旁 You can rest on my shoulder. 我的肩膀就是你的依靠 My dearest girl, although I don't have car or flat, 心爱的姑娘虽然我没有车房 I will give my everythings to you. 我会把我的一切都给你 For the past thirty years, 这三十多年来 I have been insisting to sing 我坚持在唱歌 Singing to my dearest. 唱歌给我的心上人听啊 The dearest 这个心上人 is living in nowhere. 还不知道在哪里 I feel she will appear tomorrow. 感觉明天就会出现?