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Member of “Chinese New Left” faces criminal charges in Canada
南茜 (Nancy Jin)(2009-07-23 PM02:58),


“In 1989, longing for human rights and freedom of speech, I accidentally became a Canadian citizen. Several years later, a well-known journalist of the Globe and Mail published an award-winning article that described in touching detail my early years of Canadian life,” Mr. Xianyuan Li, a Chinese Canadian and a member of the well-known “Chinese New Lefts”, wrote to the Canadian Ambassador to China on June 23.


“I used to believe that China’s future lies in the capitalism,” wrote the 55-year-old Li. ”But 20 years of Canadian living has transformed every aspect of my life, particularly my political opinion. I became an adamant anti-capitalist, which has made me -- an innocent person who had been eulogized by an acclaimed Canadian journalist -- into a suspect of police chase…I was constantly harassed by police, even arrested and handcuffed illegally! “

“我认识到资本主义竟是如此虚伪,警察竟会以执法为由而犯法…… 由于我的政治主张,他们虚构罪名,将我顶在车身上,强行给我戴上手铐,对我施暴。他们旨在毁掉我的生意和我的名声。

“I realized that capitalism is so hypocritical to the point that police officers would break the law by enforcing the law... Because of my political intention, they laid fabricated charges against me, brutally assaulted me by banging me against the car and handcuffing me…They purposely destroyed my business and personal name,” alleged Li to Chinese News.


“To make the matter worse, many lawyers I contacted with have refused to represent me to sue the police…Where is the western justice in protecting the human rights of the poor and underprivileged?” Li added furiously.


Who is this Chinese Canadian whose political opinion was so radically transformed by his Canadian life experience? And what was the anti-capitalist behaviour prompted his allegedly unlawful arrest by the Toronto police?


Has Li suffered police prosecution for being an anti-capitalism dissident as he alleged? Has he become an unjustified victim of the Canadian legal system because he is poor and disadvantaged? Has he never been given a chance to voice the unfair treatment he endured?


Unsurprisingly, Li’s allegations were found groundless through an investigation by Toronto police, according to a whopping 17 pages investigation report into Li’s allegation against discreditable conduct of police officer.

据多伦多市政禁烟官David Baines的证词,在多伦多开了一家录像带店(Top-Hot Movies)的李宪源在加拿大有着很长的卖走私香烟的历史,为此他曾遭巨额罚款。2008年10月30日,当三名禁烟官再次来到他的录像店欲进行走私烟检查时,李拒绝开门。通过窗口,一名禁烟官看到李将走私烟放进了公事包。

As an owner of the Top-Hot Movies in Toronto, Li has an extensive history of selling illegal cigarettes in Canada, which resulted in him receiving steep fines, according to David Baines, a city tobacco inspector. On Oct. 30, 2008, when three city officers again arrived at his store to conduct a tobacco inspection, Li refused to open the door. Through the window, one of the officers saw him place illegal cigarettes into his suitcase.


Physical pushes and pulls over possession of the bag between Li and a female officer at the front door resulted in an injury to the left hand of the female officer, who immediately contacted police. Li’s attempt to fleet the scene by boarding a bus was unsuccessful. After a police officer arrived, Li was charged with assault and handcuffed, but he was soon released unconditionally.


The inspection on the date resulted in more serious charges and substantial fines to Li, who “showed no remorse for his actions while relating inappropriate comments about living in Canada”, noted the report. “Li chose to sell contraband cigarettes and the series of events that have befallen him are a direct result of his continuing disregard for the law.”


Li who defected from a Chinese delegation in 1989 is the author of the book “Passion Immersed in Blood and Fire” which was collected by the East Asian Library of the U of T. Restoring the innocence of the rebels in the Culture Revolution, the book made Li a member of the Chinese New Lefts and he has become increasingly popular in China.


The New Lefts hold views that are characterized by a fierce nationalism and criticism of the West. “Chinese people all over the world should join together defending our nation, and fighting against the insult from the West,” the New Lefts proclaim.


Li, who endorses Mao’s many policies, seems to have enjoyed “democracy” and “freedom of speech” during the Cultural Revolution, which had brought China into a state of anarchy. But it was such a vibrant democracy to Li and his peers that, during the Cultural Revolution, a working-class citizen could freely vent his anger towards the direct boss by posting the allegations in public and parading him or her through the street!


When tobacco inspectors educated Li once again on his infractions under Canadian tobacco laws, Li responded by saying that “he does not care about the law and proceeded to talk about how he hated the country of Canada and that he would follow only the laws that he felt were correct.”


“What is constitution, democracy, freedom of speech and law all about? These New Lefts exposed very superficial knowledge about them and do not intend to understand them. Lacking insightful thoughts on social, political and legal issues, they simply attempted to draw public attention and arouse controversy by slapping their own face and hitting themselves with a baton,” read a blog post responding to the New Lefts’ comments.


“I am currently in peril in Canada, entangled in police charges, “ an email Li sent to his admirers and followers, with the subject line “gross political prosecution to a Maoist in Canada.”


“Shocked to hear that,” an email responded. “Master, please take care of yourself!”

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