(去年 9 月我曾写了一篇我以前的同事 + 朋友佩吉领养孩子的事,参看下面的链接。)
去年 11 月份订好机票的佩吉和老公吉米没去成乌克兰,她被告知,没有符合她们要求的孩子待领养。
接下来是安排今年1 月 22 日去乌克兰,那天早晨是我开车送佩吉和她老公吉米去机场的,计划一个月后回来,哪知 10 来天后,我接到一个电话,号码显示是本城佩吉的家,我非常纳闷,心想谁这个时候会从佩吉家打电话给我?帮她照看房子的朋友?还没想出名堂,就从电话里听出是佩吉的声音。我急切地问:“这么快,带孩子回来没有?我过来看看?”结果她说,没有领养成功,去看的孩子都不合要求,这其间的失望就可想而知了。
接下来她们俩口子是 2 月 23 日又飞过去的,那天我上班,没送她们去机场,不过在她们走之前的周末,我和佩吉在我家附近的咖啡店见面了的。我们聊了一个多小时,她还展示我看一套小衣服,是她用 20 多年前,她婆婆给她的一条法兰绒长裙,改做的小男孩大衣,有小围巾小帽子配套,全是她手工缝制的,真让我感动啊,直后悔忘带相机。佩吉还告诉我,确定领养的孩子后,要安排上 Court ,法官向全国发出告示,这个孩子要被人领养,有没有异议? 十天后,如果全国范围内没有任何异议,才可以办理正式合法的领养手续。
这次去终于遇到合适的孩子,是个小男孩,很可爱,因要等上 Court ,佩吉的老公回来过一次,上了两周班,又飞过去,再想回来时,又有冰岛火山。。。
下面是我们通的几个 email , 她们住的地方不能上网,要到附近的邮局上网查电邮,所以有时是发给我和她另外的几个朋友,有时是发给我的,原以为 4 月底可返回来的,后推迟到5月15号 ,现在又推迟到5月21号,如果5月21号能回来,佩吉在那个地方Donestsk就差不多呆了三个月。
March 30, 2010
Hi ladies:
It is a beautiful warm afternoon here in Donetsk. The babaskas are out cleaning the parks, boulevards (trimming back rose bushes) in preparation for this coming weekend. The whole town is getting a "spit polish". Everything is greening up....tulips are pushing themselves up out of the ground.
Had a great little visit with wee Roman today. His nanny dresses him in a wee coat, chopka (Russian Cossack hat with the front brim that turns up and ear flaps) and today he had bright red boots on. His age group is on the second floor of the orphanage. So a nanny (caretaker)....brings him to the top of the stairs...and when he sees Moma he is fairly vibrating. I wait at the bottom and call out to Roman:
Priveet Roman (Hi Roman)
Dava igrat (Let's play). Piedome na oolizoo Romanchik (Let's go outside Romanchick)
His little hand grabs the hand rail so fast...and his little legs can't get down the steps fast enough to grab my ha nd and then out the door we go.
We stop and say "Paka"...Hi to Dima our driver...Roman is fascinated with "machinos"....cars.
Roman was born Dec 20, 2006.
His name will be Roman J????? S???. Roman is his given name and although we had originally thought about using another name...this little guy is a real Ukrainian Russian speaking cossack...he has a strong name...and it matches his character. Our court date is Apr 14th here in Donetsk and the judge (providing he/she is in agreement with the adoption) will issue a 10 day adoption decree (so that makes it Apr 25) then wee Roman will be in our care. Interesting thing, this court house is back of the orphanage.
The orphanage is well run: it is cheery & spotless, loving women care for the children...has several doctors on staff, a head instructor Irena...(I love her), a dentist who makes regular visits. Playgrounds have plenty of sandboxes, swings, climbing bars and has tons of spring flowers coming up! Wow, we couldn't be more blessed. Roman was in the words of Irena "royalty" to them and Roman is in their "White books"....good books. He is very aware of his surroundings, has a great little memory, is responsive to music, sings little songs when we are outside (of course I have no idea what he is singing) loves to find out how things work, has great energy and a wee appetite to match. He loves his Pi-chin-kas (cookies) after he has been running around outside. No chocolate is allowed as treats for the children at the orphanage...so we will keep this up at home too.
J?? ( Peggie’s husband) had to fly home and will return for our court date (wee man is missing Papa...mama is missing Papa too...no one to fight with). Our sunny apartment is about 17 kms from the orphange. My driver Dima (husband to Viktoria our translator)...picks me up at 9:45 and we go to the orphanage and I visit with Roman from 10 to 11:30 daily. Dima then drops me off at the Orthodox Cathedral and I go in there for about an hour and then walk to a Xata (like a Sunterra) and have a bowl of borsh, some type of root salad (beet or carrot) and Cava (coffee), I then check emails at the local Internet at the Post Office, then stroll back through a beautiful park to our apartment. So I'm getting plenty of fresh air everyday....but I need to....the bread is so fantastic....I could eat 3 loves everyday....J?? will have to buy 4 return seats for us....2 just for my rear!!!
I'll send you a picture right after this email.
Well that is about it for now.
Thanks for all your prayers...they are always heard....send me an email when you can.
Love to all,
Paka (bye)
April 1, 2010
I just had to send you folks an update today.
I can't begin to thank you folks for all your kind wishes, good thoughts and prayer...we wouldn't have made it this far without them.
We still have a court hearing set for Apr 14th and then waiting out the 10 Day Adoption Decree...but here is a picture of our little guy taken on the second visit.
Roman (pronounced ro-mAhn) J???? S??? was born Dec 20, 2006...and as our Ukrainian adoption paper say, "we want to adopt a little child so we can be a successful family".
Happy Easter to all. I'll visit wee Roman on Saturday and take a Paska from Papa and Mama...the orphanage is closed Sunday and Monday...so Mama is going with Viktoria and Dima (our translator and driver ) and their 2.5 yr old twins Elewshka and Sonia to Stravnagorst by the Azov Sea for 2 nights.
We have another Canadian couple...arrived yesterday...they are visiting a wee 2 yr old girl...so I have anothe r couple to speak English with.
Anyways, Have a wonder Easter.
Natasha...can you please forward to Susan and Mary-Anne please? And also to Jean, Pam, Natasha, and the rest of the DA's. Thank you.
Bruce ... can you send to Don Skoreyko & David Luft, Collin Mills, Ken Stark, Frank Hutchins,
S????? ( my name) ...can you please forward to Ying, Leo, Sam
Leslie...can you send to Deb in payroll for the her and the ladies...thank you.
April 8, 2010
Hi S????? ( my name) ...it is a colder morning here...they brought Roman to the play room at the orphange so that I could play with him there.
He ran into my arms..and just wanted to be hugged and cuddled for about 10 minut es....he is a sweet little boy.
We have a court appearance next Wednesday (J?? flys back here on Saturday)....and then another court date after that.
I hope to be home May 2nd...but we will see.
Yesterday marks 7 weeks for me in Ukraine. I know have an appreciation of how you folks felt here in Canada for the first time...the language is strange, people don't understand you, the food is different, can't find a T.V. station you understand...everything sounds like ballaballaballa....money is different.
Anyways...the food is good, they eat a lot of Sushi here, I can usually find someone who speaks English....or my Russian is so bad...they just feel sorry for me...and help me out.
This is a very safe city to be in...and people are very kind and courteous.
Pass a hi to Ying.
How is the job going? Are you having fun?
Love to you S?????
April 9, 2010
I'm glad you are keeping up the RAPG tradition! I miss you guys and will kiss you guys when I get back.
Do you like being back at the office? What are you doing?
Hi to M (my husband) and A ( my daughter). Tell them I'm learning Russian as fast as I can . And I'm not very good at it!
Love to you S?????!
PS...I'm really missing Chinese food!
April 18,2010
They liked us so much in court...they want us to come back again. Keep your fingers crossed that we can get Apr 22nd as our next court date.
J?? was trying to fly home to Canada...no such luck...he got as far as Kyiv...stayed overnight...couldn't fly out to Frankfurt...due to the ash cloud...so he returned to Donetsk via overnight train.
Can't wait for Chinese Food S?????...hope to be flying home around May 15th!
Love Peggie
April 26, 2010
Hi folks - well tomorrow is our final court appearance...and God
willing we hope to be able to adopt Roman. It has been a long
process. I've been in Ukraine since Feb 24th...and if the adoption is
succesful...we will fly home May 21st (almost 3 months).
We will take all the positive vibes and prayers you can send!
When you are having a double double (geez I miss those)....and think of us!
We will let you know how we make out!
God bless you all...