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Fixing Two Keys on a Logitech Y-UY95 Keyboard

(2024-06-20 17:35:15) 下一个

Fixing two keys on a Logitech Y-UY95 keyboard


I have used my Logitech Y-UY95 keyboard for more than 10 years. Recently, many keys have not been working properly. I took it apart and it worked for a while and then it refused to work again.

Originally I bought the brand new keyboard for under $50. Now on Amazon, it is $400 plus shipping from Logitech and is also the last one. On ebay, used ones, many of them in very bad shape sell for between $75 to $200. I was lucky and bought the same keyboard with 1 missing key and 1 broken key with intact clips for under $50 on ebay. Then I bought the missing key on ebay for $5. 

The new key J arrived today,

For fixing a key on a key board, I checked on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcKqnUSN9_w


It seemed very easy:

1. remove the old clips from the keyboard base, and then put together two clips which arrived today:

2. mount them on the keyboard base (see a similar picture in item #6).

3. put the key on top of the clips.

4. push and press the key onto the clips.

5. done.

6. for the 0 key, do the same thing.

The fixed keyboard:

Now the newly fixed one (top) and my old one (bottom):











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