2021 (1)
银行面试问题-最近太忙了,都没有上网,请我发过的人帮忙转发下吧。谢谢1. Why do you want to work forHSBC? 2. What is your ideal job? 3. Why you left the previouscompany? 4. What is important to customerservices? 5. How do you deal with an iratecustomer? 6. How do you feel about salestargets? 7. Where you see yourself in 5-10years? 8. What are your salary expectations? HSBC 2nd Interview with manager I can not remember exactly what was, roughidea 1. Talk about previous job youheld, what you learned 2. Describe a situation you haveto deal with data 3. What’s your strength andweakness? 4. Why you choose personal banker? 5. Tell me a time you promoteproduct CIBC phone interview---FSR 1. Some general questions aboutjob location, hours, accommodation, csc, references….. 2. What do you know about FSR in CIBC? 3. Why do you want to apply forthis position? 4. Why you consider leave yourpresent job? 5. What did you do at previousjob? 6. What are your short term andlong term goals? 7. What salary/compensation wouldyou expect? 8. How do you demonstrate yoursales skills? 9. How do youdetermine/define/evaluate your success? 10. What motives you? 11. Tell us your 3 skills you thinkis important for this position? 12. What kind of work do you wantto do, one is more towards sales, another one is more towards administrative? CIBC Manager interview---FSR 1. Tell me about yourself 2. What can you do for us thatother candidates cannot? Or why should I hire you? 3. Tell me how would you deal withirate customer 4. Tell me about a competitivesituation where you win? 5. What’s your great achievement sofar? 6. What steps have you taken toimprove your job skills? 7. If I call you previous manager,what would manager say about your absence? 8. Could you ranking for someskills you have? 9. Do a role play for adoor-to-door sales regarding new branch? If customer says no time, what wouldyou do? 10. The employer expects employeesto be proactive and initiative on their own in order to get thingsaccomplished. How have you demonstrated initative? Or how show your proactive? 11. We are opening branch, and willbe 0 clients, give 3 suggestions to bring customers. 12. What are your short-term andlong-term goals? 13. What’s your salary range? TD Phone Interview -CSR and FSR same time 1. why do you want to work for TD? 2. What brings you to apply forFSR or CSR? 3. How you build a goodrelationship with customer? 4. How to demonstrate your saleskills? How you convince customer need your product? 5. What’s your strength related tocustomer services and sales? 6. Do you have goals to achieve?Did you reach goals? What’s your performance? What your manager would say aboutyour targets/goals? Over/at/below expectation? Do you have individual goals? 7. What are your long term goals? Behavior questions 8. Tell me about a situation whereyou overcome a major objection? How you address and what’s the outcome? 9. Give me an example of a time;you need to meet a challenge goal. How you did and what did manager say? 10. What are the important skillsfor FSR position you think? 11. What’s the most challenge thingyou think for FSR? Waiting for a second interview with managerface to face, if I did have, I will update late Scotia bank-CSR, no phone interview, directwith manager 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. What do you know about CSR? 3. What your short term goalwithin 2-3years? 4. What do you consider excellentcustomer services? 5. Tell me about a time that youhandle a difficult customer. 6. Give me an example when yousuccessful in communication a different concept to someone. What was theconcept? Action taken? Outcome? 7. Teamwork-tell me a time thatyou have worked on a team 8. Do you have your own goals asrecent job you had? Did you reached goals 9. What’s one of your greateststrength? 10. What’s one of your weaknesses? 11. Give an example that shows howyou take initiative. 12. Describe your method or yourability of handling paperwork. 13. Describe a time that you reachyour limit. 14. Describe a situation where youfelt particularly productive and effective. Scotiabank-Personal Bank officer Phone interview 1. Why do you wish to work for thenew company? 2. Why made you apply for thisposition? 3. Why you want to choose sales? 4. Why are you considering leavingyour present jon? 5. What do you see yourself infive years? 6. What’s your perfect/ideal job? 7. What’s your strength/weakness? 8. Do you have goals to achieve asrecent job you had? Did you reach goals? 9. What’s your performance? Over/at/belowexpectation? 10. What motivate you? 11. What’s your salary range? 2nd interview 1. Give me an example of a timewhen you set and achieved a challenging goal/objective? 2. Tell me about a time when youhad to work with your team to get job done. 3. Describe a situation where you feltparticularly effective in establishing a business relationship with someone. 4. Tell me about a situation whereyou overcome a major objection. 5. Give me an example when yousuccessful in communicating a difficult concept to someone. 6. Tell me about a recentsituation in which you had to deal with a very upset customer or co-worker. 7. Give us an example of a timewhen you had to go above and beyond the call of duty in order to get job done. 8. Recall a time from your workexperience when you provide quality and courteous service to uncooperativecustomer. 更新下smallin妹妹面试的问题。 1 how do you sale to a customer unwilling to take anything? 2 give me a example how you compliance the procidures? 3 what do you do when you confict with your team members? ![]() | |
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