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(2005-12-02 15:50:56) 下一个



                 By Huilan


All of a sudden

The lake water is dead

My mind is fickle

Half in rain and half under the sun


My soul is loafing around the world

And time is static

Then I can hear my breath

And my heart palpitating

This nihilistic world strangely echoing

It awakes, and dreams again

I hear a song in every sound

I see shadows

Like hawks flying overhead

Soaring to great heights


Then I light a candle

And imaging those drops of wax

Originally were my own tears

For a while

I dream I’m on a mountaintop

But at night I slip into the valley


I must let the candlelight shine on me

As it previous life which

Makes me forget the darkness

Then I could wake again

To the sun

Or a new day


Everything is beautiful

Outside of my window

The rain of spring never stops

The curtain of night is boundless



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蓝色向日葵 回复 悄悄话 when night opens his wings, I know I will disappear in the darkness...