
About Love

(2008-06-19 16:58:23) 下一个
Well, it’s a big subject to start. Everyone has his opinion of “love”, there is nothing right or wrong, it’s just about belief!

We can talk about love and write a thousand books about it, but love will be completely different for each of us, because love is not about concepts; love is about action.

Do we need learn how to love? I don't think so. Love is human nature being, everyone has his love story.

But not every “love story” is about real love. Let’s take a look round, and we found a lot of lovers are just like a relationship between a drug addict and drug provider; or maybe I should say, it’s like a game, there are always one is running, and the other one is chasing.

The provider or the one who is running controls the whole relationship. Sometimes they believe their love is so strong, they make a lot of promises to each other. But a few months later, the respect they swear is gone, what you find is a war of control to see who will manipulate whom. You can see the resentment, the emotion poison, how they hurt each other, little by little, until they don’t know when the love stops.

They stay together because they are afraid to be alone, afraid of the opinions and judgments of others and of themselves as well. But where is the love??

That’s not love! Love is based on respect, Love is unconditional, Love doesn’t hurt…

Humans are hunting for love. We feel that we need that love because we believe we don’t have love. Can you see humans who starving for love, they always search for some one to love them, to prove that they worthy for love. So they allow other people to control their lives. “What am I going to do if he or she leaves me?” The problem is that they don’t know they have all the love in their heart. And they hunt for love in other humans just like them— who don’t love themselves and expecting to get love from others.

They keep hunting and hunting, but in a wrong direction, because other humans don’t have the love they need. Humans who hunt each other for love will never be satisfied.

A man I know since long time, I remember that he use to say: ”I never worried, I could always be in love!” He was so proud when he saying this. But I pity him, because he never really happy.

He making his live so rush and stress, he is so afraid to be alone, he keep changing girlfriends, he just can’t stand without someone loving him. From one woman to next woman, poor him just can’t understand “what’s going on with these women?” Can someone make him understand, there is no problem with these women, that’s him!

No matter how many lovers he had, doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t love himself; he even doesn’t understand what is love. Love is not between the legs, love should be much higher than that, love should be as high as where your heart is, love is only coming out of your own heart!

There is no need to go around the world begging for love. We have love right here inside us, but we don’t see this love, because long ago we closed our heart and we no longer feel the love that is there.

If there’s no love for yourself, how can you even pretend that you share love with someone else? You cannot share what you don’t have! If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anyone else either.

But you can have a need for love--like the man in the story, and if there’s someone who needs you, that’s what humans call love. That is not love! That is possessiveness, that is selfishness, that is control with no respect. Don’t lie to yourself: that is not love!

We cannot love others until we love ourselves, that’s why we must begin with self-love.

You have to focus on the most wonderful relationship you can have: the relationship with yourself. It is not about selfish; it is about self-love. These are not the same. You are selfish with yourself because there is no love there. You need to love yourself, and the love will grow more and more. Then, when you enter a relationship, you don’t go into it because you need to be loved. It becomes a choice. You can choose someone if you want to, and you can see who he really is. If you don’t want his love, you don’t have to lie to yourself.

You are complete when you full of self-love, you are not searching for love because you are afraid to be alone. When you have all that love for yourself, you can be alone and there is no problem. You are happy to be alone, and to share is also fun.

There are millions of ways to express your happiness, but only one way to really be happy, and that is to love. You cannot be happy if you don’t love yourself, this is a fact. Love coming out of you is the only way to be happy.

In our heart is all the love we need! We just need to open our heart, accept and love as we are, to smile under the sun, and to be happy!

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