

水灾啦 - 十万居民被要求撤离

(2011-09-08 09:46:04) 下一个
今天美国各大新闻的头版头条。美国宾州哈城的东西走向河流沙士克哈娜河(Susquehanna River)一带水漫金山,这幅图地点是德瑞街(Derry Street). 离轻舟家开车就10几分钟。目前宾州哈城一带告急,学校全部停课,已经有十万居民被要求撤离,以防河堤遭到破坏而决口。

Derry St. resident Greg Williams is taken to safety on a boat by members of Swatara Twp. Fire Company due to flooding on the street from Spring Creekin Swatara Township, Pa.

  Facebook(脸本)的一位朋友留言问道,“今年是怎样的天气啊?先是地震,然后飓风,现在又是热带风暴李带来的暴雨和水灾。。。”昨天钢琴老师给轻舟打电话,她家住在德瑞街(Derry Street)的坡上,她告诉轻舟,“明天的钢琴课取消,我家地下室全湿透了。”

  目前已经至少三人死于这次大水,德瑞社区(Derry Township)的一个71岁男士在地下室处理积水时,过量的水导致房子坍塌而被压死。还有一位在哈城郊区兰卡斯特县(Lancaster County)被淹死。第三位是今天凌晨骑摩托车的人在哈城北部利巴嫩镇(North Lebanon Township)被路上积水困住而淹死。



   Rain, Rain, Go Away.       雨,雨,快离开
   Come again another day...  改天再来访我们。




Thousands evacuated, 3 reported dead as Lee's remnants cross Northeast

Central Penwnsylvania was hit hard. In Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, 100,000 to 125,000 people were ordered to leave their homes as the Susquehanna River rose above flood stage, according to Emergency Management Coordinator Stephen Bekanich.

As of 4 a.m. Thursday, the Susquehanna River was at 26 feet and rising fast near Wilkes-Barre. Flood stage for low-lying areas there is 22 feet, the station reported. The valley has a levee system, and the river is projected to crest near 40.7 feet Friday morning -- just shy of the 41-foot top of the levees.

A 71-year-old man died Wednesday night in Derry Township, Pennsylvania, as he was bailing water out of the basement of his home and the walls of the structure caved in, said Chief Patrick O'Rourke of Derry Township Police.

A second person drowned early Thursday near Brickerville in Lancaster County, CNN affiliate WGAL reported.

A third person died about 4:30 a.m. Thursday in North Lebanon Township, Pennsylvania, police said. A motorist became stranded in high water, and the person was outside the vehicle when struck by another vehicle, which then left the scene. The suspect and vehicle were located, authorities said.

About 75 miles away, Little Fishing Creek overflowed its banks and flooded several homes and businesses in the Millville area.


Flooding Leads to Evacuations in Northeastern Pennsylvania

URGENT: Pennsylvania officials order the mandatory evacuations of 100,000 people as the Susquehanna River continues to rise and threatens to breach the levee system
Two rain-related deaths were reported in Pennsylvania. Police in Derry Township said a man who was removing water from his basement was killed when the house's foundation collapsed, and a motorist trapped in a vehicle drowned early Thursday morning in Elizabeth Township, in Lancaster County.
The National Weather Service predicted rain would continue to fall heavily across the mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states through Thursday, with up to 10 inches (25 centimeters) some places.

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