

女儿的小说:美人- 迷雾的第二只马驹

(2008-12-21 17:54:51) 下一个

女儿前段时间课间时写了小说新作 Beauty - Misty's 2nd Foal (美人- 迷雾的第二只马驹)。故事梗概是:生活在农场的一对兄妹,家里有妈妈马叫迷雾,迷雾有个马驹叫风暴。有一天,孩子们发现迷雾显胖,兽医检查后,发现迷雾怀了孕,生产期在10月份。(女儿的生日也在10月份,难怪小说作者选10月份啊!


有商人欲出重金买这三匹马,宝马无价,兄妹坚决不卖。(女儿对金钱价值尚无知晓,她文里的商人欲出200,400,甚至1000美元收购三匹马,出价其实太低了吧。 但在女儿的眼里,1000美元是笔巨大金额,而宝马朋友,是不出售的。)




Beauty - Misty's 2nd Foal


There were a boy and a girl named Paul and Maureen. They lived at a ranch and their favorite horse was Misty. Misty already had one foal named Stormy.

   Misty Is Pregnant

Maureen and Paul were brushing the dirt off Misty's fur. Stormy stayed with Misty a lot but he loved to play. Maureen and Paul thought Misty was getting a little too fat, so they called the vet. The vet came and checked Misty over and over and finally said Misty was pregnant. Maureen and Paul gasped and didn't speak for a long time. Then they finally asked when is the due date? The vet said maybe in October.

   Where's Stormy

When Maureen and Paul woke up, they immediately went to Misty's stall and Stormy wasn't there. Where could Stormy be? They looked around the yard but he wasn't there. They called his name but he didn't answer. Then with their grandpa they went everywhere in town and they went to a farm and found him. He was groaning. So they took him home.

   Beauty is Born

When Paul and Maureen went to Misty's stall, Misty was in pain. It was on October 4th, and they called the vet. When the vet looked over for a long time. The vet said the baby horse was ready to be born. Then the baby horse came out. Maureen and Pul kept thinking about a name. How about Cutie? Nah. They decided on Beauty.

   Misty is Hurt

When Paul and Maureen went to Misty's stall, she was hurt. Maureen quickly called the vet and the vet came. The vet said Misty fell and would have to drink a medicine. So Misty drank the medicine and got better.

   Beauty is Growing

Beauty started drinking her mom's milk and she started to grow. She was now very interested in Stormy. Beauty and Stormy played all the time. Beauty and Stormy became really good friends and they loved their mother.

   The Person Who Wanted Misty, Beauty and Stormy

A person came walking by and saw Misty, Stormy and Beauty and said "I will buy them for $200." Paul and Maureen said no. He said "$400." Paul and Maureen still said no. He even offered $1,000 but Paul and Maureen said no. So the dealer went away.

   Beauty, Misty and Stormy Go To the Show

Beauty, Misty and Stormy were going to a show. They were going to be the stars of the show. When they got on stage, Paul was riding Misty and Maureen was riding Stormy, and Beauty stayed with her mom (Misty). They did a beautiful act. Paul, Maureen, Misty, Stormy and Beauty loved the show. As Beauty grew older, she loved her mom Misty more and her brother Stormy more, and Paul and Maureen more. And they lived happily together.

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