


(2008-08-25 20:30:39) 下一个






Dear family and friends,
It is with tremendous sadness that we are writing to let you know that our son, William, passed away yesterday morning. He was the third of our triplets,born on 8/15/2008, and the smallest, at 3 pounds and 4 ounces; however, from the moment he grabbed a surgical clamp and wouldn’t let go on the way out of the womb, he seemed to be the strongest. He was doing very well until Saturday afternoon, when he suddenly developed a severe infection of his intestines. He had surgery just after midnight, but his intestine was severely damaged and could not be saved. We were able to hold him until he passed away without pain about 3:30am on 8/24/2008. We are so thankful for the time that we had with him, and sorry that most of you were not able to meet our cute little boy with whom we quickly fell in love.

(中文翻译)亲爱的家人和朋友,我们带着巨大的悲伤写信告诉大家,我们的儿子 -W illiam昨天早晨去世。他是三胞胎之三,出生于2008年8月15日。是三胎中最小的 - 3镑4盎司;然而,从他抓住手术夹,脱离子宫的那一刻,他没有放手过 - 看上去他是最强壮的。他身体一直良好,直到上周六下午,突然他的肠胃受到感染。夜半后作了手术,但他的肠胃被严重破坏,已无法复原。我们得以抱着他,直到他无痛地于8/24/2008早上3点30分离世。我们很感恩与他在一起度过的时光,很快我们就爱上了他,很遗憾大多数人没能与我们可爱的小男孩见面。
We ask that you continue to pray for our daughters, Rachel and Krista. Though both have seemed ok, they have both showed some signs of intestinal problems, also. They are on antibiotics and are not being fed into the intestine right now; they continue on nutrition by vein until they recover.

我们请你们继续为我们的女儿 - Rachel和 Krista祈祷。虽然她们看上去都好,她们都有显现一些肠胃问题。同时,她们在吃抗生素,输入到肠胃里,她们继续通过静脉输营养液,直到她们康复。

We are comforted by our hope that we will one day see William again with our Lord Jesus in heaven, and that even in such difficult circumstances our God is in control and loves us, Rachel, Krista, and William, very much.

有一天我们将在天堂和我们的主耶稣一起见到William,这个期望给我们安慰。就是在这样困难境况,我们掌权的上帝仍深爱着我们,Rachel,Krista 和 William。

Information on service times to celebrate William's brief,
yet beloved life follows:
追思庆祝 William 短暂而心爱的生命,安排如下:

Visitation - Wednesday, August 27, 2008 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Memorial Service - 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Living Water Community Church

We thank you for your prayers and friendship.
Brett and Helen

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