
Offices and Cubicles

(2008-06-25 16:11:55) 下一个

a                Office and Cubicles

¨             It’s not that bad, but there is no privacy.

¨             I wouldn’t mind it so much if the manager couldn’t see every minute of my day.

¨             I hate it. Even if they can’t give us offices, they could at least give us cubicles.

¨             The reason I hate it so much is because I can’t take a small break. Since the manager is always looking at everyone, even when I am not working, I have to pretend like I am.

¨             There are a lot of distractions. I can hear everything everyone says in the whole office.

¨             Mary sometimes turns on the music. It’s not that bad, but sometimes I want it quiet.

¨             If I have a complaint about something, I can’t talk to the manager because everyone will hear. I have to set up a meeting and use the conference room.

¨             I don’t have another outlet near my desk. Can I get a power strip?

¨             Can I move to a different location? The sun always glares off my monitor and I have trouble working.

¨             Can I sit on the other side of the room? This is too close to the door and it gets cold here.

¨             I get hot easily. Would it be possible if I sit next to the door? It is much cooler there.

b               Cubicles

¨             I sit in the cubicle down the hall. It’s next to the conference room.

¨             My cubicle is directly on the other side of this wall. Come by sometime.

¨             The files are on my desk in my cubicle. I’ll get them for you.

¨             I walked by your cubicle and saw a heater. Where did you get such a small one like that? I think I want one for my cubicle as well.

¨             There are a couple of people with the name Steve in our office. If you say, ‘Steve’ real loud, you will see two heads appear at the same time. It’s quite funny.

¨             I heard ABC Company has a serious cube farm. Even the CEO has a cubicle. I think that’s pretty cool.

¨             How big is your cubicle?

¨             My cubicle is about 5 feet by 6 feet.

¨             It’s roughly 5 by 6.

¨             I’m not sure, but it fits two small desks and a drawer. I guess it’s big enough for me.

c                Office

¨             Why is Jack’s office so much bigger than mine?

¨             I’m next in line for a window office. How come you gave it to Paul?

¨             There is an empty office across the hall. Can I have it?

¨             It’s great having my own office because I can surf the Internet and take a real break anytime I want.

¨             The privacy is probably the best thing about having my own office. I can’t image working in a cubicle again.

¨             Can you stop by my office?

¨             Stop by my office when you get a chance.

¨             Let’s meet in my office.

¨             Can I stop by your office after lunch?

¨             Can I come by your office now?

¨             Can we talk in your office?

d               Office and Cubicle – Interactive Practice

¨             A: “How are things at work?”
B: “It’s not too bad. But I hate our office setting.”
A: “Are you in a cubicle?”
B: “No. I would be happy with a cubicle. We have 10 desks all in a large room. The supervisor is at one end with a view of everyone.”
A: “That sucks. You have no privacy.”
B: “I know. I can’t even take a small break because everyone is watching. But that’s not the worst part. I can hear everyone talking all day long and it’s so distracting.”
A: “I feel sorry for you.”
B: “I can’t even complain about something to the supervisor because everyone can hear.”
A: “Why do they have the office set up like that?”
B: “I’m not sure. Maybe they want to save money, or maybe they think it’s more effective.”
A: “Is anybody in an office?”
B: “Only the people above the supervisor.”
A: “Maybe if they got out of their office and worked in the open space they would realize how terrible it is.”
B: “I guess I’ll just have to tolerate it for now.”

¨             B: “It’s not too bad. But I hate our office setting.”
B: “No. I would be happy with a cubicle. We have 10 desks all in a large room. The supervisor is at one end with a view of everyone.”
B: “I know. I can’t even take a small break because everyone is watching. But that’s not the worst part. I can hear everyone talking all day long and it’s so distracting.”
B: “I can’t even complain about something to the supervisor because everyone can hear.”
B: “I’m not sure. Maybe they want to save money, or maybe they think it’s more effective.”
B: “Only the people above the supervisor.”
B: “I guess I’ll just have to tolerate it for now.”A: “How are things at work?”
A: “Are you in a cubicle?”
A: “That sucks. You have no privacy.”
A: “I feel sorry for you.”
A: “Why do they have the office set up like that?”
A: “Is anybody in an office?”
A: “Maybe if they got out of their office and worked in the open space they would realize how terrible it is.”
A: “Do you have cubicles in your company?”
B: “No. Everyone has their own office.”
A: “You’re so lucky. I’m in a cubicle.”
B: “I’m so glad we have our own office. There is so much privacy and we can take breaks whenever we want.”
A: “How does management know if you are working or not?”
B: “Our company doesn’t really keep track of little details. Our performance is based on our assignments and projects. Management doesn’t care when it’s done, they just want the person to do a good job and turn it in on time.”
A: “I like that method. In our company, our manager wants to know every detail almost every hour. If we are a little behind, the manager gets mad and starts worrying.”
B: “I would hate that environment.”
A: “I agree. It’s not a good work environment. Do you ever play video games in your office?”
B: “Not when it is busy, but when we are experiencing a down time, I close the door and start a game of Star Craft. If someone comes in, I quickly switch the view on the monitor.”
A: “You’re so lucky.”
B: “I don’t take it for granted, but I wouldn’t mind a window office soon.”
A: “Shut up you freak.B: “No. Everyone has their own office.”
B: “I’m so glad we have our own office. There is so much privacy and we can take breaks whenever we want.”
B: “Our company doesn’t really keep track of little details. Our performance is based on our assignments and projects. Management doesn’t care when it’s done, they just want the person to do a good job and turn it in on time.”
B: “I would hate that environment.”
B: “Not when it is busy, but when we are experiencing a down time, I close the door and start a game of Star Craft. If someone comes in, I quickly switch the view on the monitor.”
B: “I don’t take it for granted, but I wouldn’t mind a window office soon.”A: “Do you have cubicles in your company?”
A: “You’re so lucky. I’m in a cubicle.”
A: “How does management know if you are working or not?”
A: “I like that method. In our company, our manager wants to know every detail almost every hour. If we are a little behind, the manager gets mad and starts worrying.”
A: “I agree. It’s not a good work environment. Do you ever play video games in your office?”
A: “You’re so lucky.”
A: “Shut up you freak.”

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