

(2008-06-25 15:58:03) 下一个

a                Asking for Email Address

¨             Can I have your email address?

¨             What is your email address?

¨             Do you have an email account?

¨             My email address is someone at hotmail dot com (someone@hotmail.com).

¨             It is someone@hotmail.com

¨             Do you have his email address?

¨             What was her email address again?

b               Requesting information through email

¨             Can you send it to my email address?

¨             You can send it to me through email.

¨             Can you email it to me?

¨             Can I email it to you?

¨             Can I send you the information through email?

¨             Can I verify your email address? The address I have on file appears to be incorrect.

¨             I am unable to email it to you. Can you tell me your email address again?

¨             I am getting a mail saying it is undeliverable. I might have misspelled it. Can I double check your email address?

¨             The email address I sent it to was someone@hotmail.com. Is this correct?

¨             I sent the email to someone@hotmail.com. Didn’t you get it?

¨             That’s the wrong email address. My email address is someone@hotmail.net.

¨             Oh… I see the problem. My email address is some1@hotmail.com

c                Sending attachments through email

¨             I can send you the document through email.

¨             I’ll send you the images to your email account.

¨             Can I send the documents to your email?

¨             Can I email you the files?

¨             Can I email the files to you?

¨             I received your email, but I didn’t receive the attachments.

¨             My company prevents many types of attachments. Can you send a text file instead?

¨             Before you send the document, change the extension .doc to .txt and then send it. When I receive it, I will change it back to .doc before I open it.

¨             Hi Mary, I sent you an email with my proposal as an attachment. Did you receive it?

¨             Hey Jack, did you receive my attachments?

¨             The file is too large to send through email.

¨             My email account will only allow sending attachments that are 1 MB or smaller.

¨             My email account will only allow me to receive attachments that are 2 MB or smaller.

d               Email Problems

¨             My email is getting full. I better delete some old mail.

¨             I better save my emails to my hard drive so I can make some room in my inbox.

¨             How do I request more storage space for my email account? I am constantly running out of space.

¨             You’re running out of email space too? I have the same problem at least once a month.

¨             I hate getting the mail that I am running low on space.

¨             I just started my job so I haven’t received my email address yet.

¨             My email account hasn’t been created yet. They said I should receive it tomorrow.

¨             I haven’t received my emails in the last four hours. I think the server is down or something.

¨             I think the exchange server is down. Is somebody taking a look at this problem?

¨             I can’t send anything right now. Is anybody else having a problem with their email?

¨             It could be a network problem, but my email account is not working.

¨             I can’t access my email right now. I think the server is down.

¨             Who should we contact if we are having email problems?

¨             I keep getting junk mail in my work account. How did they get this email address?

¨             How do I prevent junk mail?

¨             Don’t open any mail with the title, ‘Your request has been approved!!!’ It contains a virus. Please delete this mail at once if you see it.

e                Reply and Reply All

¨             I sent out a mail to the whole group. I requested that they little ‘r’ me with their ideas.

¨             When I receive a mail sent out to multiple people, I keep forgetting to send to all.

¨             Start a mail thread on your idea. I think everyone should get in on this discussion.

¨             Do you want me to start a mail thread for this?

f                 Forwarding Mail

¨             I can’t find the mail about our next project. Can you forward the mail to me?

¨             I got a useful email on productivity. I think I will forward it to our team.

¨             I have that email. I’ll forward it to you.

¨             If you find that mail, please forward it to me.

¨             I’ll forward you the mail I got from the manager.

¨             I received a mail from the marketing manager. I don’t know what she is asking for. Can I forward the mail to you?

¨             One of our clients is asking for more data on the BB project. Who should I forward this mail to?

¨             Forward the complaint to the manager. I think he should see this.

¨             My work email is currently down. Can you send it to my personal email address? It is someone@hotmail.com.

¨             I’m having problems with my work email account. Can you send it to someone@hotmail.com instead?

¨             I’m having problems sending you an email to this account. Is there another email account you have that I can try?

¨             Our exchange server is down for the next thirty minutes. If this is urgent, you can send me an email to my personal account. It is someone@hotmail.com.

g                General email sentences

¨             Hi Jack, this is Steve. I have a proposal for the marketing idea. Can I email it to you?

¨             I will need the information by noon. Can you email it to me soon?

¨             The deadline for the project was an hour ago. Did you send the information?

¨             I’m going to send you a rough draft. Can you review it and email me back?

¨             I have sent three mails asking for information on their design. I haven’t received a reply yet.

¨             Send a email to the team with your plan of action. I want everyone following this process.

¨             I have to send out my report before five. I won’t have time to help you right now.

¨             I have a meeting at 4:00 pm. I think I should send out a reminder mail. I don’t want anyone to forget.

¨             If you are not sure how to talk to the boss about this, why don’t you email her?

¨             Did you read the mail from the CEO? It’s about our new mission statement.

¨             The CFO sent out a mail that describes our quarterly earnings.

h                Email – Interactive Practice

¨             A: “I’ll have the report ready for review tonight. Will you be able to look at it tomorrow?”
B: “I’m not going to be in the office tomorrow. Can you email it to me? I’ll look at it from home.”
A: “Sure. What’s your email address?”
B: “It is someone@hotmail.com.”
A: “The file is pretty big. Will the email allow me to send a file that big?”
B: “If it is under one mega byte, you shouldn’t have a problem.”
A: “I don’t think it’s that big. I’ll send it tonight. Just get back to me when you finish the review tomorrow.”
B: “Ok. I should be done with it by
A: “That would be great. Thanks.”

¨             A: “The manager wants us to work on the data analysis together.”
B: “Did you get an email from her?”
A: “Yeah. You were on the ‘to’ line as well.”
B: “I never got it yet. When did you get the mail?”
A: “I got it about 30 minutes ago. Should we have her send the mail again?”
B: “No, I don’t want to bother her right now. Can you just forward the mail to me?”
A: “No problem. I’ll do it now.”
B: “I’m still not getting it.”
A: “Maybe your exchange server is down.”
B: “I think you’re right. Can you send it to my personal account? It is someone@hotmail.com.”
A: “Sure. Sending now.”
B: “I got it. Thanks for forwarding me the mail. After I read it, let’s get together to discuss how we are going to work on the data analysis.”
A: “Perfect. Just ping me when ever.”

¨             A: “Hi Jack, this is Cindy from the audit team.”
B: “Hi Cindy.”
A: “I’m calling in regards to the 2003 bank statements you sent over to me last week. I cannot find the August statement. Can you resend that one by any chance?”
B: “I can fax them over to you in about an hour. Will that be ok?”
A: “That would be great. I also have questions on several of the withdrawals. Do you know who I should contact to straighten this out?”
B: “You should talk to Joe Smith. He is our senior accountant over here. His number is 555-123-4567.”
A: “That was Joe Smith at 555-123-4567?”
B: “That’s correct.”
A: “Do you have his email address. I might need it later.”
B: “Sure. It’s joesmith@ourcompany.com.”
A: “joesmith@ourcompany.com. Ok. Thanks for all your help.”
B: “No problem. Have a good day.”
A: “You too. Thanks again. Bye.”

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