这个是你输入Chinese people 得到的提示:
先是在美国,看到了一篇发展英国的Times Online,2008年3月31号的文章。标题叫做“中情局雇佣谷歌帮助搞间谍活动(CIA enlists Google’s help for spy work)”。该文的作者叫做Jonathan Richards。
这篇文章里介绍的是,美国国家安全机构(National Security Agent)、中情局等,和谷歌的合作关系。
另外一个是中情局前雇员叫做Robert Steele,在2006年10月28号,在谷歌拒绝提供给美国司法部信息的时候作证:
“Google was a little hypocritical when they were refusing to honor a Department of Justice request for information because they were heavily in bed with the Central Intelligence Agency, the office of research and development,” said Steele.
在印度,一个不知天高地厚的小伙子叫做Rahul Krishnakumar Vaid,写了几句骂国大党领袖索尼娅-甘地,结果“道德高尚”的谷歌在印度,马上就把他的信息交给了印度政府,然后小伙子就进去了。
不要一个“西方民主“就把全世界的民主实践概括了,每一个国家都不一样,并非都是美国模式(美国模式也有问题),甚至美国各个州的模式都有小差别。但是广义的说,全世界 200 个国家,大多数都属于民主的政治体制,只有中国等很少国家还在专制,这个也能说明很多问题。
还是那句话,有人说“早晨锻炼有益健康“,但是有人因为早晨锻炼不得当,猝死了,你就全盘否定晨练 ?
这句话倒是没有错, 如果用它来解释是否风随西方民主的话,也可以用它来说是否改进中国现行制度。
我的意见并不是说中国现行的制度就是尽善尽美的, 其实有很大的空间可以改进。 但问题是在什么时间进行改进, 而且这个改革的进程应该是由中国人自己主导下选择,完善后的民主集中制可以是一个选项, 西方民主也可以是一个选项, 只要这些改革使中国人自发的, 而不是在美国人的洋枪洋炮压迫下。你认为现在有合适的人选启动这些改革么? 而现在所谓的民运, 人权, 异议分子, 那一个不是携洋自重。 这也就是为什么我会反对这些异议分子, 而寄希望于中共, 自上而下的改革。至少这是减少社会动荡, 避免被外国势力利用的一个可行选项。 民主不是空想, 不会从天而降, 不会想当然地从书本, 电影专为现实; 照搬更不会有任何出路
这里我们没有要中国一定要德国 1930年代的政治制度,或者美国某个阶段的政治制度,而是要结束独裁,完善有效的民主监督,杜绝绝对的没有约束的权力。
还是那句话,有人说“早晨锻炼有益健康“,但是有人因为早晨锻炼不得当,猝死了,你就全盘否定晨练 ?
西方的民主选举还是这个套路, 还有可能选出战争狂人。 你又如何评价呢?
中国目前的问题是民主集中制根本就没有发挥好。 除了中央高层有相应的潜规则制约机制外, 部委和地方缺少有效的监督。 要做的是完善民主监督。 我也没有说, 民主集中制和美式民主是一回事。 我只是说就医改投票最后闭门协商的做法和民主集中制如出一辙。对于民主集中制, 究竟是制度化, 将监督,制约制度化,还是改弦易辙, 泛西式民主, 恐怕是两个完全不同的话题。
即使美国民主制度, 也只是一个大框架。 任何行政当局都有运作的空间。 911, 监听民众的通讯隐私还不是很轻松就被小布什以反恐名义发起。
美式民主也只不过是政治制度的一个选项而已。 并不是非要尝试才知道好坏的。 难道为了尝试, 就要搞社会制度试验, 搞另一个人民公社的反面教材。
According to Chinese laws, the Chinese people are entitled to freedom of speech too. I don't see the government following its own laws.
现在中国各个部门的“民主集中制“,还是没有脱离李世民和刘禅的套路。您给与如此高的评价,从何说起 ?
中国的所谓“民主集中制“,和美国的民主,不是一回事,请不要混淆,尽管美国民主有很多阴暗面。而且你口口声声中国的“民主集中制“,就是不明白,中国的“民主集中制“根本就没有制度化,而是个虚的,随便人解释的东西,难道不是吗 ?毛泽东时候就是“民主集中制“,邓,江,胡还是这个提法,他们做法一样吗 ?这个民主集中制经过法律的修订和发展,还是谁当权谁有解释权 ?
这个世界上每个问题并不是只有一个最佳答案。 我的答案是“民主集中制是现在最适合中国的政治体制而已”。 当然在这里, 我并不是要强迫你接受我的观点。
就跟某些民主精英行径一般, 如果别人听他的就是民主, 别人不同意他的意见就是不民主。 即使西方的民主也不过是求同存异, 因为任何一个选项都不可能得到100%的人100% 的支持。即使, 美国医改,参院Harry Reid最后不也是关起门来贿选Nebraska的民主党议员, 这和民主集中制又有什么大差别。
你没有比较,哪里来的 “最“ ?
strange, I cann't paste the right website address
the website as below:
Look this website, someone did experiment and showed chinese people eat babies"在2008年才开始有一点这个说法,09年开始爆发,就在10年的1月,也就是现在,这个词条的搜索频率直线上升。 是谁点击的?或者是谁刷的? 美国,加州。谷歌在哪里? 光谷在哪里? 也是加州。
Google (top five)
* Chinese people scare me
* Chinese people eat babies
* Chinese people jokes
* Chinese people pictures
* Chinese people eat dogs
* famous Chinese people
* pictures of Chinese people
* happy Chinese people
* black Chinese people
* Chinese people eating babies (slightly different than Google, but this one makes the top 5 list)
Bing (only shown two)
* Chinese people
* Chinese people.com
Baidu (only shown three)
* Chinese people are hacking
* Chinese people eat
* Chinese people eat babies
看起来好像很生气了吧,但是我还是比较好事地,输入了另一个国家的关键词 “Japanese people", 看是哈结果:
* Japanese people don't have souls ( argh. this is, quite offensive )
* Japanese people pictures
* Japanese people eating babies ( geez. Why every country likes to eat babies...)
* Japanese people with blue eyes
* Japanese people charateristics
* famous Japanese people
* Japanese people pictures
* Japanese people eating babies ( wola. Google and Yahoo all think this is some kind of hot search term )
* Japanese people search
* meet Japanese people
Yahoo.jp ( the No.1 searching engine in Japan is Yahoo, not Google, I think )
* Nothing when you search "Japanese people"
* When you type "Japanese", all the suggested terms are neutural such as "Japanese girl", "Japanese music dreams", "Japanese girl friends", "Japanese family", etc. Absolutely nothing like "... eating babies").
Baidu.jp ( No ?? search engine in Japan )
* Returns nothing
Bing (again, only shown two)
* Japanese people
* Japanese people pictures
If I can conclude this thing based on my limited SEO (search engine optimization) knowledge, this is caused by a stupid webpage (Title "Do They Eat Babies in China", http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/horrors/a/eating_babies.htm) that has got unusual high pagerank (or, in an oversimplified layman's term, it has been quoted by many websites) - and a few keywords "Chinese people" and "eating babies" are there in that webpage - that so many search engines just reflect this indexing result.
What about "Japanese people eating babies" then ? Well, that's another stupid page at Yahoo Answers ( Question "Do Japanese eat babies" ? http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060921082441AAD7gAT ) that serves exactly the purpose.
So it seems to me that, at the end of day:
1. Do not jump to any conclusion before you check the facts yourself first. ( I was about to call my friends in Google, especially my best friends Larry Page and Eric Schmidt, to ask them to appologize. But then, I think i'd be better off to do some little research myself, first. )
2. Technology can play stupid tricks on smart people. Someone throws out a stupid question - intentionally or just for silly reasons - and although we all know "garbage in, garbage out", many times we will be fooled and _assumed_ mighty giants such as Google (or Microsoft, Yahoo, and even our own Baidu) did that just to piss us off.
3. Don't mix business interests and political thingy together.
If Google's search algorithm sucks - and it thinks "Chinese people eating babies" should be on the top 5 search terms - then they ought to improve the algorithm, or Chinese search users and advertisers will walk away as it shows how poor the search quality can be. But none of the Chinese users/advertisers should feel offended.
Now, on the other hand, If Google wants to make a lot noise out of so-called Chinese human rights issue and would bail out the Chinese market because of that - given that Google has been slept in bed with CIA and many other governments in the world and, alas, the market share in China is barely 30% - let me just say, dude, that's quite lame.
Next time when I meet Larry Page or Eric Schmidt in Mountain View's COSTCO during our weekly shopping/catching up trip, I will pass my 2 cents above to them.
"中国人也有对美国人很多偏见,比如有中国大学教授在美国遇到美女对自己稍微好些,就要上前非礼人家,因为他觉得美国女人应该像电影里那样随便。" 这一点我倒是没什么异议, 国内的一小撮土鳖, 看了几部美国电影, 就以为自己得了什么美国(民主)的真传, 搞什么民主宪章。 真要让这些人得势, 马上就会把噢爸妈干爹,咳淋炖干妈尊为太上爹妈, 引欧美来再次瓜分中国。你要不信, 看看今明两年的巴基斯坦。
I've used the Google Web Search Help Forum at the end of the link to ask Google to remove the offensive suggestions, please send more messages to Google.
那么美女有脚气, 帅哥有白头发是不是事实, 如果是事实, 为什么不能说。 难道只能任由别人说自家人丑, 就不能对你所谓的美女帅哥发微辞, 这就是你向往的民主自由?
如果你有知心的美国朋友, 他们不仅会告诉你美国人如何看待中国人, 他们还会告诉你为什么美国人会这么看:因为很多美国人很无知, 大多数美国人只对自己的一亩二分地感兴趣, 他们根本没有兴趣去了解别人。 如果他们硬要发表些评论, 无非是一些无稽之谈的hot air.
如果你知心的美国朋友只告诉这些负面,而不告诉你为什么; 那么他不过是在向你显示美国人潜意识里的优越感。
你如果有知心的美国朋友,他们会告诉你这些,对不对是一回事,普遍印象是另一回事,责怪 google 没有用。
我的观点就是一句话:这都是废话 !美国只是民主的一个模式,不是完美模式;但是美国民主,比较那些不民主的地方有他们的优越性,比他们的好,也是事实。
As you mentioned, the auto listing is most likely unintended due to some algorithm. However, the result is really bad.
If you select the "Chinese people eat babies", the search results give some photos on someone actually eating a baby. It is terrible !
I don't think any search engine should prompt automatically such links ...
如果是人为的,我认为可以雇律师起诉 Google.
Google 的内容体现读者对诸如中国人,朝鲜人,日本人的普遍关心,美国人对中国的概念普遍还是吃狗肉,吃猫肉,和中国共产党等等,美国人当然对美国的概念比较正面。
还是那句话:先调查这些条目是否网站故意,还是根据读者网友搜索概率 。。。。。我曾经在 google 上搜我的冷僻的专业术语,第一次没有提示,几次之后,我这个冷僻的术语就到了前几行。
民主, 自由的前提是大家有一些默认的潜规则, 有一些底线。在现在的美国, 有些东西你是不能说的, 或者公开说的。 譬如, 避免种族, 不能批评美国人(这里不是说美国政府),不能正面报道社会主义阵营, 不能质疑反恐的举措。
种族问题:Harry Reid, Trent Lott, Harvard professor
批评美国人:任何涉及批评美国人的言论都会被引申为不爱国. 这就是为什么在Google中搜美国人民就没有任何负面结果, 而搜世界其它国家的人民就会出现负面结果。 你要告诉我, Google的搜索结果是完全不加过滤得, 鬼才信呢。
批评美国政府则不然, 因为这是美国民主的出气筒。 批评政府或国会有无关痛痒, 因为老百姓拿他们根本就没有办法。 earmarks,国会议员们哥本哈根公费旅游, 国会议员免费使用大款们的私人飞机, 在Florida的度假村, 涉嫌利用公职谋取利益, 报道了又怎么样。 司法总长会起诉他们么?
不能正面报道社会主义阵营:如果你正面报道社会主义, 那么别人就会质疑, 说你是共党派来的奸细, 或者是职业操守有问题。 美国的所谓报业, 电台, 都是大资本控制的。 即使是以所谓的公正报道自诩的PBS, NPR, PRI, APM, 哪一家没有接受民主基金会的巨额捐赠。
很多记者在国外生活多年, 他们完全了解外国的实际情况。 但是他们报道时,必须按照老板的的口味报道。 这就毫不奇怪什么新闻都被CNN, 被BBC了。这些媒体不过是美国财团的舆论工具, 是为了美国的利益而报道。
我说亚洲国家适合专制, 是因为这些国家的老百姓崇尚权威。 这也可以解释为什么中国基层的小官一个个都架子那么大。 中国需要的不是那些无限制的民主, 需要的是加强民主集中制中的监督作用。 现在中国公务员是一群利益既得者, 跟他们谈监督是与虎谋皮。 所以中央一定要下定决心, 整顿吏治。
相反很多亚洲国家的民众以为民主起来没有任何底线。 就说台湾的民主, 为了抵制某一项议案, 可以把会议室的门锁起来, 让你没法开会, 这是民主么, 纯粹是内耗。“大道以多歧亡羊,学者以多方丧生”, 中国需要的是集中精力发展经济, 缩减城乡,工农差别, 贫富分化, 逐步放开户口管制, 允许人口自由有序流动, 而不是像现在候鸟般迁徙。 现在中国社会财富已经集中在少数一些人的手中, 这些财富的集聚是以极不道德的方式:官员卡要,司法公安索要, 国有公司小金库; 游资哄抬房价, 如果一旦成为房奴, 就沦为赤贫; 大群受过高等教育的人失业。 如果不解决好这些问题, 中国真的会有内部的隐忧, 我担心又一个89前夜会很快到来。
A company like Google shouldn't promote such wording on a people. This is not moral. It is one thing for Google to show results when one types "baby eating". It is another to openly suggest such an offensive topic when one just type Chinese people or Japanese people.
Can you imagine NY Times or CNN say such things as soon as you mention Chinese or Japanese people ?
Such offensive features definitely don't help free information flow on Internet. Will you allow your children to use Google to search for "Chinese people" or "Japanese people" ?
My main objection is on "Chinese people" or "Japanese people". You can say whatever you want on any governments. However, putting such a label on a people is really not good ...
This is the English letter I wrote. I don't have specific email address of Google's management. White House email address is at: http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact.
I strongly feel Google should change this search result. Imagine a teenage wants to do research on Chinese people or Japanese people and this is the first line he or she will find from Google !
I wish to bring your attention to Google's search practice with keyword "Chinese people".
When one types "Chinese people" in a Google window, Google has this feature of automatically suggesting a list of topics related to "chinese people" that might be of interest before one enters Return. It is astonishing to find that the top suggestion is "chinese people eat babies" !
People in Chinese community in North America have brought this issue up in blogs. I captured a snap shot of Google search after reading the blog and confirmed this is true (See attached).
Doing same typing under Microsoft's Bing will also induce topic suggestions but all are normal and neutral.
Suggesting baby eating as soon as one types "chinese people" under Google is quite offensive to me (of Chinese origin). I don't believe such practice by Google benefits Google in being an Internet leader around the world.
If you also feel Google's such feature is not desirable, I hope you have the opportunity to bring the issue to Google management such that they systematically change their approach. I will also try to send an email to Google management on this issue.
I don't believe Google is trying to offend anyone on purpose. However, the effect is really quite negative and detrimental to its cause. Just imagine someone, maybe a teenage, is interested in Chinese people and wants to find information from Google and this is the first line he or she will be prompted with …
japanese people eating babies
japanese people don't have soul
google 真牛!!
Goodluck, although I doubt New York Times will reply to you. However, I like your attitude. However, it might just like the author said. Google has been beded with CIA for too long. As well as the discrimination, it is all up to you to fight for your own rights and reputation. One way of doing that is make your own country better, for example: China.
Japanese people are still eating in my search just now. I sent another note to Wall Street Journal reporters and see how they will do.
I think you can raise your voice to main media in US and they shall pay attention to such offensive contents.
I can copy my letter here if anyone is interested in making his or her voice ...
It could very well be. If enough people raise their voices, Google will take notice.
I did my part by sending emails to White House, Google Investor Relations and NY Times reporters...
That's just a professional way to reply your comments. I bet you will not receive any further meaningful reply from him.
"Huh, I will check it by myself" or "Cool" is usually used to end a conversation.
That's just a professional way to reply your comments. I bet you will not receive any further meaningful reply from him.
"Huh, I will check it by myself" or "Cook" is usually used to end a conversation.
I got a response from New York Times reporter who wrote headline articles on Google and China. He said he was surprised at this and would check it out himself.
I don't want to label Google on anything. I believe it is the unintended consequence of their algorithms. However, for offensive materials like this by a reputable company like Google, we as users should raise our voices and help them to improve.
I don't think this is racially motivated. Just an unintended consequence and could be corrected.
Plus, I am really impressed how open NewYork Times reporters are.
不要忘了Google创始人来自东欧, 这些在社会主义阵营里长大的东欧人对社会主义国家是深恶痛绝。 要举的例子就一大把:默克恶, 捷克总统。。。
不是你愿意用脸蛋去贴别人的冷屁股, 别人就会对你另眼相看。 没准别人不时放几个屁嗤嗤你。
那些受到过丁点教育的人(我不会把他们称为知识分子, 不会思考的人是不配称为知识分子, 尤其是很多理工科的人)以为只要中国开放民主, 就会和美国搞好关系, 完全是痴人说梦。
看看伊朗, 伊拉克, 阿富汗, 美国干的哪一件事是人事。 不过是损人利己, 打着民主,人权得旗号罢了。
你是喜欢伊拉克现在的民主呢, 还是中国的“专制”。
就像成龙说的, 香港人是需要被管的。 应该引申到亚洲人应该是被管的, 因为这些亚洲文化就是讲求秩序, 需要专制。
Notice it is Chinese People. Not Chinese Government. I don't think it is ethical practice to suggest such things of a people, regardless of which people it is.
Do you think New York Times will put such titles on their paper ?
这两个国家的人吃 baby:
Chinese people
Japanese people
korean people
thai people
french people
german people
canada people
mexican people
vietnam people
iraq people
可见,声音大的有自由,声音小的没有自由 :-)
British People
British People Bad Teeth
British People Ugly
British People are annoying
Japanese people eating babies 也在第一行,难道也是 Google 故意和日本政府作对 ?
当然,如果是 Google 故意这样搞的,我谴责并且认为他们很愚蠢和不职业。
I don't think this is a good practice by Google. It is probably their algorithms but I find it very offensive.
I wrote a letter to President Obama via White House website and also to Google's management.
I don't believe Google is doing this on purpose. However, they should change their practices.
The way Google is doing is very negative and detrimental to its cause. I think we shall let this be known to Google and US media so that the practice can be stopped.
Microsoft's Bing suggests something very normal and neutral once "chinese people" is typed in.
what kind of logic? Korean eat dogs, does it mean every Korean eat dogs?
If you did, you should support it. But if you did not do it,I think you should stop using google any more.
养宣传部和大批五毛到海外放屁放毒的是由垃圾和人 渣绑架的国家。推翻共产党政权后这些五毛的名单和它们的津贴记录必然会被统统曝光,哈哈哈。
CaiMi 评论于:2010-01-15 18:18:10 [回复评论]
"google自动显示的“搜索提示”是根据全球网客对字词和短句的搜索频率排列的" is bullshit, just try bing.com for comparison
shit, 作为搜索引擎bing.com算个屁,使用人数根本就比不上google,零头都没有,能用它的字词频率代表google的使用频率?
Note: You have selected the least restrictive filter for your results. Images not compliant with German law will still be filtered. You may, however, see some images that you consider inappropriate for minors. If minors are using your browser we suggest enabling strict filtering.