
西府来子 (热门博主)
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海盐有益健康 Discover Sea Salts For Your Health

(2013-10-22 11:59:26) 下一个
What is Sea Salt?
Sea salt refers to the unre­fined salt that is obtained by evaporating sea water collect­ed in man-made pools near a protected shoreline. The ma­jor difference between table salt and sea salt is in their mineral composition. Table salt, which is refined by indus­trial processes, is stripped of most of the minerals that are present in it when it is ex­tracted from natural sources. Due to this reason, table saltis 99.9% sodium chloride as compared to sea salt, which contains only 98% of the compound. The remaining 2% is made of around 80 im­portant minerals like iron, sulfur, and magnesium. It is due to this reason that sea salt tastes a little different from table salt and has a higher number of benefits as compared to its more re­fined counterpart.
Sea Salt Benefits
Sea salt benefits the circu­latory system by regulating irregular heartbeats and high blood pressure.
One of the various health benefits of sea salt is clearing of sinus cavities. Sea salt is a strong natural antihistamine. After drinking a glass or two of water put a little bit of sea salt on the tongue.
Sea salt helps in extracting acidity from the cells of the body, especially from those in the brain. It also helps the kidneys to remove excess acidity from the body and ex­crete it through urine.
Sea salt helps in maintain­ing proper balance of elec­trolytes in the body. This strengthens the immune sys­tem and increases energy lev­els in the body.
Sea salt improves transmis­sion of information between nervecells. It is important for proper functioning of the nerves and helps them in processing information re­ceived by brain.
As it is a powerful antihis­tamine, unrefined sea salt prevents muscle cramps. It also helps in improving mus­cle tone and strength.
One of the many advan­tages of sea salt is that it reg­ulates blood sugar level in the body and especially use­ful for diabetics.
Sea salt helps in regulating sleep. It is a natural hypnotic that acts as a soporific. Drinkinga pinch of salt added to warm water before going off to sleep can induce deep sleep.
Sea salt health benefits in­clude better absorption of food in the body by the intestinal tracts.
The minerals in sea salt are known to be good for skin. Sea salt baths are a popular treatment to cure infections like psoriasis. Dead Sea salt to be especial­ly useful for this infection.
Sea salt is also used in the cosmetic industry, mainly a natural exfoliant or scrub. Its high mineral content also finds it a place in the manu­facture of skin care products and foundations. Sea salt crystals may also be used to make antiperspirants and deodorants.
The various minerals pre­sent in sea salt gives it a cer­tain flavor that is valued by many chefs. Sea salt is often used in French and Thai cui­sine. Chefs use sea salt as a crust for baked potatoes.
People often sprinkle sea salt generously in their food causing excess sodium load on the body. This may harm the body instead of benefiting it. In case sea salt is included in the diet, it should not sub­stitute more than half the table salt intake. In all, the total sodium consumption should be kept below 2,400 milligrams per day.
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