

Let Bank of America listen to our voice!

(2008-04-11 08:33:35) 下一个
Bank of America is one ads sponsor for CNN. If after we wrote to Bankof America to ask them withdraw their ads in CNN, and if they refuse,after the deadline, all Chinese Americans withdraw money from BofA. InSF, we have tens of thousands of Chinese, let's assume there are 10,000account in BofA, and assume there is $10,000 in each account, and if wewithdraw all of these account, BofA will lose $100M in SF! If we do thesame in NY, DC and around the country, how much BofA will lose?! Thenwill they consider to withdraw their ads on CNN at that time?

Is it a big deal to withdraw from BofA? There are tens of other bankswe can choose from! mei2 you3 wang2 tu2 hu4, ye3 bu4 chi1 lian2 mao2zhu1!

This is how we get large corporations to listen to us!

This is a cont for my previous post "我们齐心协力,就可以惩治CNN这无赖! -谈股论金".
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foolme 回复 悄悄话 What makes you think that all Chinese Americans agree with you?