
夜浴深秋对明月, 遥系温馨问他乡


(2008-10-03 11:04:08) 下一个




可是,若按相同的理论, 上了化肥的素菜谷物也是不能吃的了----有害物二。





下面链接是原贴大致内容:The original posting was from LeLong and followed his posting other postings on English website:

激素或抗生素注射部位通常在鸡翅鸡颈位置,而鸡脚则会囤积抗生素,若常吃鸡翅或鸡脚, 加上女性荷尔蒙分泌影响, 女士们特别容易患上子宫部位的肿瘤, 奉劝大家少吃鸡翅或鸡脚冻为妙.现今女性容易得子宫肌留及巧克力囊肿……

These days, chickens are injected with steroids to accelerate growth. These shots are usually given in the neck or wings, so the concentration is maximum there. These steroids have a terrifying effect in the body as it accelerates growth. It has even more dangerous effects in women in the presence of female hormones, leading to women being more prone to cyst in the womb.


下面是更多反驳评论:The responses and explanations:

You state that a person should not eat chicken wings as the farmers inject them with steroids. Let me ask you, what happens to the rest of the chicken? Here is the fact: once anything is injected with steroid and growth hormones, it doesn't matter which part is injected --just like if a person injects steroid in the arm, it doesn’t mean one of his arms is stronger but the other or his legs-- it’s going everywhere, in this case particularly, all around the chicken.

Funny thing is, coincidently, there is another rumor about chickens being injected with estrogen, the female hormone and that male should consume less chicken because they might turn into gay as the result of the female hormone in it.

So if you're worried, you should really give up all chicken products.

Besides, to raise more of your concerns, it's not just chicken wings that have problems. Most of the farms pump antibiotics and hormones into all meat and poultry. Should you concern so much, better off giving up all the meat once for all for good.

If you like to think for yourself, you should wonder where these plots come from. Usually at Xmas, Easter, Thanksgiving...we have major news releases that Turkeys, Chicken, Geese...foods popular at these times are contaminated, and in B.C. it is usually released by "activists”…

Sadly enough, with all the manipulating of food products, we would starve to death if we fell victim to all the "fear mongering" that is being distributed.

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