(2005-02-21 04:07:20)
1.2 Specification of technology
• n 種の財(input にもoutput にもなる。)
• the net output of good j : yj = yoj
− yij
• a production plan : y ∈ Rn
• the firm’s production possibilities set : Y = {y ∈ Rn : y is technology feasible} ⊂ Rn
• ”Immediately” feasible
In the short run, some inputs of the firm are fixed. Assume that such restrictions can be described by some
vector z ⊂ Rn.
The restricted (or short-run) production possibilities set : Y(z) ⊂ Y
• Input requirement set
Suppose a firm produces only one output. the net output bundle can be written as (y, −x) where x is a vector
of inputs that can produce y units of output.
The input requirement set:
V(y) = {x ∈ Rn
+ : (y, −x) ∈ Y}
The input requirement set is the set of all input bundles that produce at least y units of output.
• Isoquant
Q(y) = {x ∈ Rn
+ : x ∈ V(y) and x < V(y′) for y′ > y}.
The isoquant gives all input bundles that produce exactly y units of output.