
很多事情很多心情写了也就记下了; 不写,以后可能就忘了.

Form personalization on form level or function level.

(2011-04-07 13:16:00) 下一个

I was confused before and didn’t know the difference between applying the personalization on form level and function level until today I couldn’t find one personalization line when I logged in as Inquiry responsibility instead of Superuser or Manager responsibility.

I was wondering why I can see other lines except one line and I double checked the information about that one does exist in fnd-downloaded ldt file which is used to fnd-upload.

Then I realized the personalization line was actually assigned to Function level while other lines were assigned to from level….That’s WHY!!!

When I log in as different responsibilities, even I open the same form but different functions, so I can see the personalization lines attached to the form level but not lines assigned to other functions.

This is what is showed when logging in as Manager responsibility:

This is what is showed when logging in as Inquiry responsibility:

The line is missing as it belongs to different function.

Thanks to Pat for giving me the hint and to me for this accidently mistake (actually not) which makes me understand the whole concept.

That’s why I like to work on the real thing not just talk…no pain, no gain!

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