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Open Balances conversion issues and solutions

(2010-10-26 10:11:52) 下一个

Open Balances conversion issues and solutions

While converting open balances for year 2010, the below result is expected and importing program does the validation.

1)      Negative amount should go to credit; Positive amount goes to debit.

2)      All entries should be balanced per account combination per currency.

3)      For currency same as functional currency, the entered CR and entered DR should be the same as accounted CR and accounted DR.

The below errors appear in the log file after loading GL_INTERFACE table and importing  journals from interface table.

1)  EU02: This journal entry is unbalanced and suspense posting is not allowed in this ledger.

For the same currency, several batches are assigned with different lines which caused the unbalanced error, though the total amount for the same currency are balanced.

Fix: Assign the constant value to batch name (reference1 in GL_interface table) per currency to make sure all entries for one currency are assigned to one batch.

Also, assign a constant value to group_id. When submit importing program, choose 'Specific group' and give the group_id assigned in GL_interface table. 

2)      EC12: The entered amount must equal the accounted amount in a ledger or STAT currency journal line

This happens to entries with CAD amount.(functional currency is CAD). The entered amount and accounted amount have very little difference (1 cent or even less).

Meantime, EU02 error appears too as importing program created two headers and two journal entry names for the same batch name and same currency. The entries with EC12 error are assigned to a different header and different journal entry name.

Fix: Either do data cleansing on source side or assign the same entered amount to accounted amount for CAD entries.


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