


胡乱说说 (图)

(2006-01-07 23:55:15) 下一个

其实,写小说挺累的。文学创作,不同于写日记和写随笔,想到那些到哪。写小说讲究技巧, 一个是情节,一个是语言。特别是语言,不可乱来写, 一定要写出人物的个性。


文学城的海外原创坛子,使出写小说的地儿。那里的读者和写手都有些品位。 前两天,有人评论《晚春情事》的作者苏川的语言艺术, 我觉得这样是不是有点不合适,因为苏川根本就没有说他的东西是小说。所以,不应该用艺术的尺子去恒量那个东西。(抱歉,没看那篇东西)


“..来月事了,好舒服,还是做女人好。”--真的吗?不懂。 -sayesayno- (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2006-01-06
• the writer is a guy -adimple- ♀ (0 bytes) (5 reads) 2006-01-06
• 估计还没有过女友,有女友的人都知道这个滋味不好受吧 -作者露馅了嘿嘿- (0 bytes) (8 reads) 2006-01-06
• then he is too manly. everyone on the earth should have known this.-adimple- ♀ (36 bytes) (31 reads) 2006-01-06
• 痛并快乐着,这是舒服的最高境界,看来你们都不懂啊!要不让小鸟给你们上个解剖学的课? 嘿嘿 -wiser56- ♂ (53 bytes) (36 reads) 2006-01-06
• sniff.u manly 2.a dr means nth -adimple- ♀ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2006-01-06
• nonsense. 你申请变性吧,要不然你是无法感受到的 -哼,坐着不嫌腰痛- (0 bytes) (0 reads) 2006-01-06
• 不同意你的观点,看过他的小说《老曲头》了吗? 欧觉得作者是一个读女人的老手,我去过他的博克,他很会写女人。-他很会写女人。- (60 bytes) (35 reads) 2006-01-06
• well, detail matters. a wiser can be not that wise once in a thousand times. He used to describe some women's thinking well doesn't mean he can always understand women like a woman. -adimple- ♀ (153 bytes) (26 reads) 2006-01-06
• 回复:说句不好听的话,这是文学,不时科普文章,你的文学欣赏水平有待提高。 -有待提高- (66 bytes) (23 reads) 2006-01-06
• @@ there is no bad reader, only lousy writer. Just as there is no bad student, only bad teacher. Who r u anways? -adimple- ♀ (85 bytes) (16 reads) 2006-01-06
• This is just a evidence indicating that you are one of the bad or lousy readers.. the more you speak out, the more mistakes you would make,once again, your speculation is wrong...:P -wiser56- ♂ (165 bytes) (22 reads) 2006-01-06
• sniff.the world is not like either in ur way, or no way at all. even u said that I am lousy, am I really lousy? no mention I really don't care others opion at all. talking and criticizing won't hurt me a hair.but ur words...think twice and u will find that it exactly fits u. no offense. sb needs to built a good image here, luckly I don't have that need. -adimple- ♀ (362 bytes) (15 reads) 2006-01-06
• 嘿嘿嘿,看来惹毛了 -wiser56- ♂ (0 bytes) (2 reads) 2006-01-06
• 7, only guys can be so easy 毛了 -adimple- ♀ (0 bytes) (1 reads) 2006-01-06
• 应该是一种心理上的感觉,爱上一个男人,当然想做一个女人, 再苦再累也心甘情愿, 有月事证明她是一个女人,是一个成熟的,正当年的女人,能生育的女人,能使他愉悦的女人,她当然高兴.心爱的人死了,连月事都跟着停了,这女人的爱之极可见一斑了.整篇都挂着一个"潮",一潮关乎另一潮.老板下星期回来,今天最后一天上网狂欢,瞎说两句,不要介意) -飞星1艾米- ♀ (280 bytes) (129 reads) 2006-01-06
• 总算有个明白人, 在这一点上俺顶你一下-wiser56- ♂ (20 bytes) (48 reads) 2006-01-06
• 没事别学姐姐说话,大尾巴狼好象有点儿人来疯? -寒枝- ♀ (25 bytes) (23 reads) 2006-01-06
• 嘿嘿,哪儿位是JJ? 你不是MM吗? 我是惟恐天下不乱的..嘿嘿 -wiser56- ♂ (36 bytes) (17 reads) 2006-01-06
• 这解释精辟,我是茅塞顿开。 -cvet- (0 bytes) (5 reads) 2006-01-06

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