布崃斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon)之鸟瞰篇
Bryce Canyon 国家公园乃俺最喜欢的国家公园之一, 仅次于风景极佳的Zion国家公园. 此公园不大, 时间紧的可2小时内溜完大部分地区(Sunrise point, Sunset Point, Inspiration Point, and Bryce Point); 当然, 如此则不能领略身在hoodoo中的乐趣与美景.
Bryce Canyon国家公园有数处规模宏大的hoodoo群. 这里漫山遍野的hoodoo们千姿百态,色彩多端. 尤其是在Inspiration Point处, hoodoo阵就象是由几个将军统领的威武雄壮的庞大军团, 有排山倒海,无坚不摧之势.
10岁的千金对这神奇世界不在加拿大极不满意(去年在班夫只见到几个hoodoo); 俺给了一个让她很高兴的答案: 这些hoodoo乃加拿大远征军, 来自Alberta.
行前预定公园内的营地时发现已满. 旁边几迈处的Ruby’s RV Park & Campground则告知不必预定, 保正有. 于是选此处. 此乃歪打正着: 有24小时洗澡, 游泳池, 洗衣房, 且近餐馆/杂货店.
除Bryce Point路线外, 公园shuttle bus尚有到Rainbow & Yovimpa Points 的路线, 但景色一般, 不去也罢 (俺仅拍了3张照).
是日俺一个人早起即火速赶往Sunrise point看日出, 然后杀奔Bryce Point和Inspiration Point; 40分钟后鸣金收兵. 当日吃过早餐, 俺们从Sunrise point下山, Hike至Bryce Point, 再乘shuttle返回, 然后自己开车把所有地方鸟瞰了一遍.
下午俺灌了两瓶啤酒(这美国就是好, 杂货店/加油站都可买到酒; 在安大略可没这么容易), 结果直到围着篝火做月光浴时, 俺也没弄明白这Sunset Point的Sunset view, 俺到底是去看了, 还是没去?
1.Sunrise at the Sunrise Point 1:

2. Sunrise at the Sunrise Point 2:

Sunrise at the Sunrise Point 3:

Half an hour after sunrise at the Inspiration Point 1:

Half an hour after sunrise at the Inspiration Point 2:

Half an hour after sunrise at the Inspiration Point 3:

Half an hour after sunrise at the Inspiration Point 4:

Early afternoon at the Inspiration Point:

Early morning at the Bryce Point 1:

Snow in Summer? Early morning at the Bryce Point 2:

Early afternoon at the Bryce Point 1:

Peekaboo Loop trail as seen from the Inspiration Point:

Sunset point 1:

Sunset point 2:

Sunset point 3:

Rainbow Point (at the very South end of the park):

Natural Bridge:

Early bird hikers going down into the valley from the Sunrise Point:

Next, Hiking in Bryce Canyon.