Question 1:Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?"
Q2:Ms. Brooks: "What do you have in your pants that I do not have in mine?
Q3:Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?"
A: Pants
Q4:Ms. Brooks: What starts with a C and ends with a T, is hairy, oval, delicious and contains thin whitish liquid?
A: Coconut
Q5:Ms. Brooks: What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?
A: Strawberry bubble gum
Q6: Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman do sitting down and a dog do on three legs?"
A: Shake hands
Q7: Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?"
A: Firetruck
Q8:Ms. Brooks: "What four-letter-word that has something to do with female, somehow importantly relate to you, spell as “_unt”?"
A: Aunt