
(16:17-27) 提防背道的人,to the only wise God be glory forever through

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 17 弟兄們,我勸你們要提防那些離間你們、絆倒你們、使你們違反你們所學的教義的人。你們也要避開他們,
 18 因為這樣的人不服事我們的主基督,只服事自己的肚腹,用花言巧語欺騙老實人的心。
 19 你們的順服已經名聞各處,所以我為你們高興。我願你們在善事上有智慧,在惡事上毫不沾染。
 20 賜平安的 神快要把撒但踐踏在你們腳下。願我們主耶穌的恩惠與你們同在。

 21 我的同工提摩太和我的親族路求、耶遜和所西巴德都問候你們。
 22 (我──代筆寫這封信的德圖──也在主裡問候你們。)
 23 那接待我也接待全教會的該猶,問候你們。本城的司庫以拉都和夸圖弟兄問候你們。
 24 (有些抄本有第24節:“願我們主耶穌基督的恩惠,與你們眾人同在。阿們。”)
 25  神能依照我所傳的福音和耶穌基督所傳的信息,照著他奧祕的啟示,堅定你們。
 26 這奧祕自古以來祕而不宣,但現在藉著眾先知所寫的,照著永恆的 神的諭旨,已經向萬國顯明出來,使他們相信而順服。
 27 願榮耀藉著耶穌基督,歸給獨一全智的 神,直到永遠。阿們。


I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. 18For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. 19Everyone has heard about your obedience, so I am full of joy over you; but I want you to be wise about what is good, and innocent about what is evil.

 20The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
      The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

 21Timothy, my fellow worker, sends his greetings to you, as do Lucius, Jason and Sosipater, my relatives.

 22I, Tertius, who wrote down this letter, greet you in the Lord.

 23Gaius, whose hospitality I and the whole church here enjoy, sends you his greetings.
      Erastus, who is the city's director of public works, and our brother Quartus send you their greetings.

 25Now to him who is able to establish you by my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery hidden for long ages past, 26but now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings by the command of the eternal God, so that all nations might believe and obey him— 27to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen.


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