
天God, Earth地, 男女 -- 人生Life 的 界定

(2008-09-21 18:42:47) 下一个

Creation Believers, Believe God create All, including our Humankind
Evolutionariers, Think/Feel that Human beings come from Apes/Monkeys

Believers of  Pro-life, believe a pregnant woman should keep her 孩子Child -- since he/she coming from God with purpose or for reason to this earth, while people for Pro-Choice, would give women right for abortion 流产, since the child while in her Womb as if her own, so that she has the right to decide keeping or letting him/her go

polygamy: 一夫多妻[制]; 雌雄混株

一夫一妻制[主义]  monogamy

homosex (marriage)同 or 异heterosex (marriage) for Man & Woman 男女

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