Garage Sale 和国内的旧货市场或者国外的跳蚤市场和 Sunday Market 相比有很多类似的地方。但是它更具灵活性和随意性,不太受时间、地点、场合,以及法律规范的约束。对于卖方而言,家里有很多实际利用率不高甚至空置不用的日用品弃之浪费,送人可惜,唯有通过 Garage Sale 才能起到清理库存,资金回笼的结果;而对于买方而言,能够用最少的成本购买到物美价廉的实用百货应该是心满意足的。正是 Garage Sale 这种商品调剂,互通有无,互惠互利的特点才使得 Garage Sale 在澳洲深受大家的欢迎。针对 Garage Sale 中的卖方而言,下面的几条原则可能是 Garage Sale 取得最大成功的必要保证:一,商品种类原则上应该是种类越多越好,可以给购物者特别是远道而来的客人更多选择的余地。对于一家人来说最好不要少于50种/件。如果是两家人一起 Garage Sale 而数量能达到100件/种以上的话那就最好了。当然参与的家庭和人数也是越多越好。关于 Garage Sale 的物品完全可以包括所有的家庭用品,基本上分成下面几个大类:1,服装鞋帽2,儿童玩具3,书籍杂志4,厨房用具5,花园工具6,家具电器7,体育用品8,收藏爱好9,影音制品10,食品水果(自制的或者是自己家后院经济作物上的水果)二,价格定位1,原则上应该是原价的四分之一到三分之一这个区间内浮动。2,如果是麦当劳儿童套餐内附送的玩具基本上是 50 cents 。三,广告宣传1,传统策略 - 海报张贴,报纸广告2,电子媒体 - 网络网站:http://www.garagesales.com.au;http://www.garagesalesaustralia.com.au3,友情帮助 - 亲戚朋友,同学同事,邻居街坊四,辅助准备1,桌子椅子2,地毯容器3,纸笔计算器4,找零硬币及小额纸币5,塑料袋和包装纸6,或许准备些免费的茶水点心招待顾客对于 Garage Sale 的销售有很大的好处。五,销售策略1,良好、平和的销售心态和心理定价2,针对顾客心理的适度讨价和还价3,事先的商品清洁、整理工作以及销售当中的对于商品质量和用途的宣传关于其他因素的考量,特别是 Garage Sale 销售过程中的安全因素,可以参考下面的资讯:http://www.garagesales.com.au/support/tips.phphttp://www.geraldtonguardian.com.au/garage_sales.htmhttp://www.egarage.com.au/garage_sale_tips.php?PHPSESSID=43ed4e32560b7e9a5cf51be72e973231Buyer and Seller TipsBUYER TIPSGoing garage sale shopping can be an exciting experience. Going from sale to sale looking for that perfect find to tell all your friends about can make for really enjoyable weekends. Listed below are a few buyers tips that we have put together for you to consider the next time you go garage sale shopping. Please e-mail your tips if you have any that you would like to share with us. When buying electrical items ask for the seller to test them for you to avoid disappointment when you get home.Get up early and go out so you can find the best items. Bring lots of small notes and change. Sellers will not accept cheques and they will not have means to accept credit cards or have eftpos facilities. Inspect items for broken pieces, chips, or other damages before buying Don't be too shy to negotiate. Most sellers will be willing to let you haggle with their prices. If there are items that you are looking for, don't forget to mention it; the seller may just have the item you are looking for and might be willing to bring it out for you. Be polite and don't push, shove, or block tables. You may have found a great bargain, but do try to control yourself. If you miss the opening days don't worry. By going on the last day of the sale you might get a chance to get some really great deals as the seller is trying to unload in the final hours of their sale. Wear comfortable shoes. Try not to wear sandals since you will probably be doing a lot of walking. Bring a cardboard box to put your new belonging in to keep from having them roll around in your car. It may be exciting, but try not be the 'early bird' that most sellers despise. If you do not like the smell of cigarette smoke, smell your items before you buy them. The seller may have a smoking habit and the smell may stick to your items. (especially clothes) Remove price tag stickers as soon as possible. The longer they remain on an item the harder they will be to get off.SELLER TIPSThinking about having a garage sale? Listed below are sellers tips that we have collected for you. Whether this is your first time to have a sale, or if you're experienced with sales, we are sure you'll find these tips helpful. Please e-mail your tips if you have any that you would like to share with us. When it comes to signs, you can't have too many. Post the signs on every high traffic corner within a two mile radius of your sale. This will attract significant amounts of garage sale shoppers. Be sure to include all pertinent information about the sale including: Address, Dates, Times, Items Sold, and Directions. At garagesales.net.au, we have provided you with a tool to make printable signs for your garage sale. Remember to remove the signs once the sale is over.Make sure you lock any doors including garages, security doors, gates etc that may lead into the house. Your attention maybe somewhere else and not realise if someone walks inside. If you are selling electrical items it is best to have an extension cord so you can test things with the buyers and maybe some spare batteries as well if you have items that need batteries. Always have more than one person working the garage sale. This helps you keep an eye on things and helps out with serving the customers and make it easier to handle any rushes and helps turn off would-be thieves.Make sure you keep plenty of newspaper to wrap all fragile items in before handing them over to the buyer. Most garage sale shoppers are just looking for honest bargains. A few, however, would like more than that. Use a bum bag, apron or money box to collect money and make change. Just about every garage sale expert has heard stories of unattended money boxes that disappeared. Similarly, place small valuables, like jewelry or video games, where you can keep an eye on them.Clothing, especially adult clothes, typically goes for less. People are wary of paying much money for clothes they can't try on. Make sure they are clean & ironed. It always looks better. Timing and placement of your ads are critical. Begin advertising early.The internet has become a very useful tool for advertising your garage sale. Take advantage of our services and Post Your Listing today!To get your sale going, have on hand about $50 worth of change and small bills. Keep a calculator on the check-out table, so that you can quickly total customers' purchases.Tell your friends, family, and co-workers about your sale. Word of mouth is an effective advertising method.Whenever possible, try to consolidate garage sales throughout your neighborhood. Try to organize a street wide garage sale if possible. This way, your advertising costs and efforts will be minimized.Organization is very important to a garage sale hunter. Nothing will turn people away from your sale more than an unorganized event. Try and keep the area clean. Also, consider the way people will be walking through the area. Be sure to leave them enough room to view all the items for sale. This will increase item exposure, which in turn will generate more cash for you.Make sure every item has a price tag that's easily visible and includes the size. If the item is new or almost new, indicate that.When setting prices, try to determine what you would pay at a garage sale for the item in question, and start with that. Keep in mind that you can always go lower, if need be.Typically, household goods and appliances that are in good, working condition and decent shape will fetch one-fourth to one-third of their original price. You'll have better luck reaching the top of that range if you've held onto the box and instruction manual.对于旅居澳洲的华人热别是广大留学生来说 Garage Sale 是物品买卖的一项重要途径,因此掌握有关的技巧和知识具有较大的实用性,希望大家同样也能成功!也希望有实际经验的朋友们能够互相交流经验和心得,甚至能够彼此合作。