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His idiotic email:
"You said the the DDWFTTW vehicle would stop running if there is no wind."
"we can conclude that DDWFTTW vehicle can move in ANY inertial system WITHOUT wind.....this is a simple application of the basic high school knowledge of physics."
Would you ever test this to see for yourself? If successful, this would blow the case wide open in a simple and direct way for everyone to see, including those of us hampered by Aristotelian failure to grasp inertial frame equivalence. From high school on down.
My response:
So finally you completely expose that you don't know the equivalence of inertial systems at all? From which country are you? I feel pity on the young students of your country who are not getting the proper education of physics as they deserve!
As long as you continue to email garbage to me, you will take the insult that you deserve.
You are not only uneducated in science and extremely poor in reading, but also lack the basic capacity of doing logical thinking, and don't have the least memory of what you have said....basically your are a shameless idiot.
You said the the DDWFTTW vehicle would stop running if there is no wind. I told you that if you take a frame moving with the wind then there is NO wind blowing on the DDWFTTW vehicle after its speed exceeds the wind, but the DDWFTTW would be still moving unlimitedly based on the repeated demonstrations during the past decade.....that is to say: the DDWFTTW can move unlimited in the system that is moving with the wind....therefore, according to the equivalence of inertial systems, we can conclude that DDWFTTW vehicle can move in ANY inertial system WITHOUT wind.....this is a simple application of the basic high school knowledge of physics.
But you keep sending me garbage emails because you first don't have the knowledge of the equivalence of the inertial systems in physics.....then somehow you seem trying to claim that you do know the knowledge of the equivalence of inertial systems, but still don't see how your claim that the DDWFTTW would stop running when there is no wind would violate the principle of equivalence of inertial systems.....Then finally, after you admit that the DDWFTTW vehicle would not have any wind blowing on its back in a system moving with the wind, you just simply seemed to have FORGOT that you once said that the DDWFTTW vehicle would stop running without wind.
Most importantly, you are such shameless idiot and would waste the time of others by repeating your idiotic mistakes!
Your are a logically confused idiot because you said or claimed to agree on these logically conflicted things: 1) the DDWFTTW would stop running without wind; 2) in an inertial system that runs at the speed of wind, there is NO wind at all, and thus there is no wind blowing on the back of the DDWFTTW vehicle. The ONLY wind in that system is the wind caused by the motion of the vehicle, and thus the wind comes from front not from back, at the same speed of the vehicle; 3) physics are the same in all inertial systems; 4) both earth system so as the ground of earth and the system moving with the wind are inertial systems;
How can you say or agree on all the above things without any feeling of logical difficulty in your mind unless your mind is severely messed up? Do you have any local clinic to help you with your problem of basic logical thinking???
So you are such a shameless idiot that would feel no guilt to waste the time of others by brazenly repeating your idiotic mistake!!!
【看了下那个Blackbird car, 是很有意思,值得思量,不过这并不违反能量守恒,也不明白你的哲学和这个有何关系 -老键- ♂ 给 老键 发送悄悄话 老键 的博客首页 老键 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/02/2022 postreply 22:16:30】
作者:有哲 回复 慕容青草 留言时间:2022-01-02 19:22:12
应是 :没有科学的哲学正步入集体老年痴呆!
作者:慕容青草 回复 有哲 留言时间:2022-01-02 20:10:59
On Sunday, January 2, 2022, 02:43:05 PM EST, Vess Velikov wrote:
Hi. I just read your article "Self-feedback Perpetual Motion and Violation of Thermodynamics Laws" about Rick Cavallaro's Blackbird and similar DDWFTTW carts. In it you seek to solve the paradox of their apparent violation of the laws of thermodynamics. To pick this apart, the article spins away into various scopes of definition, types of perpetual motion, global vs local accounting, succumbing to entropy, etc.
But there is no paradox to solve. The cart does not use perpetual motion, claimed or apparent. The energy source is the wind, defined as the differential motion between air and ground. If there is wind, there is energy to power the cart. If there is no wind, there is no energy. Simple as that. Same as any other wind-powered device (like a sailboat, or wind turbine). The need to spin off into philosophical depths to find a solution to an energy problem for Blackbird, is the same as for a sailboat; that is to say, none.
One twist is an intuition that throws off many people when thinking about this, and that is thinking about the differential motion of air vs. vehicle; and if this was the energy source, then it indeed disappears once the vehicle reaches wind speed, and then (to make matters even worse) reverses. But this is not the energy source; it is the differential motion of air vs. ground. And this stays the same regardless of vehicle speed. And DDWFTTW carts have a clever arrangement of parts, that sits at this interface and taps into this energy no matter the vehicle's speed, or relative/apparent wind.
In a more fine grained view, very simply put, the energy comes from the air processed by the propeller. (This is in the ground frame of reference, but you can analyze from any frame of reference for the same result). The air (blown backward) slows down, therefore its kinetic energy is reduced, and this kinetic energy goes into the cart, used for a combination of acceleration and thermal loss (mechanical and aerodynamic). Mostly acceleration in the beginning, tapering to no acceleration and all thermal loss at the steady-state DDWFTTW speed.
(Your Appendix I analysis contains a fundamental error about the torque on the propeller at faster than wind speed, but I avoided talking about it because it doesn't really bear on the points above. But I will, if you'd like).