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今天有典型的中式网络思维者给我短信号称他知道如何推导薛定谔方程。原本对这种中式网络专业人士的标致性的轻佻思维应该置之一笑而已,但正好在网上碰上一则讲解为什么我们无法推导薛定谔方程的帖子,就将之转贴于此 (https://www.quora.com/Why-we-say-that-we-cant-derive-Schrodinger-equation):
Why we say that we can't "derive" Schrodinger equation?
Schrodinger's equation cannot be derived. It was thought up using logical arguments and so far it has seemed to work experimentally.
The equations is essentially a re-write up for energy conservation:
Where T
is the Kinetic Energy and V
is the potential. However, to be more explicit we must work with operators (if you are unsure what operators are I suggest you look them up; this will give you a better understanding of what's going on).
The KE for a particle is given by the KE Operator:
This comes from the momentum operator of the particle/wave p^=−ih∂/∂x
. You use this in the analogous classical mechanics equation for KE to obtain T^
(Try doing this as an exercise).
So now we are left with just putting it all together. The first equation turns into:
And we define the Hamiltonian H^ as: