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黑格尔在他的《逻辑学》(science of logic[1])中有句颇令人费解的名言,叫做“The understanding determines, and holds the determinations fixed; reason is negative and dialectical, because it resolves the determinations of the understanding into nothing; it is positive because it generates the universal and comprehends the particular therein.”译成中文就是“理解决定(意义),而且使所决定的(意义)确定下来;理性思维是负性的和辩证的,因为它将理解了的确定性结果化解为无;它又是正性的,因为它产生出可以用来理解具体事物的一般性”
Nothing, pure nothing: it is simply equality with itself, complete emptiness, absence of all determination and content — undifferentiatedness in itself. In so far as intuiting or thinking can be mentioned here, it counts as a distinction whether something or nothing is intuited or thought. To intuit or think nothing has, therefore, a meaning; both are distinguished and thus nothing is (exists) in our intuiting or thinking; or rather it is empty intuition and thought itself, and the same empty intuition or thought as pure being. Nothing is, therefore, the same determination, or rather absence of determination, and thus altogether the same as, pure being.
看来我们只有回到生活的现实来猜测黑大师前面的那段话到底是什么意思了。比如说当我们理解了一个杯子的功用后,我们一见到那个杯子就知道它是干什么用的。这应该就是黑大师说的“The understanding determines, and holds the determinations fixed”的意思。然后我们开始对那个杯子的功能进行理性思考了,而在对这个杯子进行理性思考的时候,我们所想的是杯子的一般功能,或那个具体杯子的材质,而不是当初所理解的那个杯子本身。我想黑大师所说的将理解了的确定性结果化为无应该就是这个意思。而另一方面,理性思考又能帮助我们得出关于杯子的更一般的特性的知识,并通过这些一般的特性,更好地认识其它具体的杯子。
[1] Science of Logic, Hegel, URL: http://www.hegel.net/en/pdf/Hegel-Scilogic.pdf
“it is empty intuition and thought itself或者它是空的直觉和空的思考本身“,这句话好理解,难理解的是”and the same empty intuition or thought as pure being. 而且是与纯存在同样地空的直觉或空的思考。”
前面那句话其实重复巴门尼德的老话:“one can say nothing about nothing”,即对于无你什么也说不了,相应地,黑格尔这里说对于无的直觉和思考就是空洞的直觉或思考,也就是没有直觉或思考。这一点不难理解。但是后面的那句话需要去读他对于纯存在的大段的讨论,才能猜出他为什么说对纯粹的存在的直觉或思考就是空的直觉或思考,也就是没有直觉或思考。。。而那大段的讨论也不是容易啃地。。。嘿嘿
不过他对纯无及纯存在的讨论虽然绕了一些,我觉得还是比本文讨论的“reason is negative and dialectical, because it resolves the determinations of the understanding into nothing”这句话容易理解些。。。