| Min Yang | Realmart Realty | (908) 456-3657 |
120 Spring Ridge Dr, Berkeley Heights, NJ | Center Hall Colonial @ Berkeley Heights |
| 4BR/2+1BA Single Family House | | offered at $769,000 | Year Built | 1972 | Sq Footage | 2,700 | Bedrooms | 4 | Bathrooms | 2 full, 1 partial | Floors | Unspecified | Parking | 2 Car garage | Lot Size | 19,166 sqft | HOA/Maint | $0 per month |
Beautiful Center hall colonial located on prestigious SpringRidge Drive in Berkeley Heights with 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, large living and family rooms. Newly updated Kitchen with Omega Dynasty cabinets and Italian tiles. Nice backyard fully fenced with beautiful deck. Sprinklers installed throughout to make the lawn look more beautiful. Newly finished full basement adds additional living space. Newly added walkway in front provides good curve appeal. All Hardwood floors on first floor with great floor plan for easy access. Newly installed roof and fully water proofed Basement. Recently installed gas furnace and A/C unit. Great location and great schoools.
中介房评: 房子位于Berkeley Heights非常好的小区Spring Ridge, 由于房主用的flat fee listing service, 照片都是自己拍的, 我去房子看过, 照片完全没有把房子的状况拍出来, (说实在的看起来象是卖家具的照片). 房子本身很大, 2700sqf, 结构不错, 里面的装修是做了厨房和地板, 卫生间并没有改造. 总体来说, 这个房子位置和小区环境很好, 房子本身结构也很好, 价格我认为还有一定程度的议价空间. |
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Photo 1 | Photo 2 | Photo 3 | Photo 4 | Photo 5 | Photo 6 | Photo 7 | |
| Contact info: | | Min Yang | Realmart Realty | (908) 456-3657 | For sale by agent/broker |
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| Equal Opportunity Housing | |
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Posted: Nov 15, 2011, 9:16am PST |