
Work, a constant distraction

(2008-09-10 19:27:53) 下一个
I covered my short at the beginning of the day and get imbued in the work the whole day until 3:00 p. m. when I know the market barely changed today.

I am not trying to say that work itself is a distraction, after all, we are paid to do the work. If I am busy at work, I should be,  I only look at the market when I take a break or I am not very busy.

The distraction came from what happened during the work.

 Recently, we had a re-organ, and an indian guy become the manager of the group.   I am not a racist, but I am definitely having a problem working with an indian boss.

If you read Sun-Tze, you know a good general should be "virtues of wisdom,sincerely, benevolence, courage and strictness" (智、信、仁、勇、嚴).   the guy is just the opposite of all these.

First of all, you never know whether he is telling the truth. He could drive the car in front of the whole group and tell the people on the other side of the phone seriously that he is in a urgent meeting.   He brag about his relationship with senior management, but we have never anything came from senior management because of him.  Overall, telling lie seems a part of his daily routine.

He talked about people behind their back all the time creating a hostile enviroment among co-workers.  

He initiates projects not because it provides benefit to the company but because it may bring him more power.

Recently, he asked me to work with another junior inidan person.  he assigned most of the tasks to the indian person but ask me be responsible -- in the name only of course.   laterly, I realized that the junior person has difficulty to finish the task, but my boss refuse to re-assign the task and blame me not mentoring the junior indian person.   So, I am in such a situation that if the project finish on time, the junior indian person get the credit, after all, she had most tasks, but if the project failed, then, it is become my problem, because I am in charge.  heads on, I lose, tail on she win.   

So, I have to spend a lot of my time to focus on fightting back, and those meaningless activities seems take more toll of my judgement and executions on the market.   

I need simply stop trading like today.   

As Sun-Tze said "昔之善戰者,先為不可勝,以侍敵之可勝。不可勝在己,可勝在敵。", that is exactly the altitude we need towards the market.   Not trading means at least I will not lose anything.
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