

(2009-08-30 11:08:12) 下一个

We are approaching a critical point, all those who offered relocation package is about to reveal their true intentions.  Other than 3 peoples who has steadfastly( 2 of them consistently) said they will say no to the package, rest of us probably will say yes in the end.

Our "big boss"  gathered us to have a meeting to go over the relocation issues last Friday.  If he was to try to be encouraging, he failed miserably.   This is where  I cannot comprehend, I am not sure whether he wanted us to go or not?   it is quite a coundrum.  if he simply does not want us to go, why bother to have the meeting? 

Basically, he said three things:
  1). if key personal does not go, then, they will be replaced.
  2). one the section manager is going to cut.
  3). we need to make a decision on our own.

of course, being a shy person he is, maybe he was trying to say following:
  1).  the group will not shrink
  2).  we will have manager locally.
  3).  we will not be arm twisted.

Of course, without knowing the person, maybe I am just over-guessing, but the evidence abound that he is not a best person knows how to communicate, to encourage or inspire, for that matter, how to lead.  but on the other hand, he may just simply want to dismantle the group.

R told me that other day, that the "big boss" told her that she could move freely to other group once relocating is done.  on the one hand, one could interprete that he was tring to be nice that she could have more freedom in the new location, on the other hand, you could interprete that her responsibility is no longer critical within the group. 

it is so confusing....

Ru send me an email at 6:40 p.m. on Friday, and he had no problem to mark it critical, saying he did not know how to do certain things and need help.  How could one mark "a help me" email as critical, plus, you have the whole day to talk me in person.   either the person is a self centered idiot  or he is trying to find excuse -- oh, I send an email ask for help but got no reply.    So, it is a good thing that he is laid off( not offering relo package),  I wonder how could people like this survive in the working place?  unfortunately, we still have a few even after this round of layoff.   and you begin to understand why the company cannot make money

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