Cornell campus is prettiest in summers. Some charm comes with its serenity.When a lot of student have gone home or working in other cities, a busycampus all of a sudden, like a beach after a hot season, settles intosort of tranquility. The slope overlooking cayuga river has abreathtaking view of mountain slopes, old style campus buildings, andthe town. Every Fall semester the day when classes are over, a popularevent called 'slope day' takes place here. The slope will be packedwith dancing crowds (undergrads and grads), shaking and singing with afeatured pop band, celebrating the near end of term. Drinks, food areprovided, and campus police will set up long lines of guess what -security checkup for the event. Friends are usually allowed.

Mypersonal favorite is sage hall and sage chapel, where women's collegehistorically were situated. The sage chapel presents one of the mostcharming and sophisticated ceiling sculptures, and stain-glasses thatone would come across in catholic chapel. It is a popular weddingchapel. The sage hall, once the women's college residence, wererenovated in 1997. The historic exterior were kept, while the insidewere completely renovated with atrium, cafeteria, and now hosts theCornell's Johnson business school.
Cornell's somewhat strong in its professional schools. Here's the Law school.