
When can I bring this experiment to an end?

(2007-07-06 07:43:25) 下一个
Big boss ask me to do the p38, ERK experiment. I used about 3 weeks to get good signal in the piloting experiment, and worked prety hard on July 4th (while most of my friends were out for BBQ and enjoying the fire work in the evening).

The design of the experiemnt is, transfect the cells with my gene and see what happens with the MAPKs (this is not a very smart experiment, but asked to do so by some referees). My Western were perfect, but...the transfection rate was so low! I really got very upset in the early morning of July 5th and fled home with a speed of 80M.

Yesterday I planed to use HEK cells because they are easy to transfect. But, this morning I found that there was no water in the incubator and most of my cells did not attach at the bottom...I planned to finish this boring experiment ASAP, but with the dead cells I can not proceed according to my original plan...when can I finish?

The reason I worked so hard on this project is, I do not enjoy it so I want to finish soon.
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