

《道德情操论》 第二卷 (第一篇 5 章)

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Part II


Of Merit and Demerit; or, of the Objects of Reward and Punishment

Consisting of Three Parts


Section I


Of the Sense of Merit and Demerit






第二卷  论优缺点,或奖惩对象





第一篇 论优缺点意识






    There is another set of qualities ascribed to the actions and

conduct of mankind, distinct from their propriety or impropriety,

their decency or ungracefulness, and which are the objects of a

distinct species of approbation and disapprobation. These are

Merit and Demerit, the qualities of deserving reward, and of

deserving punishment.







    It has already been observed, that the sentiment or affection

of the heart, from which any action proceeds, and upon which its

whole virtue or vice depends, may be considered under two

different aspects, or in two different relations: first, in

relation to the cause or object which excites it; and, secondly,

in relation to the end which it proposes, or to the effect which

it tends to produce: that upon the suitableness or

unsuitableness, upon the proportion or disproportion, which the

affection seems to bear to the cause or object which excites it,

depends the propriety or impropriety, the decency or

ungracefulness of the consequent action; and that upon the

beneficial or hurtful effects which the affection proposes or

tends to produce, depends the merit or demerit, the good or ill

desert of the action to which it gives occasion. Wherein consists

our sense of the propriety or impropriety of actions, has been

explained in the former part of this discourse. We come now to

consider, wherein consists that of their good or ill desert.






Chap. 1


That whatever appears to be the proper object of gratitude,

appears to deserve reward; and that, in the same manner, whatever

appears to be the proper object of resentment appears to deserve




第一章  看似值得感谢,似乎就值得报答;同样,看似令人怨恨,似乎就应该受罚。




   To us, therefore, that action must appear to deserve reward,

which appears to be the proper and approved object of that

sentiment, which most immediately and directly prompts us to

reward, or to do good to another. And in the same manner, that

action must appear to deserve punishment, which appears to be the

proper and approved object of that sentiment which most

immediately and directly prompts us to punish, or to inflict evil

upon another.





    The sentiment which most immediately and directly prompts us

to reward, is gratitude; that which most immediately and directly

prompts us to punish, is resentment.





    To us, therefore, that action must appear to deserve reward,

which appears to be the proper and approved object of gratitude;

as, on the other hand, that action must appear to deserve

punishment, which appears to be the proper and approved object of







    To reward, is to recompense, to remunerate, to return good

for good received. To punish, too, is to recompense, to

remunerate, though in a different manner; it is to return evil

for evil that has been done.






    There are some other passions, besides gratitude and

resentment, which interest us in the happiness or misery of

others; but there are none which so directly excite us to be the

instruments of either. The love and esteem which grow upon

acquaintance and habitual approbation, necessarily lead us to be

pleased with the good fortune of the man who is the object of

such agreeable emotions, and consequently, to be willing to lend

a hand to promote it. Our love, however, is fully satisfied,

though his good fortune should be brought about without our

assistance. All that this passion desires is to see him happy,

without regarding who was the author of his prosperity. But

gratitude is not to be satisfied in this manner. If the person to

whom we owe many obligations, is made happy without our

assistance, though it pleases our love, it does not content our

gratitude. Till we have recompensed him, till we ourselves have

been instrumental in promoting his happiness, we feel ourselves

still loaded with that debt which his past services have laid

upon us.







    The hatred and dislike, in the same manner, which grow upon

habitual disapprobation, would often lead us to take a malicious

pleasure in the misfortune of the man whose conduct and character

excite so painful a passion. But though dislike and hatred harden

us against all sympathy, and sometimes dispose us even to rejoice

at the distress of another, yet, if there is no resentment in the

case, if neither we nor our friends have received any great

personal provocation, these passions would not naturally lead us

to wish to be instrumental in bringing it about. Though we could

fear no punishment in consequence of our having had some hand in

it, we would rather that it should happen by other means. To one

under the dominion of violent hatred it would be agreeable,

perhaps, to hear, that the person whom he abhorred and detested

was killed by some accident. But if he had the least spark of

justice, which, though this passion is not very favourable to

virtue, he might still have, it would hurt him excessively to

have been himself, even without design, the occasion of this

misfortune. Much more would the very thought of voluntarily

contributing to it shock him beyond all measure. He would reject

with horror even the imagination of so execrable a design; and if

he could imagine himself capable of such an enormity, he would

begin to regard himself in the same odious light in which he had

considered the person who was the object of his dislike. But it

is quite otherwise with resentment: if the person who had done us

some great injury, who had murdered our father or our brother,

for example, should soon afterwards die of a fever, or even be

brought to the scaffold upon account of some other crime, though

it might sooth our hatred, it would not fully gratify our

resentment. Resentment would prompt us to desire, not only that

he should be punished, but that he should be punished by our

means, and upon account of that particular injury which he had

done to us. Resentment cannot be fully gratified, unless the

offender is not only made to grieve in his turn, but to grieve

for that particular wrong which we have suffered from him. He

must be made to repent and be sorry for this very action, that

others, through fear of the like punishment, may be terrified

from being guilty of the like offence. The natural gratification

of this passion tends, of its own accord, to produce all the

political ends of punishment; the correction of the criminal, and

the example to the public.





    Gratitude and resentment, therefore, are the sentiments which

most immediately and directly prompt to reward and to punish. To

us, therefore, he must appear to deserve reward, who appears to

be the proper and approved object of gratitude; and he to deserve

punishment, who appears to be that of resentment.





Chap. II


Of the proper objects of gratitude and resentment



第二章  论感激与怨恨的适当对象



    To be the proper and approved object either of gratitude or

resentment, can mean nothing but to be the object of that

gratitude, and of that resentment, which naturally seems proper,

and is approved of.




    But these, as well as all the other passions of human nature,

seem proper and are approved of, when the heart of every

impartial spectator entirely sympathizes with them, when every

indifferent by-stander entirely enters into, and goes along with





    He, therefore, appears to deserve reward, who, to some person

or persons, is the natural object of a gratitude which every

human heart is disposed to beat time to, and thereby applaud: and

he, on the other hand, appears to deserve punishment, who in the

same manner is to some person or persons the natural object of a

resentment which the breast of every reasonable man is ready to

adopt and sympathize with. To us, surely, that action must appear

to deserve reward, which every body who knows of it would wish to

reward, and therefore delights to see rewarded: and that action

must as surely appear to deserve punishment, which every body who

hears of it is angry with, and upon that account rejoices to see






    1. As we sympathize with the joy of our companions when in

prosperity, so we join with them in the complacency and

satisfaction with which they naturally regard whatever is the

cause of their good fortune. We enter into the love and affection

which they conceive for it, and begin to love it too. We should

be sorry for their sakes if it was destroyed, or even if it was

placed at too great a distance from them, and out of the reach of

their care and protection, though they should lose nothing by its

absence except the pleasure of seeing it. If it is man who has

thus been the fortunate instrument of the happiness of his

brethren, this is still more peculiarly the case. When we see one

man assisted, protected, relieved by another, our sympathy with

the joy of the person who receives the benefit serves only to

animate our fellow-feeling with his gratitude towards him who

bestows it. When we look upon the person who is the cause of his

pleasure with the eyes with which we imagine he must look upon

him, his benefactor seems to stand before us in the most engaging

and amiable light. We readily therefore sympathize with the

grateful affection which he conceives for a person to whom he has

been so much obliged; and consequently applaud the returns which

he is disposed to make for the good offices conferred upon him.

As we entirely enter into the affection from which these returns

proceed, they necessarily seem every way proper and suitable to

their object.




    2. In the same manner, as we sympathize with the sorrow of

our fellow-creature whenever we see his distress, so we likewise

enter into his abhorrence and aversion for whatever has given

occasion to it. Our heart, as it adopts and beats time to his

grief, so is it likewise animated with that spirit by which he

endeavours to drive away or destroy the cause of it. The indolent

and passive fellow-feeling, by which we accompany him in his

sufferings, readily gives way to that more vigorous and active

sentiment by which we go along with him in the effort he makes,

either to repel them, or to gratify his aversion to what has

given occasion to them. This is still more peculiarly the case,

when it is man who has caused them. When we see one man oppressed

or injured by another, the sympathy which we feel with the

distress of the sufferer seems to serve only to animate our

fellow-feeling with his resentment against the offender. We are

rejoiced to see him attack his adversary in his turn, and are

eager and ready to assist him whenever he exerts himself for

defence, or even for vengeance within a certain degree. If the

injured should perish in the quarrel, we not only sympathize with

the real resentment of his friends and relations, but with the

imaginary resentment which in fancy we lend to the dead, who is

no longer capable of feeling that or any other human sentiment.

But as we put ourselves in his situation, as we enter, as it

were, into his body, and in our imaginations, in some measure,

animate anew the deformed and mangled carcass of the slain, when

we bring home in this manner his case to our own bosoms, we feel

upon this, as upon many other occasions, an emotion which the

person principally concerned is incapable of feeling, and which

yet we feel by an illusive sympathy with him. The sympathetic

tears which we shed for that immense and irretrievable loss,

which in our fancy he appears to have sustained, seem to be but a

small part of the duty which we owe him. The injury which he has

suffered demands, we think, a principal part of our attention. We

feel that resentment which we imagine he ought to feel, and which

he would feel, if in his cold and lifeless body there remained

any consciousness of what passes upon earth. His blood, we think,

calls aloud for vengeance. The very ashes of the dead seem to be

disturbed at the thought that his injuries are to pass

unrevenged. The horrors which are supposed to haunt the bed of

the murderer, the ghosts which, superstition imagines, rise from

their graves to demand vengeance upon those who brought them to

an untimely end, all take their origin from this natural sympathy

with the imaginary resentment of the slain. And with regard, at

least, to this most dreadful of all crimes, Nature, antecedent to

all reflections upon the utility of punishment, has in this

manner stamped upon the human heart, in the strongest and most

indelible characters, an immediate and instinctive approbation of

the sacred and necessary law of retaliation.






Chap. III


That where there is no approbation of the conduct of the person

who confers the benefit, there is little sympathy with the

gratitude of him who receives it: and that, on the contrary,

where there is no disapprobation of the motives of the person who

does the mischief, there is no sort of sympathy with the

resentment of him who suffers it


第三章 对施惠者的行为缺乏赞许的地方,对受惠者感激之情就缺少体会;相反,对作恶者动机缺乏责难的地方,对受害者的怨恨之情就缺乏体谅






    It is to be observed, however, that, how beneficial soever on

the one hand, or how hurtful soever on the other, the actions or

intentions of the person who acts may have been to the person who

is, if I may say so, acted upon, yet if in the one case there

appears to have been no propriety in the motives of the agent, if

we cannot enter into the affections which influenced his conduct,

we have little sympathy with the gratitude of the person who

receives the benefit: or if, in the other case, there appears to

have been no impropriety in the motives of the agent, if, on the

contrary, the affections which influenced his conduct are such as

we must necessarily enter into, we can have no sort of sympathy

with the resentment of the person who suffers. Little gratitude

seems due in the one case, and all sort of resentment seems

unjust in the other. The one action seems to merit little reward,

the other to deserve no punishment.







    1. First, I say, That wherever we cannot sympathize with the

affections of the agent, wherever there seems to be no propriety

in the motives which influenced his conduct, we are less disposed

to enter into the gratitude of the person who received the

benefit of his actions. A very small return seems due to that

foolish and profuse generosity which confers the greatest

benefits from the most trivial motives, and gives an estate to a

man merely because his name and sirname happen to be the same

with those of the giver. Such services do not seem to demand any

proportionable recompense. Our contempt for the folly of the

agent hinders us from thoroughly entering into the gratitude of

the person to whom the good office has been done. His benefactor

seems unworthy of it. As when we place ourselves in the situation

of the person obliged, we feel that we could conceive no great

reverence for such a benefactor, we easily absolve him from a

great deal of that submissive veneration and esteem which we

should think due to a more respectable character; and provided he

always treats his weak friend with kindness and humanity, we are

willing to excuse him from many attentions and regards which we

should demand to a worthier patron. Those Princes, who have

heaped, with the greatest profusion, wealth, power, and honours,

upon their favourites, have seldom excited that degree of

attachment to their persons which has often been experienced by

those who were more frugal of their favours. The well-natured,

but injudicious prodigality of James the First of Great Britain

seems to have attached nobody to his person; and that Prince,

notwithstanding his social and harmless disposition, appears to

have lived and died without a friend. The whole gentry and

nobility of England exposed their lives and fortunes in the cause

of his more frugal and distinguishing son, notwithstanding the

coldness and distant severity of his ordinary deportment.





    2. Secondly, I say, That wherever the conduct of the agent

appears to have been entirely directed by motives and affections

which we thoroughly enter into and approve of, we can have no

sort of sympathy with the resentment of the sufferer, how great

soever the mischief which may have been done to him. When two

people quarrel, if we take part with, and entirely adopt the

resentment of one of them, it is impossible that we should enter

into that of the other. Our sympathy with the person whose

motives we go along with, and whom therefore we look upon as in

the right, cannot but harden us against all fellow-feeling with

the other, whom we necessarily regard as in the wrong. Whatever

this last, therefore, may have suffered, while it is no more than

what we ourselves should have wished him to suffer, while it is

no more than what our own sympathetic indignation would have

prompted us to inflict upon him, it cannot either displease or

provoke us. When an inhuman murderer is brought to the scaffold,

though we have some compassion for his misery, we can have no

sort of fellow-feeling with his resentment, if he should be so

absurd as to express any against either his prosecutor or his

judge. The natural tendency of their just indignation against so

vile a criminal is indeed the most fatal and ruinous to him. But

it is impossible that we should be displeased with the tendency

of a sentiment, which, when we bring the case home to ourselves,

we feel that we cannot avoid adopting.






Chap. IV


Recapitulation of the foregoing chapters


第四章  前章扼要重述




    1. We do not, therefore, thoroughly and heartily sympathize

with the gratitude of one man towards another, merely because

this other has been the cause of his good fortune, unless he has

been the cause of it from motives which we entirely go along

with. Our heart must adopt the principles of the agent, and go

along with all the affections which influenced his conduct,

before it can entirely sympathize with, and beat time to, the

gratitude of the person who has been benefited by his actions. If

in the conduct of the benefactor there appears to have been no

propriety, how beneficial soever its effects, it does not seem to

demand, or necessarily to require, any proportionable recompense.


   1 如果一个人交好运是因为另外一个人,这个人就会对他心生感激,但是仅仅因为这一点,我们还无法体谅前者的感激之情,除非后者成为他交好运的原因出于我们能够完全体谅的动机。我们必须真心地接受施惠者的原则,只有先体谅影响施惠者行为的所有情感,才能完全体谅从其行为中获益的受惠者对其产生的感激之情。如果施惠者行为中显出不妥之处,无论这种行为多么有益,也似乎并不需要,或者说一定需要任何相应的回报。


    But when to the beneficent tendency of the action is joined

the propriety of the affection from which it proceeds, when we

entirely sympathize and go along with the motives of the agent,

the love which we conceive for him upon his own account, enhances

and enlivens our fellow-feeling with the gratitude of those who

owe their prosperity to his good conduct. His actions seem then

to demand, and, if I may say so, to call aloud for aproportionable recompense. We then entirely enter into that gratitude which prompts to bestow it. The benefactor seems then to be the proper object of reward, when we thus entirely sympathize with, and approve of, that sentiment which prompts to reward him. When we approve of, and go along with, the affection from which the action proceeds, we must necessarily approve of the action, and regard the person towards whom it is directed, as

its proper and suitable object.




    2. In the same manner, we cannot at all sympathize with the

resentment of one man against another, merely because this other

has been the cause of his misfortune, unless he has been the

cause of it from motives which we cannot enter into. Before we

can adopt the resentment of the sufferer, we must disapprove of

the motives of the agent, and feel that our heart renounces all

sympathy with the affections which influenced his conduct. If

there appears to have been no impropriety in these, how fatal

soever the tendency of the action which proceeds from them to

those against whom it is directed, it does not seem to deserve

any punishment, or to be the proper object of any resentment.




   But when to the hurtfulness of the action is joined the

impropriety of the affection from whence it proceeds, when our

heart rejects with abhorrence all fellow-feeling with the motives

of the agent, we then heartily and entirely sympathize with the

resentment of the sufferer. Such actions seem then to deserve,

and, if I may say so, to call aloud for, a proportionable

punishment; and we entirely enter into, and thereby approve of,

that resentment which prompts to inflict it. The offender

necessarily seems then to be the proper object of punishment,

when we thus entirely sympathize with, and thereby approve of,

that sentiment which prompts to punish. In this case too, when we

approve, and go along with, the affection from which the action

proceeds, we must necessarily approve of the action, and regard

the person against whom it is directed, as its proper and

suitable object.








Chap. V


The analysis of the sense of Merit and Demerit


第五章 对优缺点感觉的分析





    1. As our sense, therefore, of the propriety of conduct

arises from what I shall call a direct sympathy with the

affections and motives of the person who acts, so our sense of

its merit arises from what I shall call an indirect sympathy with

the gratitude of the person who is, if I may say so, acted upon.






   As we cannot indeed enter thoroughly into the gratitude of

the person who receives the benefit, unless we beforehand approve

of the motives of the benefactor, so, upon this account, the

sense of merit seems to be a compounded sentiment, and to be made

up of two distinct emotions; a direct sympathy with the

sentiments of the agent, and an indirect sympathy with the

gratitude of those who receive the benefit of his actions.




    We may, upon many different occasions, plainly distinguish

those two different emotions combining and uniting together in

our sense of the good desert of a particular character or action.

When we read in history concerning actions of proper and

beneficent greatness of mind, how eagerly do we enter into such

designs? How much are we animated by that high-spirited

generosity which directs them? How keen are we for their success?

How grieved at their disappointment? In imagination we become the

very person whose actions are represented to us: we transport

ourselves in fancy to the scenes of those distant and forgotten

adventures, and imagine ourselves acting the part of a Scipio or

a Camillus, a Timoleon or an Aristides. So far our sentiments are

founded upon the direct sympathy with the person who acts. Nor is

the indirect sympathy with those who receive the benefit of such

actions less sensibly felt. Whenever we place ourselves in the

situation of these last, with what warm and affectionate

fellow-feeling do we enter into their gratitude towards those who

served them so essentially? We embrace, as it were, their

benefactor along with them. Our heart readily sympathizes with

the highest transports of their grateful affection. No honours,

no rewards, we think, can be too great for them to bestow upon

him. When they make this proper return for his services, we

heartily applaud and go along with them; but are shocked beyond

all measure, if by their conduct they appear to have little sense

of the obligations conferred upon them. Our whole sense, in

short, of the merit and good desert of such actions, of the

propriety and fitness of recompensing them, and making the person

who performed them rejoice in his turn, arises from the

sympathetic emotions of gratitude and love, with which, when we

bring home to our own breast the situation of those principally

concerned, we feel ourselves naturally transported towards the

man who could act with such proper and noble beneficence.




    2. In the same manner as our sense of the impropriety of

conduct arises from a want of sympathy, or from a direct

antipathy to the affections and motives of the agent, so our

sense of its demerit arises from what I shall here too call an

indirect sympathy with the resentment of the sufferer.




   As we cannot indeed enter into the resentment of the

sufferer, unless our heart beforehand disapproves the motives of

the agent, and renounces all fellow-feeling with them; so upon

this account the sense of demerit, as well as that of merit,

seems to be a compounded sentiment, and to be made up of two

distinct emotions; a direct antipathy to the sentiments of the

agent, and an indirect sympathy with the resentment of the





    We may here too, upon many different occasions, plainly

distinguish those two different emotions combining and uniting

together in our sense of the ill desert of a particular character

or action. When we read in history concerning the perfidy and

cruelty of a Borgia or a Nero, our heart rises up against the

detestable sentiments which influenced their conduct, and

renounces with horror and abomination all fellow-feeling with

such execrable motives. So far our sentiments are founded upon

the direct antipathy to the affections of the agent: and the

indirect sympathy with the resentment of the sufferers is still

more sensibly felt. When we bring home to ourselves the situation

of the persons whom those scourges of mankind insulted, murdered,

or betrayed, what indignation do we not feel against such

insolent and inhuman oppressors of the earth? Our sympathy with

the unavoidable distress of the innocent sufferers is not more

real nor more lively, than our fellow-feeling with their just and

natural resentment: The former sentiment only heightens the

latter, and the idea of their distress serves only to inflame and

blow up our animosity against those who occasioned it. When we

think of the anguish of the sufferers, we take part with them

more earnestly against their oppressors; we enter with more

eagerness into all their schemes of vengeance, and feel ourselves

every moment wreaking, in imagination, upon such violators of the

laws of society, that punishment which our sympathetic

indignation tells us is due to their crimes. Our sense of the

horror and dreadful atrocity of such conduct, the delight which

we take in hearing that it was properly punished, the indignation

which we feel when it escapes this due retaliation, our whole

sense and feeling, in short, of its ill desert, of the propriety

and fitness of inflicting evil upon the person who is guilty of

it, and of making him grieve in his turn, arises from the

sympathetic indignation which naturally boils up in the breast of

the spectator, whenever he thoroughly brings home to himself the

case of the sufferer.(1*)



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