9·1 子罕(1)言利与(2)命与仁。
Confucius rarely talked about lucre, but he had a great esteem for the will of God and virtue of humanity.
9·2 达巷党人(1)曰:“大哉孔子!博学而无所成名(2)。”子闻之,谓门弟子曰:“吾何执?执御乎?执射乎?吾执御矣。”
Some people in Daxiangdang said: “What a great man Confucius is! He is really a scholar of profound and extensive learning, but it’s sorry to say that he doesn’t have any special skills to have his name up.” Learning this, Confucius said to his disciples: “Which aspect is my special skill? Cart-driving carts? Or arrow-shooting? Perhaps cart-driving is my special skill.”
9·3 子曰:“麻冕(1),礼也;今也纯(2),俭(3),吾从众。拜下(4),礼也;今拜乎上,泰(5)也。虽违众,吾从下。”
Confucius said: “Making hats with linen is a previous regulation. But making hat with silk now is relatively economical. I’d like to follow the general trend. Making a respectful call on the lord in lower hall is a previous rule. But it is a breach of etiquette to do it in upper hall at present. Although infringing upon popular conventions, I’d like to do it in lower hall.”
9·4 子绝四 -- 毋意(1),毋必(2),毋固(3),毋我(4)。
Confucius got rid of four defects: make groundless conclusions, making arbitrary decisions, stubbornness, selfishness.
9·5 子畏于匡(1),曰:“文王(2)既没,文不在兹(3)乎?天之将丧斯文也,后死者(4)不得与(5)于斯文也;天之未丧斯文也,匡人其如予何(6)?”
(1)畏于匡:匡,地名,在今河南省长垣县西南。畏,受到威胁。公元前496年,孔子从卫国到陈国去经过匡地。匡人曾受到鲁国阳虎的掠夺和残杀。孔子的相貌与阳虎相像,匡人误以孔子就是阳虎,所以将他围困。 畏于匡,就是指这件事。
Being surrounded in Kuang, Confucius said: “After the death of Lord Wen, could it be said that the cultural heritage hasn’t be inherited by me? If Heaven wants to destroy culture, I wouldn’t have been able to master it. If Heaven doesn’t want to, what can people in Kuang do to me?”
9·6 太宰(1)问于子贡曰:“夫子圣者与?何其多能也?”子贡曰:“固天纵(2)之将圣,又多能也。”子闻之,曰:“太宰知我乎?吾少也贱,故多能鄙事(3)。君子(4)多乎哉?不多也。”
Taizai asked Tzu Gong: “Our master is a sage, isn’t he? Why is he so versatile?” Tzu Gong said: “It’s Heaven that made him a sage and versatile.” Learning this, Confucius said: “How can Taizai know me? When I was little, my social position was low so that I could do so many unskilled works. Do the nobility do these sorts of unskilled works? No.”
9·7 牢(1)曰:“子云,‘吾不试(2),故艺’。”
Lao said: “Confucius said: ‘I was then not put in important positions, so I can master these sorts of skills.’”
9·8 子曰:“吾有知乎哉?无知也。有鄙夫(1)问于我,空空如也(2)。我叩(3)其两端(4)而竭(5)焉。”
Confucius said: “Do I have knowledge? No. A farmer once asked me some questions, but I couldn’t answer. It’s when I made a thorough inquiry that I could fully understand his questions.”
9·9 子曰:“凤鸟(1)不至,河不出图(2),吾已矣夫!”
Confucius said: “Neither phoenix has come nor picture has appeared in the river. It seems I am finished!”
9·10 子见齐衰(1)者,冕衣裳者(2)与瞽(3)者,见之,虽少,必作(4);过之,必趋(5)。
Whenever meeting persons in mourning or nobility or blind persons, though they were young, he would stand up; whenever passing by them, he would quicken his steps.
9·11 颜渊喟(1)然叹曰:“仰之弥(2)高,钻(3)之弥坚,瞻(4)之在前,忽焉在后。夫子循循然善诱人(5),博我以文,约我以礼,欲罢不能。即竭吾才,如有所立卓尔(6)。虽欲从之,末由(7)也已。”
Sighing with deep feelings, Yan Yuan said: “Our master’s knowledge is the higher the more to be looked at, the deeper the more to be delved into. It seems in front, but all of a sudden, it goes behind. Our master enriched me with knowledge step by step and restrained me with proprieties and rules. It is impossible for me not to learn from him. I’ve done my best but he is just like a mountain loftily standing in front of my eyes. I want to climb it but there’s no way.”
9·12 子疾病,子路使门人为臣(1)。病间(2),曰:“久矣哉,由(3)之行诈也。无臣(4)而为有臣。吾谁欺?欺天乎?且予与其死于臣之手也,无宁(5)死于二三子之手乎?且予纵不得大葬(6),予死于道路乎?”
(4) 臣:家臣,总管,此处指料理后事的总管大拿。
Confucius was seriously ill. Tzu Lu sent a disciple of Confucius’ to serve him as a butler. When getting better later on, Confucius said: “Tzu Lu has long been playing false like this. It’s clear that I have no butler at all, but pretend to have. Whom do I cheat? Cheating Heaven? I’d rather die before you rather than die in the hands of a butler. Isn’t it better? Moreover, even if I cannot enjoy a stately funeral, could it be said that I’ll be thrown onto the road?”
9·13 子贡曰:“有美玉于斯,韫匵(1)而藏诸?求善贾(2)而沽诸?”子曰:“沽(3)之哉,沽之哉!我待贾者也。”
Tzu Gong said: “Here is a piece of jade. Keep it in cupboard or find a businessman who knows what’s what to sell it out?” Confucius said: “Sell it out! Sell it out! I’m just waiting for a businessman who is able to judge.”
9·14 子欲居九夷(1)。或曰:“陋(2),如之何?”子曰:“君子居之,何陋之有?”
Confucius was going to live in a remote eastern place. Someone said: “That place is very backward. How can you live there?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen live there. How can it be backward?”
9·15 子曰:“吾自卫反鲁(1),然后乐正(2),雅颂(3)各得其所。”
Confucius said: “Since coming back Lu from Wei, I’ve already made musics well sorted out and 《Ya》and 《Song》have also been properly arranged.”
9·16 子曰:“出则事公卿(1),入则事父兄,丧事不敢不勉,不为酒困,何有于我哉。”
(1) 事公卿:是,侍奉。公卿,古时指高级官员。侍奉高级官员,代指为国尽职。
Confucius said: “Away from home, serve the country wholeheartedly and at home, show filial devotion to parents and friendship to bothers. When arranging funeral, dare not be careless and do not let wine spoil anything. How can it be difficult for me to do all these things?”
9·17 子在川上曰:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。”
Facing a rive, Confucius said: “Time elapses like this river running forward night and day.”
9·18 子曰:“吾未见好德如好色者也。”
Confucius said: “I’ve never met anyone who loves virtue as if loves beauties.”
9·19 子曰:“譬如为山,未成一篑(1),止,吾止也;譬如平(2)地,虽覆一篑,进,吾往也。
Confucius said: “Like piling up a mountain, I failed to finish the job because of lacking only one basket of earth. It’s my own choice. Like filliing up a pit, I added only one basket of earth and then contimue to do like this. It’s also my own decision.”
9·20 子曰:“语之而不惰者,其回也与!”
Confucius said: “I’m afraid there is only one person, namely Yan Hui, who is never bored when listening to my speech even one hundred times.”
9·21 子谓颜渊曰:“惜(1)乎!吾见其进也,未见其止也。”
(1) 惜:可惜。孔子为何可惜呢?孔子的学生颜渊是一个十分勤奋刻苦的人,他在生活方面几乎没有什么要求,而是一心用在学问和道德修养方面。但他却不幸死了。对于他的死,孔子自然十分悲痛。他经常以颜渊为榜样要求其他学生。
Confucius said to Yan Yuan: “What a pity! I’ve only seen him advancing but never seen him stopping.”
9·22 子曰:“苗而不秀(1)者有矣夫;秀而不实者有矣夫!”
Confucius said: “It happens that crops have seedlings but sprout no ears; and it also happens that crops sprout ears but bear no fruit.”
9·23 子曰:“后生可畏,焉知来者之不如今也?四十、五十而无闻焉,斯亦不足畏也已。”
Confucius said: “Young deserves to be treated with awe. How can you know that posterity is not so good as people of today? If a man is still unknown to the public at the age of forty or fifty, then he is finished.”
9·24 子曰:“法语之言(1),能无从乎?改之为贵。巽与之言(2),能无说(3)乎?绎(4)之为贵。说而不绎,从而不改,吾末(5)如之何也已矣。”
Confucius said: “How can I refuse reasonable advices? When having mistakes, it’s really admirable to correct them. How can it be said that flattery doesn’t make people happy? Yet, I’m really at my wit’s end to the people who are only happy but don’t make analysis on hearing flattery and who only approve but don’t adopt others’ reasonable advices.”
9·25 子曰:“主忠信,毋友不如己者,过则勿惮改。”(1)
Confucius said: “Take honesty as a foundation. Don’t make friends with people who are not so good as yourself. Don’t hesitate in correcting mistakes.”
9·26 子曰:“三军(1)可夺帅也,匹夫(2)不可夺志也。”
(1)三军:周朝1, 2500人为一军,三军包括大国所有的军队。此处为虚数,多的意思。
Confucius said: “An army can be deprived of its commander; yet a person cannot be deprived of his ideals.”
9·27 子曰:“衣(1)敝缊袍(2),与衣狐貉(3)者立而不耻者,其由也与?‘不忮不求(4),何用不臧?’”子路终身诵之。子曰:“是道也,何足以臧?”
(4)不忮不求,何用不臧:这两句见《诗经·邶风·雄雉》篇。忮,读“志”,害的意思。臧,善,好。 对应的是“否”,读“匹”,坏、恶。相关成语有“否极泰来”,坏到极点好的来到。“臧否人物”,评论人物的优劣。
Confucius said: “Shabbily dressed, but stand side by side with people luxuriously dressed without feeling ashamed. Perhaps only Tzu Lu can do this. ‘Don’t be jealousy; don’t be greedy. Why no one praises these sorts of virtues?’” Tzu Lu recited this poem all his life. Confucius said again: “He should act this way. What’s the need to praise him?”
9·28 子曰:“岁寒,然后知松柏之后彫也。”
Confucius said: “It’s at the time of cold that we know pine tree is the last one to become withered and bare.”
9·29 子曰:“知者不惑,仁者不忧,勇者不惧。”
Confucius said: “Wise people cannot be puzzled; noble-minded people cannot be sorrowful; brave people cannot be timid.”
9·30 子曰:“可与共学,未可与适道(1);可与适道,未可与立(2);可与立,未可与权(3)。”
Confucius said: “There are some people from whom you can learn doctrines but it isn’t necessary to be able to gain something about doctrines. Even if you can gain something about doctrines, it won’t be necessary to be able to persevere in doctrines. And even you can persevere in doctrines, yet it won’t be necessary for you to be able to adjust yourself to circumstances.”
9·31 “唐棣(1)之华,偏其反而(2)。岂不尔思,室是远而(3)。”子曰:“未之思也,夫何远之有?”
There is an ancient poem saying: “O, Tang Di flowers! You’re so beautifully swinging. How can it be said that I don’t miss you? It’s only because I live too far from here.” Confucius said: “Still, you don’t really miss him. Otherwise it’s quite out of the question of being too far.”