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17·1 阳货(1)欲见孔子,孔子不见,归孔子豚(2)。孔子时其亡(3)也,而往拜之,遇诸涂(4)。谓孔子曰:“来!予与尔言。”曰:“怀其宝而迷其邦(5),可谓仁乎?”曰:“不可。”“好从事而亟(6)失时,可谓知乎?”曰:“不可。”“日月逝矣,岁不我与(7)。”孔子曰:“诺,吾将仕矣。”












阳货想见孔子,孔子不见,他就给孔子送了一只烤乳猪,目的在于迫使孔子去他家致谢。孔子乘他不在家时去拜谢,可不料却在半路上遇见了。阳货对孔子说 :“来,我有话要跟你说。”孔子走过去,阳货说:“有本领却藏起来而听任国家大乱,这能叫仁吗?”孔子说:“不能。”阳货说:“总想干大事而又屡次错过机会,这能叫明智吗?”孔子说:“不能。”阳货说:“时间一天天过去了,年岁是不等人的。”孔子说:“好吧,那我就去做官吧。”



Yang Huo wanted to visit Confucius but Confucius refused.  He gave Confucius a roasted sucking pig aiming to force Confucius to visit him expressing thanks. Confucius deliberately went to visit him when Yang Huo was out but unexpectedly he met with him on the way. Yang Huo said to Confucius: “Come on! I have something to talk with you.” Confucius stepped up and Yang Huo said: “You’re a man of ability but you live a secluded life and let the coutry suffer from a great disorder. Can it be called humanity?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said continuously: “You always want to do big things but you have missed chances again and again.  Can it be called wisdom?” Confucius said: “No.” Yang Huo said: “Time passed day by day. Age doesn’t wait for anyone.” Confucius said: “All right. I’ll be out and  seek a post then.”



17·2 子曰:“性相近也,习相远也。”






Confucius said: “All people’s nature is nearly the same, but their habits can be quite differenct.”



17·3 子曰:“唯上知与下愚不移。”






Confucius said: “It is the wise men of upper class and the stupid men of grass-root class that cannot be changed.”



17·4 子之武城(1),闻弦歌(2)之声。夫子莞尔而笑,曰:“割鸡焉用牛刀?”子游对曰:“昔者偃也闻诸夫子曰:‘君子学道则爱人,小人学道则易使也。’”子曰:“二三子!偃之言是也。前言戏之耳。”










Confucius came to Wu Cheng City and heard the sound interspersed with singning and accompanied with plucked instruments. Smiling, Confucius said: “ What’s the necessacity to kill a chicken with a butcher’ knife for ox-killing?” Ztu You replied: “Before I once heard you say: ‘After learning propieties and music, gentlemen will love people; after learning propieties and music, vulgarians will be easily incited.’” Confucius said: “My dear student, what Yan Yan said is correct. And what I said just now is only for fun.”




17·5 公山弗扰(1)(2)费畔(3),召,子欲往。子路不悦,曰:“末之也已(4),何必公山氏之之也(5)。”子曰:“夫召我者,而岂徒(6)哉?如有用我者,吾其为东周乎(7)?”




(2) 以:占据,以某地为据点。











Taking Fei County as a stronghold, Gongshan Furao rose in rebellion and invited Confucius. Confucius wanted to go. Ztu Lu said unhappily: “If there is nowhere for you to go, let it go at that. What’s the need to accept the invitation of Gongshan Furao?” Confucius said: “Could it be said that there is no reason for him to invite me? If someone wants to use me, surely it doesn’t mean that I cannot rebuild a new Zhou Dynasty in the east.”




17·6 子张问仁于孔子。孔子曰:“能行五者于天下为仁矣。” 问:“请问之。”曰:“恭、宽、信、敏、惠。恭则不侮,宽则得众,信则人任焉,敏则有功,惠则足以使人。”






Ztu Zhang asked Confucius about humanity. Confucius said: “If you can do five things then you can be considered man of humanity.” Ztu Zhang said: “What are they?” Confucius said: “Seriousness, generosity, honesty, diligence and kindness. Seriousness can help you avoid being insulted; generosity can help you win supports of the people; honesty can help you win important positions; diligence can help you to be crowned with success; kindness can help you properly use persons of talent.”




17·7 佛肸(1)召,子欲往。子路曰:昔者由也闻诸夫子曰:‘亲于其身为不善者,君子不入也。’佛肸以中牟(2)畔,子之往也,如之何?”子曰:“然,有是言也。不曰坚乎,磨而不磷(3);不曰白乎,涅(4)而不缁(5)。吾岂匏瓜(6)也哉?焉能系(7)而不食?”








(6)匏瓜:匏读“袍”, 葫芦中的一种,比一般葫芦大,味苦不能吃,可做瓢。







Bixi invited Confucius and he wanted to go. But Ztu Lu said: “I heard you said before: ‘Gentlemen don’t go to persons who do bad things personally.’ Now Bixi takes Zhong Mou as a stronghold and has risen in rebellion. But you want to go there. How can you explain it?” Confucius said: “Yes, I once said this. But do you know that hard thing cannot be worn out by rubbing and white thing cannot be blackened with dyestuff? Could it be said I’m a bitter gourd which can just be hung there but cannot be eaten?”



17·8 子曰:“由也,女(1)闻六言六蔽矣乎?”对曰:“未也。”“居(2),吾语女。好仁不好学,其蔽也愚(3);好知不好学,其蔽也荡(4);好信不好学,其蔽也贼(5);好直不好学,其蔽也绞(6);好勇不好学,其蔽也乱;好刚不好学,其蔽也狂。”



(1) 女:音义皆同“汝”,你。











Confucius said: “Zhong You, have you ever heard of six virtues and six defects?” Zhong You said: “No.” Confucius said: “Sit down. Let me tell you. Lay stress on humanity but not on study, its defect is stupidity; lay stress on wisdom but not on study, its defect is loose; lay stress on honesty but not on study, its defect is misleading people; lay stress on straightforwardness but not on study, its defect is causticity; lay stress on braveness but not on study, its defect is to rise in revolt; lay stress on firmness and unyieldingness but not on study, its defect is franticness.”



17·9 子曰:“小子何莫学夫诗。诗,可以兴(1),可以观(2),可以群(3),可以怨(4)。迩(5)之事父,远之事君;多识于鸟兽草木之名。”













Confucius said: “My students, why don’t you study The Book of Odes》?Through the study of The Book of Odes,  you can arouse delights of life, you can be broad-minded, you can get on well with others, you can express resentment. Near, you can well show filial devotion to your parents and far you can well serve the lord. Moreover, you can also learn some names of birds, animals, plants and trees.”




17·10 子谓伯鱼曰:“女为《周南》、《召南》(1)矣乎?人而不为《周南》、《召南》,其犹正墙面而立(2)也与?”










Confucius said to Bo Yu: “Have you learned ZhounanandZhaonan? If a man doesn’t learnZhounanandZhaonan,  isn’t it like to sand facing a wall?”



17·11 子曰:“礼云礼云,玉帛云乎哉?乐云乐云,钟鼓云乎哉?”






Confucius said: “Gifts and gifts, do they mean jade and silk? Music and music, does it mean bell and drum?”



17·12 子曰:“色厉而内荏(1),譬诸小人,其犹穿窬(2)之盗也与?”










Confucius said: “A fierce look covers a coward heart. If we use this sentence to draw an analogy to vulgarians, aren’t they like thieves who commit theft by boring holes in the wall?”




17·13 子曰:“乡愿,德之贼也。”



(1) 乡愿:老好人。






Confucius said: “Men of no principle are demoralized persons.”



17·14 子曰:“道听而涂说,德之弃也。”






Confucius said: “Hearsay runs counter to morality.”




17·15 子曰:“鄙夫可与事君也与哉?其未得之也,患得之。既得之,患失之。苟患失之,无所不至矣。”






Confucius said: “Can we work together with vulgarians at serving the lord? When they’ve got no official posts, they are always afraid of being unable to get. But when they’ve got one, they are afraid of losing it. If what they always worry about is just losing office posts, then there is nothing they cannot do.”




17·16 子曰:“古者民有三疾,今也或是之亡也。古之狂(1)也肆(2),今之狂也荡(3);古之矜也廉(4),今之矜也忿戾(5);古之愚也直,今之愚也诈而已矣。”













Confucius said: “The ancient people had three weakpoints but what the present people do is probably to make them intensified. What the ancient frantic persons did was only to show self-importantance, but what the present frantic persons do is to lead a loose life; what the ancient arrogant persons did was only never to go back on their words, but what the present arrogant persons do is to be arbitrary and cruel; what the ancient stupid persons did was only to be straightforward, but what the present stupid persons do is to be sly and fraudulent.”




1717 子曰:“巧言令色(1),鲜(2)仁矣。”










Confucius said: “Talking plausibly with feign amialble looks, people of this sort are scarely benevolent.”



17·18 子曰:“恶紫之夺朱也,恶郑声之乱雅乐也,恶利口之覆邦家者。”






Confucius said: “I hate people who replace red with purple, disturb refined music with popular music and subvert a government with fallacies.”



17·19 子曰:“予欲无言。”子贡曰:“子如不言,则小子何述焉?”子曰:“天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?”






Confucius said: “I don’t want to say anymore.” Ztu Gong said: “If you don’t want to say anymore, then what can we students say?” Confucius said: “Has Heaven ever said anything? No. Yet even Heaven has said nothing, the four seasons move regularly and everything in the world grows as uasual. Has Heaven said anything?”



17·20 孺悲(1)欲见孔子,孔子辞以疾。将命者出户,取瑟而歌,使之闻之。









Ru Bei wanted to see Confucius but Confucius delined to see him on the pretext of illness. Yet as soon as the man who sent words walked out, taking out a Se ( a music instrument),  Confucius sang as he played it. On purpose, he wanted to let Ru Bei hear it.”




17·21 宰我问:“三年之丧,期已久矣。君子三年不为礼,礼必坏;三年不为乐,乐必崩。旧谷既没,新谷既升,钻燧改火(1),期(2)可已矣。”子曰:“食夫稻(3),衣夫锦,于女安乎?”曰:“安。”“女安则为之。夫君子之居丧,食旨(4)不甘,闻乐不乐,居处不安,故不为也。今女安,则为之!”宰我出,子曰:“予之不仁也!子生三年,然后免于父母之怀,夫三年之丧,天下之通丧也。予也有三年之爱于其父母乎?”












Zai Wo said: “The three-year-funeral-period is too long. If gentlemen do not study proprieties three years, proprieties will be ruined; if gentlemen do not play music three years, music will be neglected. Old grain is run out,  new one will come out. And the method of making fire by drilling wood should be changed. Therefore, one year is enough for a funeral-period.” Confucius said: “Only one year passed, you do begin eating rice and wearing silk. Do you feel quite at ease?”Zai Wo said: “Yes, I do.” Confucius said: “Since you feel quite at ease, you can do that way. During funeral period, gentlemen do not feel tasty when eating delicious food, do not feel happly when listening music, do not feel comfortable when living at home. So gentlemen do not do like that. Since you feel quite at ease, then you can do that way.” After Zai Wo left, Confucius said: “Zai Wo is really lack of humanity! After being born, a little baby does not leave his mother’s embrance until he is three years old. Keeping a three-year-funeral-period is the usual funeral propriety. Could it be said that Zai Wo have got no three-year-love at all from his parents?”



17·22 子路曰:“饱食终日,无所用心,难矣哉!不有博奕者乎?为之,犹贤乎已。”






Confucius said: “It’s really too difficult to loaf through the day well-fed and taking nothing seriously! There is a chess game, isn’t there? Playing chess is much better than living in idleness.”




17·23 子路曰:“君子尚勇乎?”子曰:“君子义以为上。君子有勇而无义为乱,小人有勇而无义为盗。”






Ztu Lu asked: “Do gentlmen uphold braveness?” Confucius said: “Gentlemen consider justice as the best morality. If a gentleman is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will make troubles. If a vulagarin is brave but doesn’t uphold justice, he will commit theft.”



17·24 子贡曰:“君子亦有恶(1)乎?”子曰:“有恶。恶称人之恶者,恶居下流(2)而讪(3)上者,恶勇而无礼者,恶果敢而窒(4)者。”曰:“赐也亦有恶乎?”“恶徼(5)以为知(6)者,恶不孙(7)以为勇者,恶讦(8)以为直者。”
















Ztu Gong asked: “Do gentlemen detest anyone?” Confucius said: “Yes, of course. They detest persons who publicize others’ weak points, detest persons who are in lower positions but defame persons in higher posions, detest persons who are brave but don’t pay attention to proprieties, detest persons who are stubbon but don’t make any exceptions.” Confucius said: “Ci, do you detest anyone?” Ztu Gong said: “Yes. I detest persons who plagiarize others’ works but praise themselves, detest persons who consider un-modesty as braveness, detest persons who take disclosing others’ faults as straightforwardness.”




17·25 子曰:“唯女子与小人为难养也,近之则不孙,远之则怨。”






Confucius said: “Women and vulgarians are the only ones who are difficult to be dealt. If you are on intimate terms with them, they will neglect proprieties. But if you keep them at a distance, they will complain.”




17·26 子曰:“年四十而见(1)恶焉,其终也已。”









Confucius said: “If a person is still detested by others at the age of forty, then his whole life is over.”

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