(2008-01-02 18:36:42)
Dream Wolves
There was an old man Bai in Zhili Province. His first son Jia went south to his post without giving any news to him for two years.
Bai had a remote kinsfolk Ding. One day, Ding visited him. Ding once served in the nether world. Bai asked him something about there.
Ding answered Bai with something mysterious. Not deeply believing him, Bai only smiled.
Several days later, Ding came again as soon as Bai went to bed. Ding asked Bai to go for a trip with him.
Following Ding, Bai went into a town. Shortly, Ding pointed a gate to Bai.
“Your niece is here,” Ding said.
Bai’s sister really had a son. But he was at his post in Shanxi Province.
“Why here?” Bai asked.
“If you don’t believe, just go in and have a look,” Ding said to Bai.
Going into the gate, Bai really found his niece sit in the court wearing sparkling official robe. With a dignified and awe-inspiring look, the young man seemed so severe that no one dared to step up to him. Ding pulled Bai out.
“Your son is not far from here,” Ding said to Bai. “Are you willing to see him?”
Bai agreed. Shortly, they came to a government office.
“Go in,” Ding said to Bai.
Glancing at the gate, Bai found a large wolf blocking their way. Scared to death, he didn’t dare to go in.
“Go in,” Ding urged again.
Going through the first gate and then anther one, Bai found wolves everywhere, inside or outside the court, sitting or lying. In a word, he could see nothing but wolves.
Then glancing at the steps, Bai terribly found a large amount of white bones piling up like a mountain. Bai became much more frightened. He was then pushed in by Ding who was covering Bai with his own body.
His son, Jia, came out. Seeing his father and Ding, Jia was very happy. Sitting for a few minutes, Jia asked the servants to prepare a meal for these two guests.
Suddenly, a large wolf ran out holding a dead person between its lips.
Deadly scared, Bai jumped to his feet.
“What’s the use of the dead body?” asked Bai.
“For cooking,” he was told.
Bai immediately stopped them from doing so. Greatly anxious, he wanted to leave. But the wolves blocked his way.
Just at the moment of falling into an awkward situation, Bai found the wolf crowd began to roar loudly and then swiftly dispersed and finally hided under a bed or tables. Extremely astonished, he just couldn’t understand all these horrible things before his own eyes.
Suddenly, there came two fearful men in golden armors with anger looks. Taking out a black rope, they wanted to bind Jia.
Falling onto the ground, Jia immediately changed into a tiger with his teeth grinding aloud. A person drew out a sharp sword and wanted to cut off his head.
“Stop, stop,” another man cried. “He should be beheaded next April. We’d better strike off his teeth for the time being.”
Then, they took out a big hammer and violently struck his teeth which fell down onto the ground one after another. The tiger roaring loudly, the mountains shook and the earth quaked terribly.
Frightened to death, Bai was startled from his dream.
Although knowing this was only a dream, Bai still felt strange and asked someone to give a message to Ding inviting him to come. But Ding refused to appear again.
Constantly bearing the horrible dream in mind and feeling much troubled, Bai sent his second son to visit Jia with a letter exhorting him to take good care of himself.
On his arrival, the second son found that his elder brother had his two front teeth lost. Greatly frightened, he asked. Jia said that his two front teeth were broken down when falling down from his horse because of being drunk. Asking the date, the second son found his elder brother lost his teeth just on the very day his father had that horrible dream. He therefore felt much more frightened than ever before.
Then, the young brother gave his father’s letter to Jia. After reading, Jia put on a long face immediately.
“It’s only a coincidence between his dream and my condition,” said Jia. “Such a simple thing is not worth feeling strange.”
Having just been promoted to a higher position by offering bribes to higher officials, he didn’t care about his father’s dream at all.
The second son stayed with his elder brother only a few days. He found Jia’s home full of evil officials all the time. Day and night, the dregs of society came and went endlessly, busy giving or taking bribes. With tears, he did his best to dissuade his elder brother from doing evil things continuously. But Jia didn’t listen to him.
“Dear brother, you live in the thatched cottage all the time, so you don’t know anything about the knack in official carrier. Dismiss a person from office or promote him to a higher position, the right is in the hands of higher officials but not in that of ordinary people. So long as the higher officials like you, you’re a good official. If you only know how to love ordinary people, how can you make the higher officials to love you?”
Knowing unable to talk his brother into changing his mind, the second son went back home and told his father about Jia’s conditions. After learning the whole story, Bai was chocked with tears.
Without knowing what to do next, the old man had to donate what he had to the poor and prayed for his family everyday. He asked the gods not to get his family, especially his daughter-in-law and grandson into trouble when his unworthy son was punished in future.
Next year, Jia was promoted to an even higher position. Various kinds of people constantly came to congratulate the old man for his son’s great success in official carrier. But Bai hid himself in the room lying on pillow and groaning bitterly. He refused to come out to entertain these congratulators on the pretext of illness.
Shortly, he learned Jia and his servants were all killed by robbers on his way back home. Only at this news, did he get up and go out.
“Though the gods and demons were very angry, they only punished him alone,” said the old man. “The gods already did us a favor.”
Bai burned incense expressing his heartfelt thanks to the gods. All the people comforting Bai thought that the news of Jia’s death was merely hearsay. Only Bai firmly believed it without any suspect and asked a fortune-teller to help him choose a proper graveyard for his unworthy son. Yet, in fact, his son was still alive.
先是,四月间,甲解任,甫离境,即遭寇,甲倾装以献之。诸寇曰:“我等来,为一邑之民泄冤愤耳,宁*专为此哉!”遂决其首。又问家人*:“有司大成者谁是?”司故甲之腹心,助纣为虐者。家人共指之,贼亦杀之。更有蠹役四人,甲聚敛臣*也,将携入都。---- 并搜决讫*,始分资入囊,骛驰而去。甲魂伏道旁,见一宰官*过,问:“杀者何人?”前驱者*曰:“某县白知县也。”宰官曰:“此白某之子,不宜使老后见此凶惨,宜续其头。”即有一人掇头置腔*上,曰:“邪人不宜使正,以肩承颌*可也。”遂去。移时复苏。妻子往收其尸,见有余息,载之以行;从容灌之,亦受饮。但寄旅邸,贫不能归。半年许,翁始得确耗,遣次子致之而归*。甲虽复生,而目能自顾其背,不复齿人数*矣。翁姊子有政声,是年行取*为御史*,悉符所梦。
此前,四月间,甲卸任还乡,刚离开他那个县,就遭遇到劫匪,甲把所有的东西都交了出去。劫匪们说:“我们来,是为一城的民众泄愤申冤的,哪是专门为这个呢!”于是砍了他的头。又问他随行的仆从:“有个叫司大成的,谁是呀?”司大成原来是甲的心腹,是个助纣为虐的家伙。仆从们(对他恨之入骨)就一起把他指出来,劫匪也把他杀了。还有四名残害百姓的仆役,都是帮助甲搜刮民财的歹徒,将被带到都城去惩处。---- 劫匪们把甲的财物都收敛完毕,才开始分赃塞入私囊,继而挥鞭跃马,扬长而去。甲的灵魂伏卧在道旁,见到一位宰相路过,宰相问:“被杀的是什么人?”开路的人说:“是某县的白知县。”宰相说:“这个人是白某的儿子,不应该让老人家看到这么残酷的情形,应该把他的头再接上。”随即有一个人提起他的头放到脖腔上,说:“邪人的脑袋不应该放正,用肩膀接着就可以了。”这一干人马随后离开。不久甲还阳苏醒过来。妻儿前往收尸,见他还剩一口气,就把他放到车上往前走;慢慢给他往嘴里灌水,他也喝。只是寄宿在旅店里,穷得回不了家。过去半年左右,老翁才得知确切的消息,就派二儿子把甲运回家。甲虽然活过来,但是眼睛只能看到自己的后背,后来慢慢也就不再被人提起来加以数落。老翁姐姐的儿子为官声誉很高,当年被擢升为御史,这些也都和老翁的梦相符。
In April, leaving his old post, Jia went to take up a new one. Shortly after being
on his way, he encountered some highwaymen. Emptying his purse and turning out his boxes and suitcases, he gave all he had to the highwaymen.
“How can we come here only for this?” the highwaymen said. “Our goal is to help the poor redress their grievances against the corrupt officials.”
Finishing their words, they had Jia beheaded.
The highwaymen asked, “Is there anyone named Si Dacheng?”
This henchman of Jia always did his best to help his master do evil. He was also guilty of innumerable crimes. All subordinates of Jia hated him to the bone. So he was also beheaded. As for Jia’s four other official attendants, they were also his accessories because they always helped their superior grab money from the broad masses. But they would be punished separately. After searching completely and dividing up the money, these highwaymen ran away.
Lying prostrate at the roadside, Jia’s soul found a higher official passing by.
“Who is the beheaded man?” the higher official asked.
“Jia, a county magistrate,” an attendant told him.
“He is,” the higher official said,“the son of Bai. ” He said continiouly,“ I have no heart to let the honest old man see this sort of horrible thing. Join his head to his neck.”
Picking up his head from the ground and putting it onto his neck, an attendant said: “This sort of evil doer is unworthy of having a straight head. Just put it on his shoulders. Let his shoulders support his lower jaw. His face will be slanting forever, but that’s more than enough.”
Shortly after they left, Jia came round.
His wife and son came to take his dead body. But they found he still had a weak breath left. The family decided to give special care in nursing him. Yet, because of lacking money, they could only stay in a hotel for the time being.
Only half year later, did the old man get the true information about Jia. But what he did was only to send his second son to the hotel and have a look.
Although Jia was restored to life, yet the poor man could only see his own back.
Worse of all, with passage of time, he was no longer mentioned and censured by others.
As far as Bai’s niece was concerned, the young man really became an official and enjoyed high reputation. This was also in keeping with Bai’s dream.
Author’s Commentary:
There’re so many tiger-and-wolf government officials in the world! Even if the ones in higher position don’t behave as tigers, the ones in lower position would do evil as wolves. And worse of all, these ones were sometimes even more ferocious than tigers! The worst thing in the world is that some people only do whatever they like without thinking about the final results; but fortunately, gods and ghosts make people awaken first and then enable them to attend to the final results while doing something. How magical is it!
1.为人罗织:被人诬陷。罗织,虚构、诬陷。如“罗织罪名”,虚构罪名。2.听鞫:听审。鞫,审讯,读“菊”。3.按是事:审理此事。按,考察、核对;审讯。是,此,这个。4.颔:点头表示同意。颔,下巴,读“和”或“格”。5.谐:办妥了。6.首肯:点头同意。7.苞苴:行贿的财物, 读“包居”。语出《荀子。大略》:“苞苴行与?谗夫兴与?”《注》:“货贿比以物包裹,故总谓之苞苴。”
Li Kuangjiu, an imperial scholar of Zouping County, Shandong Province, was an honest official. But there were often some rich men, framed without reason. If they sued at law, Li’s official attendants would say to them: “My superior asks you to pay two hundred dollars. You should pay the money as soon as possible. Otherwise, you’ll lose a lawsuit.”
And here was a rich man of this kind right then. But he only agreed to pay half. The attendant waved his hand indicating his disagreement. The rich man begged for pity.
“It’s not that I’m not willing to help you,” said the attendant. “I’m afraid my superior Mr. Li doesn’t agree.” He said to the rich man continuously,“When you are called in, you will see that I put in a good word for you. So long as you see my superior’s decision, you will know I have no ill attention.”
Shortly, the court began to hear the case. Knowing his superior Li didn’t smoke, the attendant stepped up and deliberately asked in a low voice, “You want to smoke?”
Li shook his head.
Back to the side of the rich man, the attendant whispered, “Just now, I told him about your half payment. He shook his head indicating his disapproval. Did you see it?”
The rich man believed his nonsense and felt much frightened. As a result, he paid two hundred dollars on the spot.
Knowing his superior Li loved tea, the attendant stepped up again and deliberately asked in a low voice, “You want to have a cup of tea?”
Li nodded his head.
The attendant asked someone to serve a cup of tea to his superior and then turned back to the side of the rich man. He whispered to the rich man, “That settles the matter. Mr. Li nodded his approval of your payment of two hundred dollars. Did you see it?”
The case was thus wound up. The rich man was really exempt from punishment. The attendant returned with satisfactory results including a remarkable amount of bribes and rewards.
Alas! Many officials consider themselves incorruptible, but there is still widespread popular resentment against them. Why? It’s only because they don’t know they have many wolf-tiger-like subordinates. And in fact, their actions usually amounted to feeding simple and unaffected babies to beasts. This sort of officials don’t amount to a small number. All officials should take warning from these stories.
1.撄其怒:惹人发怒。撄,触犯。读“英”。2.恶:痛恨,厌恶。3.吏皂:旧时衙门里的差役。4.宥:宽恕。读“又”。5.胥吏:小官。胥,读“虚”。6.有所白:有说话出主意的。白,说话,这里指提建议,出主意。7.适:正好,刚好。8.邑人:城里人,县里人。邑,城;县。9.重罪:就是平常说的“十恶不赦”里的“十恶”,即十项大罪。北齐律所规定的重罪十条:“一曰反逆,二曰大逆,三曰叛,四曰降,五曰恶逆,六曰不道,七曰不敬,八曰不孝,九曰不义,十曰内乱”。10.缓颊:为人求情。11.靳:吝啬。12.械梏:刑具。此处做动词用,指上刑。就是常说的“大刑伺候”。13.责吏:处罚了小官。14.责,责备,斥责;责罚,即处罚。15.伤我:伤害我,其实这里所指并非是我,而是泛指。因此不如翻译成泛指一般的“人”。16.阴?:阴气。?,音义都同“气”。17.身家:名声,甚至仕途官运。18.何心腑:用心何在,就是心里怎么想的。19.以赤子饲麻胡:用天真无邪的儿童去喂野兽。麻胡,一解是貌丑而多胡须的人。胡,指西北少数民族。 宋曾慥《高斋漫录》:“ 毗陵有成郎中, 宣和中为省官,貌不扬而多髭。再娶之夕,岳母陋之,曰:‘我女如菩萨,乃嫁一麻胡。’” 。二解是山西俗语,指传说中一种凶恶的吃人怪兽。常有小孩夜间哭闹,母亲就以“麻胡”来吓唬。
As a county magistrate with a fiery disposition, Mr. Yang was stern but honest to people. Anyone who angered him would certainly die beyond doubt. He especially hated the attendants who were up to all kinds of evil. They wouldn’t be tolerated even if having made only a minor mistake. So long as he sat in the court no subordinate of his dared to cough. If anyone among these attendants put forward a proposal, he would do exactly the opposite. There happened to be a townsman who had committed felonies but was afraid of being sentenced to death. A small official asked for a large amount of bribes so as to plead for mercy for him. Not believing this, the man said: “If this is really useful, why should I stint money?” Hence a treaty of alliance. Shortly after that, Mr. Yang hold a court and heard this case. The man pleaded no guilty. “If you don’t make a quick confession strictly according to the facts, ” the small official deliberately scolded him in a loud voice, “ the Lord’ll put you to torture and you’ll die!” “How can you know I’ll put him to torture?”asked the county magistrate.“ It must be that you haven’t got his bribes yet.” Therefore the small official was punished while the townsman was released. And later on, the townsman gave a hundred liangs( Chinese weight unit) of gold to the small official in reward for his help. You should know that all wolves are extremely sly and greedy. The wolflike evildoers not only do harm to people’s health but also make them to lose all standing and reputation. The officials’ behavior simply amounted to feeding children to wild beasts. What are they up to? I really don’t know.