

《宋氏快译》英汉对照(51): w00t :韦氏词典年度网上最热门词

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《宋氏快译》英汉对照(51): w00t :韦氏词典年度网上最热门词

Winner of Merriam-Webster's online Word of the Year poll: gamers' word ‘w00t'
By STEPHANIE REITZ Associated Press Writer

韦氏-韦伯斯特网上文字07年度调查:玩家热门词" w00t " 夺魁

美联社记者 斯蒂芬尼-里兹 文

宋德利 译

SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Expect cheers among hardcore online game enthusiasts when they learn Merriam-Webster's Word of the Year. Or, more accurately, expect them to "w00t."

斯普林菲尔德,马萨诸塞州 –

注释:Merriam-Webster,梅里亚姆-韦伯斯特,是美国权威的辞书出版机构,它出版的书籍,尤其是词典,在中文里被称作“韦氏词典”。Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary,即韦氏大词典,它之所以深得美国人青睐,主要因为它具有150年历史,数代美国人在它的哺育下长大,它在美国的地位相当于中国的《新华字典》。曾经有人这么评论过:“韦氏词典是划时代的,它的出现标志着美语体系的独立”。GRE考试的词汇主要依据就是美国韦氏学院辞典。

"W00t," a hybrid of letters and numbers used by gamers as an exclamation of happiness or triumph, topped all other terms in the Springfield-based dictionary publisher's online poll for the word that best sums up 2007.

“ w00t "”,是一个字母和数字的混合词,游戏玩家经常把它作为一个表示高兴或胜利的惊叹词使用。它在以斯普林菲尔德为(调查)基点的字典出版商最佳网上文字2007年度民意调查中独占鳌头。

Merriam-Webster's president, John Morse, said "w00t" was an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology.

韦氏-韦伯斯特公司总裁约翰 - 莫斯说: " w00t " ,是一个较理想的选择,因为它融合了妙趣奇思和新技术。

"It shows a really interesting thing that's going on in language. It's a term that's arrived only because we're now communicating electronically with each other," Morse said.

莫尔斯说: “它真正体现了在语言发展中应运而生的一件趣事。它之所以问世,只是因为我们当下都在热衷于以电子方式与他人互相沟通。”

Gamers commonly substitute numbers and symbols for the letters they resemble, Morse says, creating what they call "l33t speak" that's "leet" when spoken, short for "elite" to the rest of the world.

莫尔斯说,玩家们通常是以数字和符号替代与之相仿的英文字母,比如在说到“ leet ”时,就创新出他们称之为的“l33t式讲话”,而对于这一群体的其他人而言,它也是“elite”(精英)一词的略缩语。

注释:rest of the world:其中的 world,不是“世界”,而是指“领域、范畴、界”而言。具体到本文,就是指网络文字玩家领域,说“群体”似乎更贴切些,用“领域”或“界”似乎有点用词太大的感觉。

For technophobes, the word also is familiar from the 1990 movie "Pretty Woman," in which Julia Roberts startles her date's upper-crust friends with a hearty "Woot, woot, woot!" at a polo match.

提到technophobes(憎恶技术的人)一词, 它出于20世纪90年代的电影“漂亮女人” ,因此也为人们所熟悉。在那部电影中,茱莉亚-罗勃兹在一个马球比赛中,以一连串的热诚词语“woot , woot , woot!”令她那个时代最上流社会的朋友们吃惊不已。

注释:technophobes:-techno,构词成分,技术;-phobes,构词成分,构成名次或形容词,表示“憎恶 ---- 的人”。另如xenophobe:憎恶外国人的人。-xen(o),构词成分,表示“异”;“外国人”|“陌生人”。

Purists of "l33t speak" often substitute a "7" for the final "t," expressing a "w007" of victory an "in your face" of sorts when they defeat an online gaming opponent.

纯正的“ l33t式讲话”者 ,战胜在线玩家对手时,往往以一个“ 7 ”代替词尾的“ t ”,以表示含义为胜利的“ w007 ”一词, 而这种胜利经常只是表现“在你的脸上”。

注释:victory an "in your face":只是表现在脸上的胜利,言外之意,不用说,不用喊,只是以面部表情表示胜利。

"W00t" was among 20 nominees in a list of the most-searched words in Merriam-Webster's online dictionary and most frequently submitted terms from users of its "open dictionary."

在遴选韦氏-韦伯斯特网上词典中查阅次数最多的词,以及韦氏-韦伯斯特网上词典之“开放词典”中选用次数最频繁的术语时,总共有20个词获选,而“w00t ”就名列之中。

The choice did not make Allan Metcalf, executive secretary of the American Dialect Society, say "w00t."

美国方言协会执行秘书阿兰-米特卡尔夫则没有挑选“w00t ”。

注释:直译:这次挑选没有使美国方言协会执行秘书阿兰-米特卡尔夫说“w00t ”。言外之意,就是他没有挑选“w00t ”。

"It's amusing, but it's limited to a small community and unlikely to spread and unlikely to last," said Metcalf, an English professor at MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Ill.

伊利诺伊州,杰克森维尔市的麦克茂莱学院英语教授米特卡尔夫说, “这很有趣,但它仅限于一个小圈子,而且不太可能会传播,也不大可能持久。”

The 2006 pick, "truthiness," also has its roots in pop culture. It was popularized by Comedy Central satirical political commentator Stephen Colbert.

2006年选中的“truthiness(真实)”一词 ,也是扎根于流行文化的。它是由喜剧名家兼讽刺政治评论员斯蒂芬-考尔伯特推出的。

Some also-rans in the 2007 list: the use of "facebook" as a verb to signify using the Web site by that name; nuanced terms such as "quixotic," "hypocrite" and "conundrum"; and "blamestorm," a meeting in which mistakes are aired, fingers are pointed and much discomfort is had by all.

名列2007年名单的还有:“facebook(脸谱)”,它被用作动词来表示以那个名称使用网站;以及一些语义差异细微的词汇,如“quixotic(不切实际)” ,“hypocrite (伪君子)”,“conundrum (谜)” ,“ blamestorm(谴责声浪)”,而“ blamestorm ”一词是指一种会议。在这种会议上,错误被公开,而且遭到指责,弄得所有人都很不自在。

注释:aired, 此处的air既不是“空气”,也不是“广播”,而是“发表”的意思。本文指把错误的言论发表出来,就是“大鸣大放”(air one’s views freely)。 fingers are pointed,手指被伸出来。指对别人不满的人伸出手指去加以指责。
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