


(2007-11-05 20:46:09) 下一个

Pilot of plane that dropped A-bomb dies
By JULIE CARR SMYTH, Associated Press Writer


美联社记者 朱利叶。卡尔。斯密斯 撰文 宋德利 译

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Paul Tibbets, who piloted the B-29 bomber Enola Gay that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, died Thursday. He was 92 and insisted for six decades after the war that he had no regrets about the mission and slept just fine at night.

科伦拜-俄亥俄 -
驾驶B-29 型“埃诺拉•盖伊”号轰炸机在日本广岛投掷原子弹的帕尔。蒂贝茨,周四辞世,享年92岁。战后以来的六十多年里,他一直坚持不为那次使命后悔,晚上睡觉高枕无忧。

Tibbets died at his Columbus home. He suffered from a variety of health problems and had been in decline for two months.


Tibbets had requested no funeral and no headstone, fearing it would provide his detractors with a place to protest, said Gerry Newhouse, a longtime friend.


Tibbets' historic mission in the plane named for his mother marked the beginning of the end of World War II and eliminated the need for what military planners feared would have been an extraordinarily bloody invasion of Japan. It was the first use of a nuclear weapon in wartime.


The plane and its crew of 14 dropped the five-ton "Little Boy" bomb on the morning of Aug. 6, 1945. The blast killed 70,000 to 100,000 people and injured countless others.


Three days later, the United States dropped a second nuclear bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing an estimated 40,000 people. Tibbets did not fly in that mission. The Japanese surrendered a few days later, ending the war.


"I knew when I got the assignment it was going to be an emotional thing," Tibbets told The Columbus Dispatch for a story published on the 60th anniversary of the bombing. "We had feelings, but we had to put them in the background. We knew it was going to kill people right and left. But my one driving interest was to do the best job I could so that we could end the killing as quickly as possible."

“我知道我接受了任务就将是面临情感问题,” 《科伦拜快报》在轰炸60周年纪念那天发表一段相关的故事,蒂帕茨对这家报社说。“我们有情感,但是必须把它放入时代背景中。我们知道那无论如何也将会杀人的。但是我最感兴趣的一点就是尽我所能地把事情做好,以便我们尽快结束这次杀伤计划。”

Morris Jeppson, the officer who armed the bomb during the Hiroshima flight, said Tibbets was energetic, well-respected and "hard-nosed."


"Ending the war saved a lot of U.S. armed forces and Japanese civilians and military," Jeppson said. "History has shown there was no need to criticize him."


Tibbets, then a 30-year-old colonel, never expressed regret over his role. He said it was his patriotic duty and the right thing to do.


"I'm not proud that I killed 80,000 people, but I'm proud that I was able to start with nothing, plan it and have it work as perfectly as it did," he said in a 1975 interview.


"You've got to take stock and assess the situation at that time. We were at war. ... You use anything at your disposal."

“那个时候你不得不对形势做出估计。我们是处在战争时期。-- 任何东西都由你自由支配使用。”

He added: "I sleep clearly every night."


Tibbets took quiet pride in the job he had done, said journalist Bob Greene, who wrote the Tibbets biography, "Duty: A Father, His Son, and the Man Who Won the War."


"He said, 'What they needed was someone who could do this and not flinch — and that was me,'" Greene said.

“他说:‘他们需要一个能够做这件事,而不是畏缩不前的人 – 而那个人就是我,’”格林说。

Paul Warfield Tibbets Jr. was born Feb. 23, 1915, in Quincy, Ill., and spent most of his boyhood in Miami.


He was a student at the University of Cincinnati's medical school when he decided to withdraw in 1937 to enlist in the Army Air Corps.


After the war, Tibbets said in 2005, he was dogged by rumors claiming he was in prison or had committed suicide.


"They said I was crazy, said I was a drunkard, in and out of institutions," he said. "At the time, I was running the National Crisis Center at the Pentagon."


Tibbets retired from the Air Force as a brigadier general in 1966. He later moved to Columbus, where he ran an air taxi service until he retired in 1985.


The National Aviation Hall of Fame in Dayton plans a photographic tribute to Tibbets, who was inducted in 1996.


"There are few in the history of mankind that have been called to figuratively carry as much weight on their shoulders as Paul Tibbets," director Ron Kaplan said in a statement. "Even fewer were able to do so with a sense of honor and duty to their countrymen as did Paul."


Tibbets' role in the bombing brought him fame — and infamy — throughout his life.

蒂贝茨在轰炸中扮演的角色在他一生中给他带来的既有美誉 – 也有恶名。

In 1976, he was criticized for re-enacting the bombing during an appearance at a Harlingen, Texas, air show. As he flew a B-29 Superfortress over the show, a bomb set off on the runway below created a mushroom cloud.


He said the display "was not intended to insult anybody," but the Japanese were outraged. The U.S. government later issued a formal apology.


Tibbets again defended the bombing in 1995, when an outcry erupted over a planned 50th anniversary exhibit of the Enola Gay at the Smithsonian Institution.


The museum had planned to mount an exhibit that would have examined the context of the bombing, including the discussion within the Truman administration of whether to use the bomb, the rejection of a demonstration bombing and the selection of the target.


Veterans groups objected, saying the proposed display paid too much attention to Japan's suffering and too little to Japan's brutality during and before World War II, and that it underestimated the number of Americans who would have perished in an invasion.


They said the bombing of Japan was an unmitigated blessing for the United States and the exhibit should say so.


Tibbets denounced it as "a damn big insult."


The museum changed its plan and agreed to display the fuselage of the Enola Gay without commentary, context or analysis.


He told the Dispatch in 2005 that he wanted his ashes scattered over the English Channel, where he loved to fly during the war.


Newhouse confirmed that Tibbets wanted to be cremated, but he said relatives had not yet determined how he would be laid to rest.


Tibbets is survived by his wife, Andrea, and three sons — Paul, Gene and James — as well as a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren. A grandson named after Tibbets followed his grandfather into the military as a B-2 bomber pilot currently stationed in Belgium.

蒂贝茨身后撇下遗孀安德丽和三个儿子 – 帕尔、基尼和詹姆斯 – 以及一堆孙辈和重孙辈。其中一个取名蒂帕茨的孙子追随祖父参军,成为一名B-2 型轰炸机飞行员,目前驻扎在比利时。
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