(2007-11-29 14:46:36)
Briton Guilty of Insulting Islam
阿尔弗雷德-德-蒙特斯奎欧 文
宋德利 译
KHARTOUM, Sudan — A British teacher in Sudan was convicted Thursday of the less-serious charge of insulting Islam for letting her pupils name a teddy bear "Muhammad," and was sentenced to 15 days in prison and deportation to Britain, one of her lawyers said.
苏丹喀土穆 - 一名英国教师周四在苏丹因被轻度指控污辱伊斯兰教而被定罪,罪名是她让其学生将一只玩具熊命名为“穆罕默德”,她也因此被判处1 5天监禁并遭驱逐出境返回英国,她的一名律师说。
Gillian Gibbons could have received 40 lashes and six months in prison in the case if found guilty of the more serious charge of inciting religious hatred and given the maximum penalty.
In London, the Foreign Office said it was "extremely disappointed with the sentence," adding that Foreign Secretary David Miliband summoned the Sudanese ambassador to explain the verdict.
在伦敦,英国外交部表示“对此判决极度失望” ,并称外交秘书大卫-米利班德已召见苏丹大使对此判决做出解释。
Gibbons, 54, was arrested Sunday after complaints to the Education Ministry that she had insulted Prophet Muhammad, the most revered figure in Islam, by applying his name to a teddy bear.
She was found guilty of "insulting the faith of Muslims in Sudan" under Article 125 of the Sudanese criminal code, a less-serious charge than the original count of inciting religious hatred, said Ali Mohammed Ajab, a member of her defense team.
The charge later was confirmed by a judge who was leaving the closed court session.
"I feel this is very serious and very unfair," Ajab told The Associated Press outside court. Ajab, who also works for the Khartoum Center for Human Rights, said the issue was raised by "hard-liners who are always trying to make some noise," in an apparent reference to religious conservatives.
“我觉得这是非常严重和非常不公平的, ”阿贾比在法庭外告诉美联社记者。也为喀土穆人权中心工作的阿贾比说,这个问题是被那些“总要千方百计制造噪音的强硬派所挑起的”,他显然是指那些宗教保守派。
Ajab said his center would appeal the verdict.
Gibbons' employer, Robert Boulos of the Unity High School, called it "a very fair verdict."
"She could have had six months and lashes and a fine, and she only got 15 days and deportation," Boulos said. He noted that she would only spend 10 days in prison, having already served five.
“她本来可能受到6个月监禁、鞭刑及罚款的,但她只被监禁15天,并被驱逐出境,”保罗斯说。 他还特别提到,其实她在狱中被关押的时间也将只有10天,而现在她也已经被关了5天。
Gibbons is expected to serve her sentence in the Omdurman women's prison near Khartoum.
Religious conservatives in Sudan were outraged by the naming of the teddy bear, and defense lawyers reported receiving death threats.
"I am threatened, that's why I'm carrying a gun in court," defense lawyer Abdel Khalig Abdallah said, opening his coat to reveal a revolver during a break in the trial. "