

《宋氏快译》英汉对照(36): 可悲的乐透奖得主

(2007-11-29 08:29:17) 下一个

《宋氏快译》英汉对照(36): 可悲的乐透奖得主

Lottery winner wasn't supposed to gamble
By MARK PRATT, Associated Press Writer
Wed Nov 28, 6:49 PM ET


美联社作家 马克。布拉特 文

宋德利 译

BOSTON — The winner of a $1 million lottery scratch ticket may not be so lucky after all: He's a convicted bank robber who isn't supposed to gamble. Timothy Elliott faces a Dec. 7 court hearing over whether he violated his probation when he bought the $10 ticket for the $800 Million Spectacular game at a supermarket in Hyannis.

百万美元的刮刮乐彩票得主毕竟没有那么幸运:他是一名恐怕不该参与博彩活动的定罪银行劫匪。蒂莫西。埃利奥特目前正面临12月7日的出庭应讯,审理他在海尼斯超市花10美元购买8亿美元的精彩赛事(Spectacular game)彩票时,是否违反其缓刑处罚规定。

Elliott was placed on five years' probation after pleading guilty in October 2006 to unarmed robbery for a January 2006 heist at a bank on Cape Cod. Under terms of his probation, he "may not gamble, purchase lottery tickets or visit an establishment where gaming is conducted, including restaurants where Keno may be played."

埃利奥特曾于2006年1月在Cape Cod一家银行实施徒手抢劫,2006年10月他已对此认罪,并随即被处以5年缓期徒刑。在执行缓期徒刑期间,他“不许赌博、购买乐透彩票或造访任何一家经营赌博的企业,包括可能有Keno游戏的餐馆”。

Elliott, 55, has collected the first of 20 annual $50,000 checks from the Massachusetts lottery commission. A picture of Elliott, holding his first check, was posted on the lottery's Web site Monday, though it was removed by Wednesday.

埃利奥特, 现年55岁,已经从马萨诸塞乐头委员会那里领取20张年度额为50,000美元的支票。埃利奥特手持第一张支票的照片周一曾被贴到乐头网站上,不过周三已被删除。

As part of his sentence, Elliott was put under the care of the state Mental Health Department and sent to a hospital for treatment, and state officials refused Wednesday to say whether he was still being treated.


A telephone number for Elliott could not immediately be located Wednesday, and it was not clear whether he had a lawyer.


The lottery routinely cross references the names of winners with the state Revenue Department to see if they owe back taxes or child support, lottery spokesman Dan Rosenfeld said. In those cases, winnings go straight to the Revenue Department.


But in this case, it will be up to the court to determine what will happen with Elliott's winnings.


"This is kind of new territory," he said.


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