


(2007-11-18 20:47:11) 下一个

Coin collection sells for $30 million
By REBECCA SANTANA, Associated Press Writer Sat Nov 17, 4:10 PM ET


瑞贝卡。桑坦纳 文 宋德利 译

TRENTON, N.J. - An anonymous buyer has paid more than $30 million for a collection of rare U.S. prototype coins, some from the 1700s, that never went into circulation, according to the dealer that brokered the deal.


The collection consists of about 1,000 coins that collectors refer to as pattern coins — trial designs that never went into production because the U.S. Mint chose other designs.

这套珍品包括约1000枚硬币,被收藏者称为样板硬币 – 即从未付诸生产的试验性设计样品,因为美国造币厂后来选择了其它设计方案。

"This collection is an incredible collection. ... These were some of the first coins ever, ever struck by the United States government," said Laura Sperber, a partner in Legend Numismatics of Lincroft, N.J., which brokered the deal.

“这是一套令人难以置信的藏品。 … … 都是一些美国政府最早铸造的硬币,” 促成此笔交易的新泽西州林克劳福特传奇钱币学协会一位合伙人劳拉。斯珀伯如是说。

The seller wanted to remain anonymous, and the buyer, concerned about security, agreed to be identified only as "Mr. Simpson, a Western states collector," Sperber said.

卖方想保持匿名,而买方则出于安全考虑,同意将自己仅仅称为“辛普森先生,一位西部州的收藏家”, 斯珀伯说。

"Both the buyer and the seller are very competitive people. And they're very successful in their careers, and they both love the romance and collectability of coins," Sperber said. "


love the romance and collectability of coins,不能译成喜欢浪漫和收藏硬币,也不能译成喜欢浪漫和硬币的收藏。这里有两点需要说明,其一,collectability在一般的词典里查不到,其实它来自形容词collectable,可收藏的,引申意义就是具有收藏价值。其二,the romance 与 collectability 同属于coins,the romance并非游离于coins之外,因此不能单独翻译。原文的意思是说硬币蕴含两种东西,其一是浪漫,其二是收藏价值。

The coins span the period from 1792 to 1942. Highlights include test designs for the first pennies made in 1792 and six coins from 1872 that are often referred to as "Amazonian" patterns because the female figure portraying liberty is much stronger and regal looking than earlier versions.


It took the seller about 10 years to assemble the collection, Sperber said.


Gathering such a large collection of pattern coins is difficult because so few were created in the first place. And they were usually supposed to stay in the possession of the Mint — after all, these were the rejects.

蒐集这一大套模式型硬币绝非易事,首因就是铸造极少。再者它们通常都为造币厂所有 - 它们毕竟早已被弃置不用了。

"To accumulate as many patterns as there are in this collection, that's incredible," said Douglas A. Mudd, Curator of the American Numismatic Association Money Museum in Colorado Springs, Colo.

“像这套藏品那样,蒐集到如此之多的款式,实在令人难以置信,” 设在科罗拉多州科罗拉多斯普林斯的美国钱币协会钱币博物馆馆长道格拉斯。阿。马德说。

The coins could have made their way into private hands as gifts, or as trades with collectors for other coins that the Mint wanted to acquire, Sperber said.



Independent, third-party experts have verified the collection, Sperber said

独立的第三方专家已经对这套藏品加以鉴定, 珀伯斯说。

Many of the coins bear depictions of a woman representing liberty and not the profile of a former president, as displayed on coins currently circulating.


Until 1909, when Abraham Lincoln's face was placed on the penny, presidents weren't allowed on coins. At the time the first coins were minted in 1792, putting the nation's leader on a coin seemed too similar to the practice of kings being displayed on European coins. That wasn't considered the best example for a country less than a decade removed from the Revolutionary War.

美国总统林肯的面部图像在1909年之前一直被刻在分币上,此后总统们(的图像)便不得再上硬币。最初的硬币铸造于1792年,当时把国家领导人的图像刻在硬币上,似乎太类似于国王(以刻像的方式)被置于欧洲硬币上亮相。 这对于一个革命战争结束不足十年的国家来说,那种做法并未被认为是最佳样板。

"To put an individual on coinage was considered very unrepublican because the people have the power in a republic," Mudd said.

“将个人置于货币之上被认为是有悖于共和体制,因为在一个共和体制的国家里,权力在于人民 ,”穆德说。

Sperber would not say how much her company earned for brokering the deal but said she hopes the magnitude of the sale will get more people interested in collecting coins. Sperber


"They're historical. They're beautiful works of art," Sperber said. " "They're just plain neat."





第一枚流通的10美分硬币,通常称为“波浪头像”(Draped Bust)10美分硬币,硬币的正背面都没有价值标记。直到1809年发行的“带帽头像”(Capped Bust)10美分硬币背面上才开始印有“10 C.”的标记。这两类硬币的发行时间没有严格的区分。“波浪头像”10美分硬币在1799年到1806年之间,以及1809年到1820年之间没有发行。而“带帽头像”10美分硬币只发行于1809年、1811年、1814年和1820年。从1827年以后,几乎每年都铸造10美分硬币。

1837年,“坐姿自由女神”(Seated Liberty)10美分开始发行,同时硬币的直径和成分比例也发生了变化。“坐姿自由女神”10美分硬币一共铸造发行了54年,仅次于目前仍在流通的罗斯福10美分硬币。





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