

(2007-06-22 08:05:01) 下一个
阿胶块125g,用手巾包好砸碎(越碎越好泡化,不碎也没关系,多泡一两天也就是了), 黄酒1/3 杯,泡两天左右,阿胶就变得很软了。加一杯水,加冰糖(加至口味偏甜)上锅隔水蒸至融化。另取一些生核桃仁,用开水烫去苦味的表皮,桂圆干泡软,少量葡萄干,也一起加入。再蒸10分钟,取出晾凉,放冰箱里凝固成胶状。切片,沾上些炒黄的面粉,就可以了。大概可以吃两三个星期。<\\p>
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heysofie 回复 悄悄话 Thanks for the information. Don't worry. I remember to check back often for your reply. I am not familiar with auctions (for anything); so I will try the American Harvest plastic type first.
长袜子皮皮 回复 悄悄话 Sorry I am late to respond to you. I did not check my blog that often.
Yes I find american harvest is pretty good. The plastic is not as fragile as some TV informational brand ( maybe called Ranco, I can't recall very clearly). It is fine for domestic use, like thrice a week, 5-6 hours each time. If more than that, then you better go with some european brands, that are made of more sturdy material , like steel, but when I bought mine, they were way too expensive just for me. You can also check ebay or local auctions for used ones, you know, this is not a high tech product, so even used ones usually should be OK as long as the material looks not that flimsy.
Hope this is not too late, hope you enjoy your summer harvest!
heysofie 回复 悄悄话 我想问一下food dehydrator 的信息。你推荐的American Harvest, 我在amazon上只看到两种:American Harvest FD-1010 or FD-1020, 价格一百出头。可是看上去都是塑料的,上下吹风的。不知道这两种是否合适。或者你有其他的推荐?谢谢你。