

澳洲人自己也打起来了, 各位去帮忙发表评论

(2008-04-07 19:25:03) 下一个

It is interesting to read comments made by people who may have never been in China. I am an Aussie currently living in China and I can be certain to tell you human rights violations by China is no more than human rights violations in USA or in Australia. In the USA, there is the problem of the black American been treated unfairly, in Australia, there is the stolen generations. Each country has their problems to deal with, but at very least, Chinese doesn\'t interfering with other people\'s affairs like the great country they so called USA.................

Posted by: william of Aussie in Shanghai 11:59am today
Comment 9 of 11
Well you can go ahead and boycott whatever... you might as well boycott all Chinese product why dont you? Bullying, intimidating? Sounds like you are a hypocrite... much like a kettle calling a pot black right there... Why dont you take a real look at history without your tinted glasses before you declare your little boycott... I dont see the European or US very civilise society when they also colonised and conquered other nations in the past too, and what Australia has only 200 years of \'white\' history...? Shall we boycott all things England too then?

Posted by: H of Brisbane 11:53am today
Comment 8 of 11
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