一年一度的老古车展在Reno, the Biggset Little City in the World,落下帷幕。有上千辆车,几千人次参加了这次活动。来自美国各地,甚至远至夏威夷和阿拉斯加的老古车爱好者都聚积在这里,分享这份喜悦和热情。
This "blast from the past" allows baby boomers to relive the "happy days" and it provides an opportunity for those who didn't experience the 50's and '60s firsthand to enjoy the era.
During Hot August Nights, cars are "cherry" and cruisin' is "too cool." More than 800,000 people flock to the Event where cars are the stars and rock 'n roll rules through dozens of concerts -- throughout the Event.