About 18 miles south of GuiYang, there is one of the most famous historical towns, called QingYan. About 600 years old, the historical town still maintains its architecture style from Ming and Qing Dynasty. Tourists coming here can immediately smell, touch and taste the history.
作为贵州省历史文化古镇,青岩的文物点多达百处,其中23处已收入<<中国文物地图集·贵州分册>>。在那亘古不变的狮子山下,古镇胜迹随处可见。交错密布于镇内的明清古建筑,计有九寺、八庙、五阁、三洞、二祠、一宫、一院等共37处,其中8座石碑坊现存3 坊。这些古建筑都是设计精巧、工艺精湛的佳作,如慈云寺的石雕、寿佛寺的木雕艺术均为贵阳市仅见的精品。寺庙、楼阁无不画栋雕梁、飞角重檐相间, 虽年久失修,大部分仍风韵犹存.
Entering the historical town, one can easily see the historical buildings, gates and sculptures on both sides of the streets.
The shopping district of the historical town still maintain its architecture style.
Historical town with modern touch.
It's quite fun and interesting to window-shop the local arts. The thing I was holding is a local instrument. I tried but failed to make any noise out of it.
How bout getting this shirt for Chris? I can only imagine how goofy he would look like in this shirt.
There are many minorities residing in GuiZhou. Each of them has their unique dress design and hair styles.
One plus two equal to three Buddhas.
Hand-made tiger-shoes for babies, and mini-dust brush.
Playing on the street with my cousin.